

缶蹴り!? ― kick the can

アメリカでこのところ問題になっているのが、債務の上限(debt ceiling)引き上げ問題です。





The White House on Wednesday gave a chilly reception to an offer from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to raise the debt limit for two months to avoid a potential economic crisis.

Press secretary Jen Psaki briefed reporters at the same time some Democratic senators signaled they would accept McConnell's offer. But Psaki argued a more immediate, long-term solution to raise the debt ceiling would be preferable to what few details were available about the compromise.

"We could get this done today. We don't need to kick the can. We don't need to go through a cumbersome process that every day brings additional risks," Psaki said.
(Brett Samuels. White House cool to McConnell debt ceiling offer: 'We don't need to kick the can.' The Hill. October 6, 2021.)


We don't need to kick the can.


この"kick the can"というフレーズを知りませんでした。(ちなみに、"kick the bucket"とは違います。)


"If we're looking at the best options, why kick the can down the road a couple more weeks? Why create an additional layer of uncertainty? Why not just get it done now? That's what we're continuing to press for, and that's our first choice."

このフレーズは"kick the can down the road"とも表現されることが分かります。


ネット検索で見つけたMacmillan Dictionaryでは以下のように定義されているのですが、例文がまさに今日取り上げた記事にマッチしていますね。

to delay dealing with a serious problem in the hope that it will go away

You can’t solve a debt problem with more debt. That’s just kicking the can down the road.

このフレーズの由来についてもう少し調べてみました。Merriam-Webster Dictionaryによれば、「缶蹴り」遊びから来ているとの説明がありました。




Then around the mid-1980s a new phrase began to be heard in the U.S. Congress. To “kick the can down the road” became, in the rhetoric of some lawmakers, a colorful and mildly critical new way of referring to putting off work on an issue for a later date.


Another possible scenario: You see a can discarded in the street near your house and kick it over toward your neighbor’s, thus making it his or her responsibility to pick it up (boo).


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