

ポイントプログラム変更で損する人 ― the short end of the stick





Starbucks is revamping its loyalty program to make it easier for big spenders to gain rewards, as the new program will now be counting the dollars spent by customers as opposed to the number of times they have visited.

In the current My Starbucks Rewards program, customers earn stars for every transaction they make in Starbucks, regardless of the amount they spent. After accumulating 12 stars, customers are entitled to a free drink or food item of their choice.

Beginning April, Starbucks will be awarding stars to customers based on how much they spend in the store. In the renamed Starbucks Rewards program, every dollar that they spend will net the customer two stars, and a free drink or food item can be cashed in after collecting 125 stars. This would mean that, under the new program, customers will have to spend $62.50 to get their reward.

Customers who are low spenders, such as those who usually only purchase the $2 regular drip coffee, are getting the short end of the stick in the new program. They will now need to make more than 30 visits to Starbucks before they get their free drink or food item, as opposed to the current program that allows them to get their reward after only spending $24 over 12 visits.
(Aaron Mamiit. Starbucks Revamps Loyalty Program To Count Dollars Spent, Not Number Of Visits. Tech Times. February 23, 2016.)

具体的にどのように変わるのか、については引用した部分を読んでいただくと分かりますが、要はこれまで一番安いメニューである"regular drip coffee"(いわゆる“本日のコーヒー、ショートサイズ”でしょうか)を毎回注文し、来店回数でポイントを稼いでいた人は、同じポイントを稼ぐためにはこれまで以上の購入金額を払わねばならず(つまりこれまで以上に来店が必要)、比較するとこれまでより損になる仕組みのようです。


short end of the stick



the dirty end of the stick
the thick end of the stick



"the short end of the stick"とは、棒(でも何でもいいです)を折半しようと折った時に、(長い方が望ましいところを)短い方を押し付けられるということを意味しているのだと思われます。


日本語でも、「割を食う」などと言います。この場合の「割」とは配分や利益、即ち損得を計る量ですが、より少ない得を押付けられる、という意味だとすれば、"the short end of the stick"と通じるものがあるかもしれません。

一説によると、"the short end..."の"short"とは"shit"が転化したものだということです。何となく、「貧乏くじ」の意味に合うように思われます。

また、余談ですが、"the short end of the stick"が「貧乏くじ」ならば、その反対の意味で、

the long end of the stick


Who got the short end of the stick? Who got the long end of the stick? Trayvon Martin is dead, laying face down in the wet dirt as it rains on his body. Zimmerman walks away. Yes, his head is bleeding, but largely superficial wounds. Now, all of that will be thrown into the pot as the jury mulls a verdict.
(CNN, 2013)

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