

OEDの新語エントリ ― bogan

言わずと知れた英語辞書の総本山的な存在であるOxford English Dictionary (OED)が新語をエントリに追加しました。その単語とはオーストラリアやニュージーランドでよく使われているという、"bogan"という単語です。ご存知でしょうか?

THEY have been around for decades, wearing a mullet, black jeans and listening to heavy metal, and now the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) officially recognises bogans.

The word bogan has been included in the dictionary's list of new word entries for June, sandwiched between bling and bustler.

The OED, which calls itself the definitive record of the English language, defines a bogan as an Australian and New Zealand colloquial "depreciative term for unfashionable, uncouth, or unsophisticated person, esp. of low social status".

The origin of the word is unclear, but it may have originated in Australia.

The Australian National University says the term became widespread after it was used in the late 1980s by the fictitious schoolgirl Kylie Mole in the television series The Comedy Company.
(Oxford Dictionary recognises bogans. The Australian. June 19, 2012.)



となっており、なるほど"depreciative term"であります。


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