Princess Charlotte Looks Cute as a Button in New Royal Baby Pic Taken by Kate
To thank their fans, Will and Kate release a portrait of their new daughter.
And the photos released today of Princess Charlotte petting a toy dog follow in that long and venerable tradition. She's barely an inch of hair on her head, but not a hair of it is out of place.
(Tom Sykes. Princess Charlotte Looks Cute as a Button in New Royal Baby Pic Taken by Kate. The Daily Beast. November 29, 2015.)
cute as a button
"cute as a button"はとりわけ、女性や子供について可愛らしさを表現する際に使われる表現ですが、含意としては"smallness"(小さい)があるそうです。今回は生後半年くらいの赤ちゃんですから、まさにぴったりな表現です。
万人向けのダイエットは存在しない ― one-size-fits-all
Healthy diets may not be one-size-fits-all
(Reuters Health) - When two people follow the same weight-loss diet to the letter, but one fails to lose weight, the problem might be their bodies’ different responses to the same foods, a recent Israeli study suggests.
That’s because when two people eat the same meal, one may experience a spike in blood sugar levels when the other person doesn’t, the study found. Over time, elevated blood sugar can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes.
(Lisa Rapaport. Healthy diets may not be one-size-fits-all. Reuters. November 26, 2015.)
"one-size-fits-all"とは、服のサイズに関する表現で、日本語で言えば、フリーサイズ、ということになります。どんな体型の人にも合う、という意味です。Oxford Dictionary(オンライン版)によりますと、1970年代から使われ始めたようです。
one-size-fits-all approach
one-size-fits-all solution
But rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, Coca-Cola has tailored advertising, promotions and other marketing efforts for specific areas.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution. 1998.)
Healthy diets may not be one-size-fits-all
(Reuters Health) - When two people follow the same weight-loss diet to the letter, but one fails to lose weight, the problem might be their bodies’ different responses to the same foods, a recent Israeli study suggests.
That’s because when two people eat the same meal, one may experience a spike in blood sugar levels when the other person doesn’t, the study found. Over time, elevated blood sugar can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes.
(Lisa Rapaport. Healthy diets may not be one-size-fits-all. Reuters. November 26, 2015.)
"one-size-fits-all"とは、服のサイズに関する表現で、日本語で言えば、フリーサイズ、ということになります。どんな体型の人にも合う、という意味です。Oxford Dictionary(オンライン版)によりますと、1970年代から使われ始めたようです。
one-size-fits-all approach
one-size-fits-all solution
But rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, Coca-Cola has tailored advertising, promotions and other marketing efforts for specific areas.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution. 1998.)
FBアカウントの実名騒動、結局は偽名と判明 ― hoodwink
The Australian man who claimed his name was 'Phuc Dat Bich' has admitted it was a hoax.
After outing himself in a rant on his Facebook page under his now infamous nom de plume, the man has spoken with Fairfax Media, saying now that he has been exposed he wants everyone to laugh with him.
The 23-year-old triggered an outpouring of support after he claimed Facebook had repeatedly shut down his page because the social media site believed his name was fake.
The jokester, who claimed in his latest Facebook post that his name was 'Joe Carr', posted a long missive to his Facebook page on Wednesday congratulating himself of hood-winking the world media with the absurd name that he says started out as a joke between friends.
('Phuc Dat Bich' faked it: the man with awkward name turns out to be a hoax. The Syndey Morning Herald. November 25, 2015.)
The Australian man who claimed his name was 'Phuc Dat Bich' has admitted it was a hoax.
After outing himself in a rant on his Facebook page under his now infamous nom de plume, the man has spoken with Fairfax Media, saying now that he has been exposed he wants everyone to laugh with him.
The 23-year-old triggered an outpouring of support after he claimed Facebook had repeatedly shut down his page because the social media site believed his name was fake.
The jokester, who claimed in his latest Facebook post that his name was 'Joe Carr', posted a long missive to his Facebook page on Wednesday congratulating himself of hood-winking the world media with the absurd name that he says started out as a joke between friends.
('Phuc Dat Bich' faked it: the man with awkward name turns out to be a hoax. The Syndey Morning Herald. November 25, 2015.)
下記の引用では、"winter vestibule"とあります。
On this, the coldest week of the modern era in New York City, when even the trains want to stay inside and cuddle up under a warm blanket, let us honor the season’s true unsung heroes: winter vestibules.
You know the ones we mean: those little antechambers that pop up outside restaurants and bars each winter, serving as an air lock between the harsh, empty vacuum of the Outdoors and the welcoming, warm hospitality of the Inside. They’re the decompression chamber you enter where you can finally relish the fact that your long, cold slog is over.
(Tim Donnelly. In appreciation of the true heroes of the season: winter vestibules. New York Post. November 20, 2015.)
Enter a restaurant that doesn’t have one, and you’ll loathe every new customer who comes in, bringing with them a brutal reminder of the coldness that awaits outdoors.
下記の引用では、"winter vestibule"とあります。
On this, the coldest week of the modern era in New York City, when even the trains want to stay inside and cuddle up under a warm blanket, let us honor the season’s true unsung heroes: winter vestibules.
You know the ones we mean: those little antechambers that pop up outside restaurants and bars each winter, serving as an air lock between the harsh, empty vacuum of the Outdoors and the welcoming, warm hospitality of the Inside. They’re the decompression chamber you enter where you can finally relish the fact that your long, cold slog is over.
(Tim Donnelly. In appreciation of the true heroes of the season: winter vestibules. New York Post. November 20, 2015.)
Enter a restaurant that doesn’t have one, and you’ll loathe every new customer who comes in, bringing with them a brutal reminder of the coldness that awaits outdoors.
米ファイザー社がアラガン社と合併 ― inversion
A $160 billion megamerger announced Monday would turn U.S. pharmaceutical behemoth Pfizer Inc. into an Irish drug company, using a controversial tactic that allows companies to dodge billions of dollars in corporate taxes by renouncing their U.S. citizenship.
Pfizer’s deal with Botox-maker Allergan, which would create the world’s largest drugmaker, immediately sparked criticism from Democrats and Republicans in Congress who agree that such deals are problematic but have so far not taken legislative action against them. They slammed the tax loophole called an “inversion,” in which a U.S.-based company buys or merges with a foreign company and moves its headquarters to the country with a lower tax rate.
(Pfizer’s tax-avoiding megamerger with Allergan sparks outcry. The Washington Post. November 23, 2015.)
“By nominally moving overseas while continuing to take all the benefits of a U.S. company, Pfizer is gaming the system and will avoid paying its fair share of U.S. tax dollars,” Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said in a statement. “It’s time for Congress to get serious, close the loopholes, and prevent these kind of inversions from happening in the future.”
corporate inversion
と呼ばれるものです。"corporate inversion"(別名、tax inversion)は下記のように定義されています。
The act of a parent company based in the United States switching its registration address with that of one of its offshore subsidies in order to take advantage of lower corporation taxes. Corporate inversion has gradually become more popular, though the U.S. government is attempting to limit its use.
(Farlex Financial Dictionaryオンライン版より引用)
A $160 billion megamerger announced Monday would turn U.S. pharmaceutical behemoth Pfizer Inc. into an Irish drug company, using a controversial tactic that allows companies to dodge billions of dollars in corporate taxes by renouncing their U.S. citizenship.
Pfizer’s deal with Botox-maker Allergan, which would create the world’s largest drugmaker, immediately sparked criticism from Democrats and Republicans in Congress who agree that such deals are problematic but have so far not taken legislative action against them. They slammed the tax loophole called an “inversion,” in which a U.S.-based company buys or merges with a foreign company and moves its headquarters to the country with a lower tax rate.
(Pfizer’s tax-avoiding megamerger with Allergan sparks outcry. The Washington Post. November 23, 2015.)
“By nominally moving overseas while continuing to take all the benefits of a U.S. company, Pfizer is gaming the system and will avoid paying its fair share of U.S. tax dollars,” Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said in a statement. “It’s time for Congress to get serious, close the loopholes, and prevent these kind of inversions from happening in the future.”
corporate inversion
と呼ばれるものです。"corporate inversion"(別名、tax inversion)は下記のように定義されています。
The act of a parent company based in the United States switching its registration address with that of one of its offshore subsidies in order to take advantage of lower corporation taxes. Corporate inversion has gradually become more popular, though the U.S. government is attempting to limit its use.
(Farlex Financial Dictionaryオンライン版より引用)
ネコの写真に埋め尽くされるタイムライン ― radio silence
What do you do when police request no-one tweets pictures of an operation happening outside your door amid a city-wide lockdown?
For Twitter users in Brussels, the answer was obvious — you obey the police request, help defuse tensions, and defy the terror threat by filling the #BrusselsLockdown hashtag with arguably the internet's most meme-able animal — cats.
Belgian police said there were "various operations underway" in the country linked to a "terrorist threat", and on Saturday Brussels was put on maximum security alert.
While people initially tweeted pictures of police standing guard at hotels and roadblocks in the streets, police made the request asking for "radio silence" regarding the operation.
"For safety, please observe radio silence on social media #Bruxelles ongoing police operations. Thank you," federal police tweeted.
(Dan Smith. #BrusselsLockdown: Twitter users in Belgium combat terror lockdown with cat pictures. ABC News. November 23, 2015.)
「お願い」の内容とは、"radio silence"です。
"radio silence"とは一体どういう意味でしょうか?(初めて見ました。)
Oxford Dictionary(オンライン版)には下記のように定義されています。
An absence of or abstention from radio transmission
A period during which one hears nothing from a normally communicative person or group
What do you do when police request no-one tweets pictures of an operation happening outside your door amid a city-wide lockdown?
For Twitter users in Brussels, the answer was obvious — you obey the police request, help defuse tensions, and defy the terror threat by filling the #BrusselsLockdown hashtag with arguably the internet's most meme-able animal — cats.
Belgian police said there were "various operations underway" in the country linked to a "terrorist threat", and on Saturday Brussels was put on maximum security alert.
While people initially tweeted pictures of police standing guard at hotels and roadblocks in the streets, police made the request asking for "radio silence" regarding the operation.
"For safety, please observe radio silence on social media #Bruxelles ongoing police operations. Thank you," federal police tweeted.
(Dan Smith. #BrusselsLockdown: Twitter users in Belgium combat terror lockdown with cat pictures. ABC News. November 23, 2015.)
「お願い」の内容とは、"radio silence"です。
"radio silence"とは一体どういう意味でしょうか?(初めて見ました。)
Oxford Dictionary(オンライン版)には下記のように定義されています。
An absence of or abstention from radio transmission
A period during which one hears nothing from a normally communicative person or group
dip one's toe into
National seafood chain Joe’s Crab Shack has dipped its toes into fresh waters with a test program to remove tipping from 18 of its more than 130 restaurants, the US company said on Wednesday.
No timeline is in place to implement the plan nationally but the test comes as a nascent movement has been launched to remove a more than century-old tradition of tipping in US restaurants.
At the test locations, Joe’s has paid some workers a minimum of $12 an hour, but did not specify how much workers made previously. The Houston-based company raised menu prices less than 20 percent to compensate for the higher labor costs. Initial surveys have shown improvement in service at places with the no-tipping policy, it said.
(National restaurant chain is putting an end to tipping. New York Post. November 11, 2015.)
dipped its toes into fresh waters
と表現しています。初めて見る表現でしたが、"dip one's toe into"というフレーズは、
という意味です。また、Oxford Learner's Dictionary(オンライン版)によりますと、
(informal) to start doing something very carefully to see if it will be successful or not
ところで、"fresh waters"というのは、"dip one's toe into"に続くフレーズとして一体のものなのだろうかという疑問が湧いてきました。
どうも辞書によっては1つのフレーズとして扱っているものもあれば、そうでない(dip one's toe into"のみとしている)ものと、分かれるようです。
"dip one's toe into water"は文字通りに訳せば、足のつま先を水につけてみることを指していますが、それは水温(あるいは湯温)を見るためにそうするということなので、注意深く試みる、という意味につながってきます。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは、
a toe in the water
If you dip your toe in the water, you start slowly and carefully doing something that you have not done before, because you are not sure if you will like it or if it will be successful.
National seafood chain Joe’s Crab Shack has dipped its toes into fresh waters with a test program to remove tipping from 18 of its more than 130 restaurants, the US company said on Wednesday.
No timeline is in place to implement the plan nationally but the test comes as a nascent movement has been launched to remove a more than century-old tradition of tipping in US restaurants.
At the test locations, Joe’s has paid some workers a minimum of $12 an hour, but did not specify how much workers made previously. The Houston-based company raised menu prices less than 20 percent to compensate for the higher labor costs. Initial surveys have shown improvement in service at places with the no-tipping policy, it said.
(National restaurant chain is putting an end to tipping. New York Post. November 11, 2015.)
dipped its toes into fresh waters
と表現しています。初めて見る表現でしたが、"dip one's toe into"というフレーズは、
という意味です。また、Oxford Learner's Dictionary(オンライン版)によりますと、
(informal) to start doing something very carefully to see if it will be successful or not
ところで、"fresh waters"というのは、"dip one's toe into"に続くフレーズとして一体のものなのだろうかという疑問が湧いてきました。
どうも辞書によっては1つのフレーズとして扱っているものもあれば、そうでない(dip one's toe into"のみとしている)ものと、分かれるようです。
"dip one's toe into water"は文字通りに訳せば、足のつま先を水につけてみることを指していますが、それは水温(あるいは湯温)を見るためにそうするということなので、注意深く試みる、という意味につながってきます。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは、
a toe in the water
If you dip your toe in the water, you start slowly and carefully doing something that you have not done before, because you are not sure if you will like it or if it will be successful.
break a leg
昨日、11月18日はLove Theatre Day(日本語でいうと「演劇の日」、とでもなりましょうか)だったそうです。イギリスで昨年くらいから始まった記念日のようですが、世界各地で、またオンライン(SNS等)で話題になっているようです。
break a leg
"break a leg"をそのまま訳すならば、「足を折れ」というぶっそうな、また不吉な意味になってしまいます。それが、相手へのはなむけの言葉のように用いられるのはいったいどういう経緯があったのでしょうか?
つまり、足を折るというような不吉なこと(bad luck)を唱えれば、その逆(good luck)になる、ということで、このフレーズが舞台を控えた俳優へ書けるフレーズとして定着したということらしいです。
break a leg
"break a leg"をそのまま訳すならば、「足を折れ」というぶっそうな、また不吉な意味になってしまいます。それが、相手へのはなむけの言葉のように用いられるのはいったいどういう経緯があったのでしょうか?
つまり、足を折るというような不吉なこと(bad luck)を唱えれば、その逆(good luck)になる、ということで、このフレーズが舞台を控えた俳優へ書けるフレーズとして定着したということらしいです。
遅延証明 ― excuse slip
More than a half a million straphangers have asked the MTA to tell their bosses that the transit system ate their commutes.
So far this year, nearly 109,000 riders have requested excuse slips to prove they were clocking in late because they got caught up in a public transit foul-up.
Since the MTA launched the program in May of 2010, more than half a million riders have asked the agency for a subway delay verification confirming that they didn't just oversleep, but that they were stuck underground in a circle of rush hour hell.
(Danielle Furfaro. Late commuters asked MTA for excuse slips more than half a million times. New York Post. November 17, 2015.)
excuse slip
subway delay verificationという表現も出てきますが、そちらは正式名称でしょうか。
"excuse slip"をそのまま日本語にすると、言い訳(のための)伝票、とでもなるでしょうか。会社に遅刻した“言い訳”のみならず、欠勤、早退、私用外出、等々、会社には色々な届けがあるものですが、全て"excuse slip"で総括されるようです。
More than a half a million straphangers have asked the MTA to tell their bosses that the transit system ate their commutes.
So far this year, nearly 109,000 riders have requested excuse slips to prove they were clocking in late because they got caught up in a public transit foul-up.
Since the MTA launched the program in May of 2010, more than half a million riders have asked the agency for a subway delay verification confirming that they didn't just oversleep, but that they were stuck underground in a circle of rush hour hell.
(Danielle Furfaro. Late commuters asked MTA for excuse slips more than half a million times. New York Post. November 17, 2015.)
excuse slip
subway delay verificationという表現も出てきますが、そちらは正式名称でしょうか。
"excuse slip"をそのまま日本語にすると、言い訳(のための)伝票、とでもなるでしょうか。会社に遅刻した“言い訳”のみならず、欠勤、早退、私用外出、等々、会社には色々な届けがあるものですが、全て"excuse slip"で総括されるようです。
便乗商法 ― tragedy bandwagon
You've temporarily changed your Facebook profile picture to the French tricolor in a sign of solidarity with the citizens of France -- why not paint your nails blue, white and red, too?
Brooklyn-based company Duri Cosmetics has jumped on the tragedy bandwagon by promoting a range of Paris-themed products so "beauty mavens can unite and wave hands (and toes) in unity."
In perhaps the most clueless p.r. stunt of the day, it distributed a gushing press release urging customers to buy three of its nail colors -- "Baton Rouge Blue," "I Do" (solid white) and "Parisian Tango" (red) -- at $6 a pop, describing the gesture as an "effortless way to pay respects and show support."
Trouble is, not a penny of the proceeds will help surviving victims of Friday's massacre, which claimed the lives of 129 people in the French capital.
(Jane Ridley. Nail Polish company exploits Paris tragedy for financial gain. New York Post. November 16, 2015.)
"jumped on the tragedy bandwagon"という表現に、今回の悲劇に乗じた便乗商法との批判が込められていると感じられます。
You've temporarily changed your Facebook profile picture to the French tricolor in a sign of solidarity with the citizens of France -- why not paint your nails blue, white and red, too?
Brooklyn-based company Duri Cosmetics has jumped on the tragedy bandwagon by promoting a range of Paris-themed products so "beauty mavens can unite and wave hands (and toes) in unity."
In perhaps the most clueless p.r. stunt of the day, it distributed a gushing press release urging customers to buy three of its nail colors -- "Baton Rouge Blue," "I Do" (solid white) and "Parisian Tango" (red) -- at $6 a pop, describing the gesture as an "effortless way to pay respects and show support."
Trouble is, not a penny of the proceeds will help surviving victims of Friday's massacre, which claimed the lives of 129 people in the French capital.
(Jane Ridley. Nail Polish company exploits Paris tragedy for financial gain. New York Post. November 16, 2015.)
"jumped on the tragedy bandwagon"という表現に、今回の悲劇に乗じた便乗商法との批判が込められていると感じられます。
行列の話題 ― line-sitter
New Yorkers are constantly waiting — for trains, buses, movies or to get through the Midtown Tunnel. They hate waiting so much they are willing to pay line-sitters to buy them cronuts and Shakespeare in the Park tickets.
But in his new book, “Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster? The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line,” author David Andrews says “standing in line is a state of mind.”
(Amber Jamleson. How to improve your time waiting in line. New York Post. November 15, 2015.)
Impatience has a price. Robert Samuel pegs it at $25 for the first hour and $10 for each additional half hour.
Samuel is founder and owner of S.O.L.D. or Same Ole Line Dudes, a professional line-sitting company that fields requests to wait (and wait and wait) for everything from sneaker launches to concert tickets.
(Katie Little. Hate long lines? Meet a professional line sitter. CNBC. June 17, 2014.)
New Yorkers are constantly waiting — for trains, buses, movies or to get through the Midtown Tunnel. They hate waiting so much they are willing to pay line-sitters to buy them cronuts and Shakespeare in the Park tickets.
But in his new book, “Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster? The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line,” author David Andrews says “standing in line is a state of mind.”
(Amber Jamleson. How to improve your time waiting in line. New York Post. November 15, 2015.)
Impatience has a price. Robert Samuel pegs it at $25 for the first hour and $10 for each additional half hour.
Samuel is founder and owner of S.O.L.D. or Same Ole Line Dudes, a professional line-sitting company that fields requests to wait (and wait and wait) for everything from sneaker launches to concert tickets.
(Katie Little. Hate long lines? Meet a professional line sitter. CNBC. June 17, 2014.)
"Keep Portland Weird!"というスローガンは何を言わんとしているのでしょうか?
PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland has been a magnet for young, creative adults for over a decade, beckoning droves with its quirkiness, liberal appeal and quality of life. But the city’s popularity has had another effect: Those who helped make it cool can’t afford to live here anymore.
A wave of evictions and skyrocketing rents are putting apartments out of reach of many, especially those working part-time, low wage or artistic jobs. It’s even harder to afford a house.
Some Portlanders are now looking for better-paying work. Some are giving up and leaving.
(Portland hipsters mad they'll have to work full-time jobs to pay the rent. New York Post. November 11, 2015.)
Portlanders has been fighting gentrification and ever-rising home prices with its 'Keep Portland Weird' campaign.
the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents
行政側の思惑なのかどうかはよく読み取れませんでしたが、"Portlanders has been fighting gentrification..."という引用からは、昔からPortlandに在住している人にとっては迷惑な話なのでしょう。
PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland has been a magnet for young, creative adults for over a decade, beckoning droves with its quirkiness, liberal appeal and quality of life. But the city’s popularity has had another effect: Those who helped make it cool can’t afford to live here anymore.
A wave of evictions and skyrocketing rents are putting apartments out of reach of many, especially those working part-time, low wage or artistic jobs. It’s even harder to afford a house.
Some Portlanders are now looking for better-paying work. Some are giving up and leaving.
(Portland hipsters mad they'll have to work full-time jobs to pay the rent. New York Post. November 11, 2015.)
Portlanders has been fighting gentrification and ever-rising home prices with its 'Keep Portland Weird' campaign.
the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents
行政側の思惑なのかどうかはよく読み取れませんでしたが、"Portlanders has been fighting gentrification..."という引用からは、昔からPortlandに在住している人にとっては迷惑な話なのでしょう。
gather dust
Warm weather means cold sales as retailers struggle to get shoppers in the holiday mood.
Winter coats, hats, sweaters and just about anything that keeps consumers warm in the winter have been gathering dust in stores as the unseasonably warm fall has wreaked havoc on retailers.
Shares of Macy’s, Kohl’s, JC Penney and Nordstrom tumbled between 2 percent and 5 percent on Monday as Wall Street braced for gloomy third-quarter results from those retailers beginning this week.
(Lisa Fickenscher. Warm weather keeps shoppers from getting in holiday mood. New York Post. November 10, 2015.)
"gather dust"というのは、文字通り、埃をかぶる、という意味になりますが、使われないでいる、また売れない(在庫になってしまう)、という意味にもなります。
Wal-Mart Stores pioneered the use of technology and cost-cutting methods that many other retailers are now hustling to adopt. Under Walton, Wal-Mart linked stores with suppliers, using computers to track what is selling and what is gathering dust. That way, Wal-Mart achieved superior inventory control and avoided profit-gouging piles of sale merchandise.
(USA Today. 1992.)
Warm weather means cold sales as retailers struggle to get shoppers in the holiday mood.
Winter coats, hats, sweaters and just about anything that keeps consumers warm in the winter have been gathering dust in stores as the unseasonably warm fall has wreaked havoc on retailers.
Shares of Macy’s, Kohl’s, JC Penney and Nordstrom tumbled between 2 percent and 5 percent on Monday as Wall Street braced for gloomy third-quarter results from those retailers beginning this week.
(Lisa Fickenscher. Warm weather keeps shoppers from getting in holiday mood. New York Post. November 10, 2015.)
"gather dust"というのは、文字通り、埃をかぶる、という意味になりますが、使われないでいる、また売れない(在庫になってしまう)、という意味にもなります。
Wal-Mart Stores pioneered the use of technology and cost-cutting methods that many other retailers are now hustling to adopt. Under Walton, Wal-Mart linked stores with suppliers, using computers to track what is selling and what is gathering dust. That way, Wal-Mart achieved superior inventory control and avoided profit-gouging piles of sale merchandise.
(USA Today. 1992.)
silver spoon
"silver spoon"という表現(成句)をご存知でしょうか?
"silver spoon"とは裕福であること、それも(自分で努力したのではなく)生まれ持って与えられた富にあずかることのできる環境、という含意があります。その意味では、やや批判的なコンテクストで使われる成句です。
“born with a silver spoon in one's mouth”
They're spoiled. They're demanding. And they're ruining travel for everyone else.
Don't take my word for it. That's what employees say about these guests, which they derisively call "silver spoon" travelers.
(Christopher Elliot. Putting entitled travelers in their place. USA Today. November 8, 2015.)
記事の冒頭部分だけなので何のことやら分からないかもしれませんが、飛行機のファーストクラスの乗客を皮肉って、"silver spoon travelers"と呼んでいます。
ここで、"silver spoon (travelers)"は単に裕福というよりも、上述したように与えられた富にあずかることで甘やかされてしまっている、あるいは増長している、という意味に近いと思われます。
"silver spoon"とは裕福であること、それも(自分で努力したのではなく)生まれ持って与えられた富にあずかることのできる環境、という含意があります。その意味では、やや批判的なコンテクストで使われる成句です。
“born with a silver spoon in one's mouth”
They're spoiled. They're demanding. And they're ruining travel for everyone else.
Don't take my word for it. That's what employees say about these guests, which they derisively call "silver spoon" travelers.
(Christopher Elliot. Putting entitled travelers in their place. USA Today. November 8, 2015.)
記事の冒頭部分だけなので何のことやら分からないかもしれませんが、飛行機のファーストクラスの乗客を皮肉って、"silver spoon travelers"と呼んでいます。
ここで、"silver spoon (travelers)"は単に裕福というよりも、上述したように与えられた富にあずかることで甘やかされてしまっている、あるいは増長している、という意味に近いと思われます。
というそうですが、Merriam Websterのエントリに追加されることが決まっているそうです。
It's official: It's socially acceptable to wear your sweats out in public. What makes this possible, you ask? The word "athleisure" will be added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 2016, Quartz reports.
The term refers to "casual clothing designed to be worn both for exercising and for general use." Most recently, athleisure has appeared on models like Gigi Hadid, not to mention the entire Kardashian-Jenner crew. The active/street-wear hybrid has become a focus of many higher-end labels like Mara Hoffman, Rebecca Minkoff, Tory Burch and Derek Lam.
(Kate Bratskeir. 'Athleisure' Will Be Added To The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Huffington Post. November 9, 2015.)
And yet it's not a completely new concept -- athleisure has some roots in the past. Merriam-Webster told Quartz that the word first appeared in a 1976 ad that ran in the El Paso Herald Post: “Athleisure Shoes by Dunham. One of America’s largest boot & shoe manufacturers,” it reads. “Nylon with suede trim, traction sole.”
というそうですが、Merriam Websterのエントリに追加されることが決まっているそうです。
It's official: It's socially acceptable to wear your sweats out in public. What makes this possible, you ask? The word "athleisure" will be added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 2016, Quartz reports.
The term refers to "casual clothing designed to be worn both for exercising and for general use." Most recently, athleisure has appeared on models like Gigi Hadid, not to mention the entire Kardashian-Jenner crew. The active/street-wear hybrid has become a focus of many higher-end labels like Mara Hoffman, Rebecca Minkoff, Tory Burch and Derek Lam.
(Kate Bratskeir. 'Athleisure' Will Be Added To The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Huffington Post. November 9, 2015.)
And yet it's not a completely new concept -- athleisure has some roots in the past. Merriam-Webster told Quartz that the word first appeared in a 1976 ad that ran in the El Paso Herald Post: “Athleisure Shoes by Dunham. One of America’s largest boot & shoe manufacturers,” it reads. “Nylon with suede trim, traction sole.”
高みから・・・ ― perch
Volkswagen's renewed focus on hybrid and electric vehicles may be its last great hope of containing the fallout from a rapidly spreading diesel emissions scandal that has engulfed its Porsche and Audi brands -- and, most recently, even some of its gasoline-powered cars.
After setting aside more than $7 billion to pay for recalls and repairs, the German automaker lost $1.84 billion in the third quarter -- its first loss in a t least 15 years. And it tumbled from its hard-won perch as the world's largest auto manufacturer, a title it had wrested from Toyota earlier this year.
(Susan Carpenter. VW doubles down on electric vehicles, hoping to move beyond the diesel scandal. OCRegister. November 8, 2015.)
hard-won perch
という意味で使われるようになりました。自動車メーカーとしての首位の座は苦労して得た地位(hard-won perch)だったはずです。
[Arthur] Blank is credited not only with helping to steer Home Depot to its high perch in merchandising, but also in being a philanthropic leader.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution. 2002.)
Volkswagen's renewed focus on hybrid and electric vehicles may be its last great hope of containing the fallout from a rapidly spreading diesel emissions scandal that has engulfed its Porsche and Audi brands -- and, most recently, even some of its gasoline-powered cars.
After setting aside more than $7 billion to pay for recalls and repairs, the German automaker lost $1.84 billion in the third quarter -- its first loss in a t least 15 years. And it tumbled from its hard-won perch as the world's largest auto manufacturer, a title it had wrested from Toyota earlier this year.
(Susan Carpenter. VW doubles down on electric vehicles, hoping to move beyond the diesel scandal. OCRegister. November 8, 2015.)
hard-won perch
という意味で使われるようになりました。自動車メーカーとしての首位の座は苦労して得た地位(hard-won perch)だったはずです。
[Arthur] Blank is credited not only with helping to steer Home Depot to its high perch in merchandising, but also in being a philanthropic leader.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution. 2002.)
dig out of rut
アメリカ小売業大手のWhole Foodsが苦戦しているようです。
What Whole Foods is doing to try to dig out of its rut
When Whole Foods Market frist began opening its groceries in cities and suburbs across the country, every store launch was something of a test case for whether orgaic eating was niche fad or part of a sweeping change in how many Americans want to eat.
For a while, Whole Foods consistently delivered impressive growth -- so impressive, in fact, that other massive retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kroger and Traget became eager to get in on what the industry now believes is a durable shift toward healthier less-processed food.
And that's when the going got tough for Whole Foods: The category it practically created was suddenly crowded with alternatives that often had lower price tags. On Wednesday, we saw some of the clearest evidence yet of how much Whole Foods has been hurt by this new reality. In its quarterly earnings report, the company said that sales were down 0.2 percent at stores open more than a year, the first time in at least four years it had seen a decline on this metric. Total revenue was up 6 percent, its smallest quarterly increase since at least 2011.
(Sarah Halzack. What Whole Foods is doing to try to dig out of its rut. The Washinton Post. November 5, 2015.)
アメリカに短期滞在した際、Whole Foodsを利用したことがありますが、健康志向を前面に打ち出した、こじゃれた感じの店舗だったという記憶があります。創業からしばらくは時流に乗って売り上げを伸ばしてきたのでしょうが、最近になって競合との差別化ができなくなり、売り上げに陰りがみられるということなのでしょう。
"dig out of its rut"というフレーズを初めて見たように思うのですが、"rut"とはわだち(轍)のことで、比喩的には“マンネリ”という意味です。
つまり、マンネリから脱却する、というのが"dig out of its rut"ということになりそうです。
手持ちの英和辞書にはこのフレーズは載っていませんでしたが、"dig out of rut"というのは結構お決まりのフレーズになっているようです。
ちなみに"dig out of rut"の逆、つまりマンネリにはまってしまう、というのは、
fall into rut
What Whole Foods is doing to try to dig out of its rut
When Whole Foods Market frist began opening its groceries in cities and suburbs across the country, every store launch was something of a test case for whether orgaic eating was niche fad or part of a sweeping change in how many Americans want to eat.
For a while, Whole Foods consistently delivered impressive growth -- so impressive, in fact, that other massive retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kroger and Traget became eager to get in on what the industry now believes is a durable shift toward healthier less-processed food.
And that's when the going got tough for Whole Foods: The category it practically created was suddenly crowded with alternatives that often had lower price tags. On Wednesday, we saw some of the clearest evidence yet of how much Whole Foods has been hurt by this new reality. In its quarterly earnings report, the company said that sales were down 0.2 percent at stores open more than a year, the first time in at least four years it had seen a decline on this metric. Total revenue was up 6 percent, its smallest quarterly increase since at least 2011.
(Sarah Halzack. What Whole Foods is doing to try to dig out of its rut. The Washinton Post. November 5, 2015.)
アメリカに短期滞在した際、Whole Foodsを利用したことがありますが、健康志向を前面に打ち出した、こじゃれた感じの店舗だったという記憶があります。創業からしばらくは時流に乗って売り上げを伸ばしてきたのでしょうが、最近になって競合との差別化ができなくなり、売り上げに陰りがみられるということなのでしょう。
"dig out of its rut"というフレーズを初めて見たように思うのですが、"rut"とはわだち(轍)のことで、比喩的には“マンネリ”という意味です。
つまり、マンネリから脱却する、というのが"dig out of its rut"ということになりそうです。
手持ちの英和辞書にはこのフレーズは載っていませんでしたが、"dig out of rut"というのは結構お決まりのフレーズになっているようです。
ちなみに"dig out of rut"の逆、つまりマンネリにはまってしまう、というのは、
fall into rut
もうクリスマスツリーが・・・ ― spruce
Rockefeller Center is about to be "spruced" up.
The country's most Christmas famous tree — a massive 78-foot, 10 ton Norway spruce — is en route to the Big Apple.
The tree, from the Gardiner, NY, home of Albert Asendorf and Nancy Puchalski, was chopped down and loaded onto a 115-foot-long trailer ahead of its hour-and-a-half journey to the city.
(Sophia Rosenbaum. Rockefeller Christmas tree begins journey to NYC. New York Post. November 4, 2015.)
ところで記事の冒頭、"spruce"は動詞としても使われています。"spruce up"というフレーズですがこれは、
Rockefeller Center is about to be "spruced" up.
The country's most Christmas famous tree — a massive 78-foot, 10 ton Norway spruce — is en route to the Big Apple.
The tree, from the Gardiner, NY, home of Albert Asendorf and Nancy Puchalski, was chopped down and loaded onto a 115-foot-long trailer ahead of its hour-and-a-half journey to the city.
(Sophia Rosenbaum. Rockefeller Christmas tree begins journey to NYC. New York Post. November 4, 2015.)
ところで記事の冒頭、"spruce"は動詞としても使われています。"spruce up"というフレーズですがこれは、
単語 Ss
Guinness is set to become vegan friendly for the first time in its 256-year history, as the company announced its plan to stop using fish bladders in its filters.
A spokesman for Guinness told The Times that the firm would now look at using a new filtration plant that would be vegan-friendly, having previously used isinglass - a by-product of the fishing industry used to help the yeast settle faster.
The new system is due to be installed sometime in 2016.
“Whilst isinglass is a very effective means of clarification, and has been used for many years, we expect to stop using it as the new filtration asset is introduced,” the spokesman told The Times.
(Will Grice. Guinness to become vegan-friendly as fish bladder isinglass filtration process ditched after 256 years. The Independent. November 2, 2015.)
それは、"isinglass"、別名"fish bladder"と呼ばれるものです。"fish bladder"というのは魚の浮き袋のことで、特にチョウザメの浮き袋というのはゼリーの材料として使われたり、飲料の透明度を増すのに使われるのだそうです。(清澄剤と呼ばれるそうです。)
Guinness is set to become vegan friendly for the first time in its 256-year history, as the company announced its plan to stop using fish bladders in its filters.
A spokesman for Guinness told The Times that the firm would now look at using a new filtration plant that would be vegan-friendly, having previously used isinglass - a by-product of the fishing industry used to help the yeast settle faster.
The new system is due to be installed sometime in 2016.
“Whilst isinglass is a very effective means of clarification, and has been used for many years, we expect to stop using it as the new filtration asset is introduced,” the spokesman told The Times.
(Will Grice. Guinness to become vegan-friendly as fish bladder isinglass filtration process ditched after 256 years. The Independent. November 2, 2015.)
それは、"isinglass"、別名"fish bladder"と呼ばれるものです。"fish bladder"というのは魚の浮き袋のことで、特にチョウザメの浮き袋というのはゼリーの材料として使われたり、飲料の透明度を増すのに使われるのだそうです。(清澄剤と呼ばれるそうです。)
Teens are spending more than one-third of their days using media such as online video or music — nearly nine hours on average, according to a new study from the family technology education non-profit group, Common Sense Media. For tweens, those between the ages of 8 and 12, the average is nearly six hours per day.
The Common Sense census was designed to set a new statistical baseline for research on teen and pre-teen media use, said Jim Steyer, the group's executive director.
(Hayley Tsukayama. Teens spend nearly nine hours every day consuming media. The Washington Post. November 3, 2015.)
言うまでもなく、"teen"とは、ティーンエイジャーのことを指しており、英語で"thirteen (13)"、"fourteen (14)"・・・、となる13歳から19歳までの年齢層のことです。日本語での10代は10歳から12歳も含みますが、"teen"は13歳以上19歳以下、というのが常識です。
those between the ages of 8 and 12
ところが、この"tween"については、辞書によっては異なる年齢層を定義しているものもあります。Merriam Websterでは、
a boy or girl who is 11 or 12 years old
A child between the ages of about 10 and 14
Teens are spending more than one-third of their days using media such as online video or music — nearly nine hours on average, according to a new study from the family technology education non-profit group, Common Sense Media. For tweens, those between the ages of 8 and 12, the average is nearly six hours per day.
The Common Sense census was designed to set a new statistical baseline for research on teen and pre-teen media use, said Jim Steyer, the group's executive director.
(Hayley Tsukayama. Teens spend nearly nine hours every day consuming media. The Washington Post. November 3, 2015.)
言うまでもなく、"teen"とは、ティーンエイジャーのことを指しており、英語で"thirteen (13)"、"fourteen (14)"・・・、となる13歳から19歳までの年齢層のことです。日本語での10代は10歳から12歳も含みますが、"teen"は13歳以上19歳以下、というのが常識です。
those between the ages of 8 and 12
ところが、この"tween"については、辞書によっては異なる年齢層を定義しているものもあります。Merriam Websterでは、
a boy or girl who is 11 or 12 years old
A child between the ages of about 10 and 14
政治の世界は反則だらけ ― hitting below the belt
It would be an exaggeration to say dirty tricks and mudslinging have been a part of every presidential campaign since the beginning. After all, George Washington did run unopposed.
But hitting below the belt has been a part of US presidential races since the days of suspenders.
As retold in Joseph Cummins’ book, “Anything for a Vote,” here are some of the most vicious, outrageous and frequently ridiculous slams, slanders and ploys used throughout American history to try and gain the White House:
(Michael Kane. A history of dirty tricks in presidential elections. New York Post. November 1, 2015.)
hitting below the belt
"below the belt"というのは下腹部を指していますが、ボクシングではこの部分への打撃は反則行為とされています。
It would be an exaggeration to say dirty tricks and mudslinging have been a part of every presidential campaign since the beginning. After all, George Washington did run unopposed.
But hitting below the belt has been a part of US presidential races since the days of suspenders.
As retold in Joseph Cummins’ book, “Anything for a Vote,” here are some of the most vicious, outrageous and frequently ridiculous slams, slanders and ploys used throughout American history to try and gain the White House:
(Michael Kane. A history of dirty tricks in presidential elections. New York Post. November 1, 2015.)
hitting below the belt
"below the belt"というのは下腹部を指していますが、ボクシングではこの部分への打撃は反則行為とされています。
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