MADISON, Ala. — The implosion over Donald Trump’s candidacy that Republicans had hoped to avoid arrived so virulently this weekend that many party leaders vowed never to back the billionaire and openly questioned whether the GOP could come together this election year.
(Divisions within GOP over Trump’s candidacy are growing. The Washington Post. February 28, 2016.)
記事タイトルの"divisions within GOP over Trump's..."が、"The implosion over Donald Trump's..."を説明していると言えます。
ところで、Merriam-WebsterやAmeirican Heritage Dictionaryでも"implosion"の定義は同様で、このような記事に即した意味合いは見られません。
to break down or fall apart from within : self-destruct
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
To undergo a catastrophic failure
(American Heritage Dictionary)
また、コーパスで"implode (over)"の用例を検索してみました。
In fact, Obama vaulted to victory in the crowded Democratic primary only after the multimillionaire front-runner imploded over personal problems.
(Associated Press. 2009.)
Several months earlier he had watched the presidential aspirations of his father, George, the governor of Michigan, implode over a single word -- " brainwashing " -- intemperately uttered.
(Atlantic Monthly. 2005.)
ジカ熱流行 ― household name
In a relatively short amount of time, the Zika virus has become a household name, prompting worldwide concern and big ramifications.
Images of infants born with a rare brain disease that causes a shrunken skull are going viral, while health authorities in several South American countries are warning women to postpone pregnancies for two years. High-profile athletes, including soccer star Hope Solo, are expressing concern about participating in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The World Health Organization has deemed Zika a "public health emergency of international concern," and some reports suggest the U.S. will see active transmission of the virus by summer.
(Samantha Costa. What to Know About the Zika Virus. US News & World Report. February 25, 2016.)
a household name
Commonly known; familiar
household word
In a relatively short amount of time, the Zika virus has become a household name, prompting worldwide concern and big ramifications.
Images of infants born with a rare brain disease that causes a shrunken skull are going viral, while health authorities in several South American countries are warning women to postpone pregnancies for two years. High-profile athletes, including soccer star Hope Solo, are expressing concern about participating in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The World Health Organization has deemed Zika a "public health emergency of international concern," and some reports suggest the U.S. will see active transmission of the virus by summer.
(Samantha Costa. What to Know About the Zika Virus. US News & World Report. February 25, 2016.)
a household name
Commonly known; familiar
household word
vanity plate
自動車のナンバープレートは"license plate"と言いますが、下記に引用する記事では
vanity plate
という表現が使われています。"vanity license plate"、"personalized plate"などとも表現するのですが、いわゆる“凝った”ナンバープレートを指しています。
使える文字数は7文字までみたいですが、州毎にその審査があるとは知りませんでした。下記に引用する記事は、問題がある"vanity plate"ということで差し押さえられてしまったものについての話です。
Minnesota officials seized a "FMUSLMS" license plate and apologized for issuing it at a driver's request, saying on Wednesday that approval procedures for so-called vanity plates were under review.
An uproar over the license plate erupted over the weekend after a St. Cloud area resident posted a photograph of the license plate on social media.
Governor Mark Dayton denounced the plate, saying he was "appalled" it had been issued in Minnesota and ordering the Department of Public Safety to get it off the road and take a second look at approval procedures for personalized plates.
"It is offensive, and the person who requested it should be ashamed. That prejudice has no place in Minnesota," Dayton said in a statement issued on Monday.
(Minnesota apologizes, revokes 'FMUSLMS' vanity license plate. Reuters. February 24, 2016.)
7文字という制限から省略形、短縮形とならざるを得ない訳ですが、問題となったナンバープレートの文字列、"FMUSLMS"は具体的に何を短縮したのかまでは説明されていませんが、恐らく"MUSLMS"が"Muslims"を意味するのだろうということは想像がつきました。(記事に説明はありませんが、"F"はいわゆる"four-letter word"、"F-word"と思われます。)
ところで、"personalized plate"は分かるのですが、"vanity plate"と言うのは何故なのか、という疑問が沸きました。
of, relating to, or being a work (as a book or recording) whose production cost is paid by the author or artist
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
"vanity plate"は自家用車の所有者がお金を払って自分の好きな内容で申請して取得するもののようで、"vanity"の意味はここにありそうです。
自動車のナンバープレートは"license plate"と言いますが、下記に引用する記事では
vanity plate
という表現が使われています。"vanity license plate"、"personalized plate"などとも表現するのですが、いわゆる“凝った”ナンバープレートを指しています。
使える文字数は7文字までみたいですが、州毎にその審査があるとは知りませんでした。下記に引用する記事は、問題がある"vanity plate"ということで差し押さえられてしまったものについての話です。
Minnesota officials seized a "FMUSLMS" license plate and apologized for issuing it at a driver's request, saying on Wednesday that approval procedures for so-called vanity plates were under review.
An uproar over the license plate erupted over the weekend after a St. Cloud area resident posted a photograph of the license plate on social media.
Governor Mark Dayton denounced the plate, saying he was "appalled" it had been issued in Minnesota and ordering the Department of Public Safety to get it off the road and take a second look at approval procedures for personalized plates.
"It is offensive, and the person who requested it should be ashamed. That prejudice has no place in Minnesota," Dayton said in a statement issued on Monday.
(Minnesota apologizes, revokes 'FMUSLMS' vanity license plate. Reuters. February 24, 2016.)
7文字という制限から省略形、短縮形とならざるを得ない訳ですが、問題となったナンバープレートの文字列、"FMUSLMS"は具体的に何を短縮したのかまでは説明されていませんが、恐らく"MUSLMS"が"Muslims"を意味するのだろうということは想像がつきました。(記事に説明はありませんが、"F"はいわゆる"four-letter word"、"F-word"と思われます。)
ところで、"personalized plate"は分かるのですが、"vanity plate"と言うのは何故なのか、という疑問が沸きました。
of, relating to, or being a work (as a book or recording) whose production cost is paid by the author or artist
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
"vanity plate"は自家用車の所有者がお金を払って自分の好きな内容で申請して取得するもののようで、"vanity"の意味はここにありそうです。
ポイントプログラム変更で損する人 ― the short end of the stick
Starbucks is revamping its loyalty program to make it easier for big spenders to gain rewards, as the new program will now be counting the dollars spent by customers as opposed to the number of times they have visited.
In the current My Starbucks Rewards program, customers earn stars for every transaction they make in Starbucks, regardless of the amount they spent. After accumulating 12 stars, customers are entitled to a free drink or food item of their choice.
Beginning April, Starbucks will be awarding stars to customers based on how much they spend in the store. In the renamed Starbucks Rewards program, every dollar that they spend will net the customer two stars, and a free drink or food item can be cashed in after collecting 125 stars. This would mean that, under the new program, customers will have to spend $62.50 to get their reward.
Customers who are low spenders, such as those who usually only purchase the $2 regular drip coffee, are getting the short end of the stick in the new program. They will now need to make more than 30 visits to Starbucks before they get their free drink or food item, as opposed to the current program that allows them to get their reward after only spending $24 over 12 visits.
(Aaron Mamiit. Starbucks Revamps Loyalty Program To Count Dollars Spent, Not Number Of Visits. Tech Times. February 23, 2016.)
具体的にどのように変わるのか、については引用した部分を読んでいただくと分かりますが、要はこれまで一番安いメニューである"regular drip coffee"(いわゆる“本日のコーヒー、ショートサイズ”でしょうか)を毎回注文し、来店回数でポイントを稼いでいた人は、同じポイントを稼ぐためにはこれまで以上の購入金額を払わねばならず(つまりこれまで以上に来店が必要)、比較するとこれまでより損になる仕組みのようです。
short end of the stick
the dirty end of the stick
the thick end of the stick
"the short end of the stick"とは、棒(でも何でもいいです)を折半しようと折った時に、(長い方が望ましいところを)短い方を押し付けられるということを意味しているのだと思われます。
日本語でも、「割を食う」などと言います。この場合の「割」とは配分や利益、即ち損得を計る量ですが、より少ない得を押付けられる、という意味だとすれば、"the short end of the stick"と通じるものがあるかもしれません。
一説によると、"the short end..."の"short"とは"shit"が転化したものだということです。何となく、「貧乏くじ」の意味に合うように思われます。
また、余談ですが、"the short end of the stick"が「貧乏くじ」ならば、その反対の意味で、
the long end of the stick
Who got the short end of the stick? Who got the long end of the stick? Trayvon Martin is dead, laying face down in the wet dirt as it rains on his body. Zimmerman walks away. Yes, his head is bleeding, but largely superficial wounds. Now, all of that will be thrown into the pot as the jury mulls a verdict.
(CNN, 2013)
Starbucks is revamping its loyalty program to make it easier for big spenders to gain rewards, as the new program will now be counting the dollars spent by customers as opposed to the number of times they have visited.
In the current My Starbucks Rewards program, customers earn stars for every transaction they make in Starbucks, regardless of the amount they spent. After accumulating 12 stars, customers are entitled to a free drink or food item of their choice.
Beginning April, Starbucks will be awarding stars to customers based on how much they spend in the store. In the renamed Starbucks Rewards program, every dollar that they spend will net the customer two stars, and a free drink or food item can be cashed in after collecting 125 stars. This would mean that, under the new program, customers will have to spend $62.50 to get their reward.
Customers who are low spenders, such as those who usually only purchase the $2 regular drip coffee, are getting the short end of the stick in the new program. They will now need to make more than 30 visits to Starbucks before they get their free drink or food item, as opposed to the current program that allows them to get their reward after only spending $24 over 12 visits.
(Aaron Mamiit. Starbucks Revamps Loyalty Program To Count Dollars Spent, Not Number Of Visits. Tech Times. February 23, 2016.)
具体的にどのように変わるのか、については引用した部分を読んでいただくと分かりますが、要はこれまで一番安いメニューである"regular drip coffee"(いわゆる“本日のコーヒー、ショートサイズ”でしょうか)を毎回注文し、来店回数でポイントを稼いでいた人は、同じポイントを稼ぐためにはこれまで以上の購入金額を払わねばならず(つまりこれまで以上に来店が必要)、比較するとこれまでより損になる仕組みのようです。
short end of the stick
the dirty end of the stick
the thick end of the stick
"the short end of the stick"とは、棒(でも何でもいいです)を折半しようと折った時に、(長い方が望ましいところを)短い方を押し付けられるということを意味しているのだと思われます。
日本語でも、「割を食う」などと言います。この場合の「割」とは配分や利益、即ち損得を計る量ですが、より少ない得を押付けられる、という意味だとすれば、"the short end of the stick"と通じるものがあるかもしれません。
一説によると、"the short end..."の"short"とは"shit"が転化したものだということです。何となく、「貧乏くじ」の意味に合うように思われます。
また、余談ですが、"the short end of the stick"が「貧乏くじ」ならば、その反対の意味で、
the long end of the stick
Who got the short end of the stick? Who got the long end of the stick? Trayvon Martin is dead, laying face down in the wet dirt as it rains on his body. Zimmerman walks away. Yes, his head is bleeding, but largely superficial wounds. Now, all of that will be thrown into the pot as the jury mulls a verdict.
(CNN, 2013)
米・ヤフー:身売りの観測に現実味 ― number
同社のCEOであるMarissa Mayer氏は最後のCEOとなるのではないか?という刺激的な見出しです。
Will Marissa Mayer be Yahoo's last CEO?
Yahoo's days as an independent company may be numbered. And Wall Street couldn't be happier.
Yahoo (YHOO, Tech30) stock was up 3% Monday following reports that it may be getting ready to talk to companies interested in bidding for its core business.
Yahoo announced Friday that its board had hired financial and legal advisers to explore alternatives to its previously announced plan to separate its operating assets from its stake in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA, Tech30) in a tax friendly manner.
Yahoo's stock is now up nearly 20% from the 52-week low the stock hit earlier this month.
(Paul R. LaMonica. Will Marissa Mayer be Yahoo's last CEO? CNN. February 22, 2016.)
Your days are numbered.
我々はあと何日生きられるなどと考えることはありません。"days are number(ed)"とは、生きられる日数が分かっている、すなわち余命が数えられるほどしかない、という意味です。
同社のCEOであるMarissa Mayer氏は最後のCEOとなるのではないか?という刺激的な見出しです。
Will Marissa Mayer be Yahoo's last CEO?
Yahoo's days as an independent company may be numbered. And Wall Street couldn't be happier.
Yahoo (YHOO, Tech30) stock was up 3% Monday following reports that it may be getting ready to talk to companies interested in bidding for its core business.
Yahoo announced Friday that its board had hired financial and legal advisers to explore alternatives to its previously announced plan to separate its operating assets from its stake in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA, Tech30) in a tax friendly manner.
Yahoo's stock is now up nearly 20% from the 52-week low the stock hit earlier this month.
(Paul R. LaMonica. Will Marissa Mayer be Yahoo's last CEO? CNN. February 22, 2016.)
Your days are numbered.
我々はあと何日生きられるなどと考えることはありません。"days are number(ed)"とは、生きられる日数が分かっている、すなわち余命が数えられるほどしかない、という意味です。
Paleo dietに疑問符 ― paleo
まったくの偶然ですが、"Paleo diet"なる言葉があることを初めて知りました。
Health enthusiasts and dieticians may not like to hear this, but the extremely popular Paleo diet may be causing more harm to followers than good. Researchers at University of Melbourne have warned that being on the diet for eight weeks can result in rapid weight gain and health problems.
According to the researchers, the Paleo diet has no scientific evidence to back up its weight loss claims and should be avoided at all cost. They branded the diet a fad and even urged authorities to issue a warning against the following of the diet, writes The Sun.
People with pre-diabetes and diabetes are especially at risk if they follow this low-carb, high fat (LCHF) Paleo diet.
(Ritwik Roy. Paleo diet just a fad, may result in further weight gain, anxiety and depression, arthritis and diabetes. International Business Times. February 22, 2016.)
"Paleo diet"というのは聞きなれない表現ですが、糖質制限ダイエットとか食肉ダイエット、などと呼ばれる類のダイエットと同じように思われます。
"Paleo diet"は、"caveman diet"、"Stone Age diet"などと呼ばれるようです。原始人のダイエットを真似よう、というのが"Paleo diet"の根底にあるようです。
記事によれば、もてはやされている"Paleo diet"については、糖尿病の気がある人には逆に体重増加や健康を害するリスクがあるという研究報告が出たのですが、果たして加熱するダイエットビジネスに一石を投じることになるのでしょうか。
まったくの偶然ですが、"Paleo diet"なる言葉があることを初めて知りました。
Health enthusiasts and dieticians may not like to hear this, but the extremely popular Paleo diet may be causing more harm to followers than good. Researchers at University of Melbourne have warned that being on the diet for eight weeks can result in rapid weight gain and health problems.
According to the researchers, the Paleo diet has no scientific evidence to back up its weight loss claims and should be avoided at all cost. They branded the diet a fad and even urged authorities to issue a warning against the following of the diet, writes The Sun.
People with pre-diabetes and diabetes are especially at risk if they follow this low-carb, high fat (LCHF) Paleo diet.
(Ritwik Roy. Paleo diet just a fad, may result in further weight gain, anxiety and depression, arthritis and diabetes. International Business Times. February 22, 2016.)
"Paleo diet"というのは聞きなれない表現ですが、糖質制限ダイエットとか食肉ダイエット、などと呼ばれる類のダイエットと同じように思われます。
"Paleo diet"は、"caveman diet"、"Stone Age diet"などと呼ばれるようです。原始人のダイエットを真似よう、というのが"Paleo diet"の根底にあるようです。
記事によれば、もてはやされている"Paleo diet"については、糖尿病の気がある人には逆に体重増加や健康を害するリスクがあるという研究報告が出たのですが、果たして加熱するダイエットビジネスに一石を投じることになるのでしょうか。
アップル vs F.B.I. ― pit X against Y
A court order requiring Apple to create a way to help law enforcement get access to a terrorist's smartphone amounts to an "unprecedented" stretch of an antiquated law — one that is likely to spark an epic fight pitting privacy against national security, legal scholars said Thursday.
(Apple-FBI fight over iPhone encryption pits privacy against national security. Los Angeles Times. February 18, 2016.)
pit privacy against national security
pit X against Y
an enclosure in which animals are made to fight each other
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Apple was caught off guard by the government's decision to go public with its request. Legal experts said the government probably decided to file publicly because it wants a debate on the issue framed by a case that poses strong emotions and fears.
A court order requiring Apple to create a way to help law enforcement get access to a terrorist's smartphone amounts to an "unprecedented" stretch of an antiquated law — one that is likely to spark an epic fight pitting privacy against national security, legal scholars said Thursday.
(Apple-FBI fight over iPhone encryption pits privacy against national security. Los Angeles Times. February 18, 2016.)
pit privacy against national security
pit X against Y
an enclosure in which animals are made to fight each other
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Apple was caught off guard by the government's decision to go public with its request. Legal experts said the government probably decided to file publicly because it wants a debate on the issue framed by a case that poses strong emotions and fears.
off the charts
"off the charts"という表現をご存知でしょうか?
The good news in Europe is that the traveler has other options. Trains in Europe are fast and efficient and take you from city center to city center, eliminating the trip from the airport to town upon arrival at your destination. I took the train from Paris to Frankfurt for a business meeting a few months ago, and the time/cost benefit was off the charts. The first-class round-trip train ticket was about the same cost as a round-trip plane ticket would have been, but I saved money on taxis on both ends. More important, I saved hours of time, as you can (and I did) hop on a train two or three minutes before it departs. No check in, no security, no waiting in a gate lounge, no waiting after boarding, etc. Give me a train over a plane every time.
(Understanding Airlines' Low-Cost Pricing. Huffington Post. February 15, 2016.)
the time/cost benefit was off the charts
この、"off the charts"は成句と思われたのですが、ランダムハウス英和辞書には載っていませんでした。
"off the charts"はいろいろなコンテクストで使われるようです。例えば、
His blood pressure was off the charts.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)
The new restaurant is totally off the charts.
"off the charts"の"chart(s)"とは、血圧の例文で言えばグラフ(図表)のことだと解釈できます。通常のグラフでカバーされる値の範囲から外れている(off)、即ち飛びぬけて高い(値)、ということであろうと思われます。
グラフ(図表)にしても、ヒットチャート(ランク表)にしても、比較する他の存在を言外に示唆していますが、"off the charts"はそれらから大きく離れている、という概念を伝える表現であると思われます。つまり図表やランク表の範囲内に収まるのは、標準的な、あるいは平均的なもの、とも言えます。
The good news in Europe is that the traveler has other options. Trains in Europe are fast and efficient and take you from city center to city center, eliminating the trip from the airport to town upon arrival at your destination. I took the train from Paris to Frankfurt for a business meeting a few months ago, and the time/cost benefit was off the charts. The first-class round-trip train ticket was about the same cost as a round-trip plane ticket would have been, but I saved money on taxis on both ends. More important, I saved hours of time, as you can (and I did) hop on a train two or three minutes before it departs. No check in, no security, no waiting in a gate lounge, no waiting after boarding, etc. Give me a train over a plane every time.
(Understanding Airlines' Low-Cost Pricing. Huffington Post. February 15, 2016.)
the time/cost benefit was off the charts
この、"off the charts"は成句と思われたのですが、ランダムハウス英和辞書には載っていませんでした。
"off the charts"はいろいろなコンテクストで使われるようです。例えば、
His blood pressure was off the charts.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)
The new restaurant is totally off the charts.
"off the charts"の"chart(s)"とは、血圧の例文で言えばグラフ(図表)のことだと解釈できます。通常のグラフでカバーされる値の範囲から外れている(off)、即ち飛びぬけて高い(値)、ということであろうと思われます。
グラフ(図表)にしても、ヒットチャート(ランク表)にしても、比較する他の存在を言外に示唆していますが、"off the charts"はそれらから大きく離れている、という概念を伝える表現であると思われます。つまり図表やランク表の範囲内に収まるのは、標準的な、あるいは平均的なもの、とも言えます。
under the weather
"under the weather"という成句をご存知でしょうか?
The chances are you've used the expression "I feel a bit under the weather", but have you ever wondered just how much truth there is in it?
The weather can affect more than just your wardrobe but also your mood and, in fact, your health.
(Matthew Barbour. The REAL reason you're feeling 'under the weather' is revealed. Mirror. February 15, 2016.)
"under the weather"の逆で、
above the weather
"above the weather"はそのような悪天候の影響を受けない高み(above)にある、ということから導かれる意味合いで、逆に"under the weather"とは悪天候の影響下(under)にある、ということから具合が悪い、という意味になるようです。
引用した記事は、たまたま天候と健康との関連を取り上げたものですが、故に"under the weather"の成句がコンテクストにぴったりとはまっています。
語源的にも、"weather"は風や嵐を意味するゲルマン語系の言語に由来するもので、その意味では"under the weather"とは風の影響を受けている状態、"above the weather"は風の影響を受けない状態、ということにもなります。("above the weather"には、航空用語として、飛行機が風の影響を受けない高度にあることを指す表現としても使われるそうです。)
The chances are you've used the expression "I feel a bit under the weather", but have you ever wondered just how much truth there is in it?
The weather can affect more than just your wardrobe but also your mood and, in fact, your health.
(Matthew Barbour. The REAL reason you're feeling 'under the weather' is revealed. Mirror. February 15, 2016.)
"under the weather"の逆で、
above the weather
"above the weather"はそのような悪天候の影響を受けない高み(above)にある、ということから導かれる意味合いで、逆に"under the weather"とは悪天候の影響下(under)にある、ということから具合が悪い、という意味になるようです。
引用した記事は、たまたま天候と健康との関連を取り上げたものですが、故に"under the weather"の成句がコンテクストにぴったりとはまっています。
語源的にも、"weather"は風や嵐を意味するゲルマン語系の言語に由来するもので、その意味では"under the weather"とは風の影響を受けている状態、"above the weather"は風の影響を受けない状態、ということにもなります。("above the weather"には、航空用語として、飛行機が風の影響を受けない高度にあることを指す表現としても使われるそうです。)
Negative Nancy
The findings, which related to physical and mental health over time, were part of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging, at Trinity College in Dublin. As part of the study, researchers followed the aging process of over 4,000 adults and they found a few interesting connections between how each individual perceived their aging process and their actual physical and mental health outcomes.
Finally, the researchers discovered that having a good attitude about getting on in years had a particularly strong effect on how certain health conditions interact — especially how one's physical condition affects their cognitive condition. Even physically frail participants who managed to maintain an upbeat attitude about aging had better cognitive abilities than their Negative Nancy peers. Maybe the Fountain of Youth is all in your attitude.
(Macaela MacKenzie. Your Attidude [sic] Toward Aging Can Have a Direct Effect On Your Health. Shape. February 1, 2016.)
Negative Nancy
何にでも否定的な、あるいは悲観的な見方をする傾向のある人のことを"Negative Nancy"と表現するそうです。
典拠があるわけではないのですが、"Negative Nancy"は恐らく韻を踏んだものではないかと思われます。つまり、"Negative"のN、と"Nancy"のNです。
Bummer Betsy
Pessimistic Polly
Nobody wants to be the Negative Nancy. Bummer Betsy. Pessimistic Polly. No way. Not us! We want to be the Yes Man! The Go-To Girl! The Queen Bee! And Queen Bee always says yes. She takes on everything, hits it all out of the park, and comes back for more.
(Kali Rogers. In Defense of the Word 'No.' Huffington Post. February 11, 2016.)
The findings, which related to physical and mental health over time, were part of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging, at Trinity College in Dublin. As part of the study, researchers followed the aging process of over 4,000 adults and they found a few interesting connections between how each individual perceived their aging process and their actual physical and mental health outcomes.
Finally, the researchers discovered that having a good attitude about getting on in years had a particularly strong effect on how certain health conditions interact — especially how one's physical condition affects their cognitive condition. Even physically frail participants who managed to maintain an upbeat attitude about aging had better cognitive abilities than their Negative Nancy peers. Maybe the Fountain of Youth is all in your attitude.
(Macaela MacKenzie. Your Attidude [sic] Toward Aging Can Have a Direct Effect On Your Health. Shape. February 1, 2016.)
Negative Nancy
何にでも否定的な、あるいは悲観的な見方をする傾向のある人のことを"Negative Nancy"と表現するそうです。
典拠があるわけではないのですが、"Negative Nancy"は恐らく韻を踏んだものではないかと思われます。つまり、"Negative"のN、と"Nancy"のNです。
Bummer Betsy
Pessimistic Polly
Nobody wants to be the Negative Nancy. Bummer Betsy. Pessimistic Polly. No way. Not us! We want to be the Yes Man! The Go-To Girl! The Queen Bee! And Queen Bee always says yes. She takes on everything, hits it all out of the park, and comes back for more.
(Kali Rogers. In Defense of the Word 'No.' Huffington Post. February 11, 2016.)
"Co-workers can start to resent [workaholics] because they can seem like they're brown-nosing," she said. If you're always the first to answer a group email or volunteer on a project, it can eventually rub people the wrong way.
(Christine Burroni. 6 reasons you’re literally the worst person at work. New York Post. February 12, 2016.)
"brown-nose"というのは俗語表現なのですが、同義である"apple polishing"などと比べるとかなり汚い言い草です。
なぜ、茶色い(brown)鼻(nose)がゴマすりの意味になるのかについては、同種の表現である、"kiss (lick) a person's ass"と関連があるとされています。
上司にゴマをすることに汲々としている同僚を軽蔑する表現に、"office brown-noser"という名詞もあります。
But there are definitely ways to get on your boss’s good side without getting a reputation as the office brown-noser. (Being a brown-noser without having the reputation is a delicate maneuver.)
(Martha C. White. 6 Ways to Brown Nose Your Way to the Very Top. TIME. February 24, 2014.)
"Co-workers can start to resent [workaholics] because they can seem like they're brown-nosing," she said. If you're always the first to answer a group email or volunteer on a project, it can eventually rub people the wrong way.
(Christine Burroni. 6 reasons you’re literally the worst person at work. New York Post. February 12, 2016.)
"brown-nose"というのは俗語表現なのですが、同義である"apple polishing"などと比べるとかなり汚い言い草です。
なぜ、茶色い(brown)鼻(nose)がゴマすりの意味になるのかについては、同種の表現である、"kiss (lick) a person's ass"と関連があるとされています。
上司にゴマをすることに汲々としている同僚を軽蔑する表現に、"office brown-noser"という名詞もあります。
But there are definitely ways to get on your boss’s good side without getting a reputation as the office brown-noser. (Being a brown-noser without having the reputation is a delicate maneuver.)
(Martha C. White. 6 Ways to Brown Nose Your Way to the Very Top. TIME. February 24, 2014.)
単語 Bb
~ as a nut
BMI(Body Mass Index)という指標については、以前から気にすべきものなのかどうかという議論がありました。
According to a new study, researchers have come to a conclusion that over-reliance on BMI as a factor to measure the health of a person may go terribly wrong during most of the times. A. Janet Tomiyama led this research, and she claims that 34.4 million Americans considered overweight under BMI are healthy.
Her study clearly indicates that 47.4% of people with an overweight BMI and 29% of “obese” people are as fit as a nut. As per Tomiyama, we think that BMI is just a crude and terrible indicator of someone’s health, and obesity is just a number based on BMI.
Tomiyama made it clear that many healthy people are penalized based on a faulty health measure. On the other hand, several unhealthy people who have average weight falls under the radar, and they will not be charged more for health insurance.
(Deidre Richardson. Millions of Obese Americans are actually quite healthy. The Hoops News. February 7, 2016.)
as fit as a nut
as sweet as a nut
According to a new study, researchers have come to a conclusion that over-reliance on BMI as a factor to measure the health of a person may go terribly wrong during most of the times. A. Janet Tomiyama led this research, and she claims that 34.4 million Americans considered overweight under BMI are healthy.
Her study clearly indicates that 47.4% of people with an overweight BMI and 29% of “obese” people are as fit as a nut. As per Tomiyama, we think that BMI is just a crude and terrible indicator of someone’s health, and obesity is just a number based on BMI.
Tomiyama made it clear that many healthy people are penalized based on a faulty health measure. On the other hand, several unhealthy people who have average weight falls under the radar, and they will not be charged more for health insurance.
(Deidre Richardson. Millions of Obese Americans are actually quite healthy. The Hoops News. February 7, 2016.)
as fit as a nut
as sweet as a nut
小生はここ数年海外を訪問する機会が全くありませんので時差ボケに悩まされたという経験もずいぶん昔の記憶なのですが、アメリカやヨーロッパの都市を訪問する際に困るのが時差ボケ(jet lag)であることは誰もが同意するところではないかと思います。
Study finds new potential treatment for jet lag
CNN - Jet lag might be the worst part of long-distance travel, especially when it leaves you feeling tired, cranky and off-kilter for days.
But scientists at Stanford University say there may be a way to prevent jet lag without medication or adjusting your sleep schedule.
A team of researchers led by neurobiologist Jamie Zeitzer is working on a technique that exposes people to short flashes of light while they sleep to help them adjust more quickly to time zone changes.
(Emanuella Grinberg. Study finds new potential treatment for jet lag. CNN. February 8, 2016.)
off kilter
out of kilter
Study finds new potential treatment for jet lag
CNN - Jet lag might be the worst part of long-distance travel, especially when it leaves you feeling tired, cranky and off-kilter for days.
But scientists at Stanford University say there may be a way to prevent jet lag without medication or adjusting your sleep schedule.
A team of researchers led by neurobiologist Jamie Zeitzer is working on a technique that exposes people to short flashes of light while they sleep to help them adjust more quickly to time zone changes.
(Emanuella Grinberg. Study finds new potential treatment for jet lag. CNN. February 8, 2016.)
off kilter
out of kilter
WASHINGTON -- When buildings collapse in future disasters, the hero helping rescue trapped people may be a robotic cockroach.
Repulsive as they may be, roaches have the remarkable ability to squish their bodies down to one quarter their normal size, yet still scamper at lightning speed. Also, they can withstand 900 times their body weight without being hurt. That's equivalent to a 200-pound man who wouldn't be crushed by 90 tons on his head.
The amazing cockroach inspired scientists to create a mini-robot that can mimic those feats of strength and agility.
(Cockroach-like robots may be the future of disaster help. CBS News. February 8, 2016.)
the remarkable ability to squish their bodies down to one quarter their normal size
to move into a space that is tight or crowded
WASHINGTON -- When buildings collapse in future disasters, the hero helping rescue trapped people may be a robotic cockroach.
Repulsive as they may be, roaches have the remarkable ability to squish their bodies down to one quarter their normal size, yet still scamper at lightning speed. Also, they can withstand 900 times their body weight without being hurt. That's equivalent to a 200-pound man who wouldn't be crushed by 90 tons on his head.
The amazing cockroach inspired scientists to create a mini-robot that can mimic those feats of strength and agility.
(Cockroach-like robots may be the future of disaster help. CBS News. February 8, 2016.)
the remarkable ability to squish their bodies down to one quarter their normal size
to move into a space that is tight or crowded
When the lights came up at the end of a documentary about parents, teens and their troubled relationship with technology, a preteen boy ran up the aisle to find his mother.
He tugged on her shirt, grabbed her shoulders and sunk almost to his knees.
“Don’t do it, mom,” he mouthed. “Please.”
He was pleading with her to leave his tech time alone.
“This is the parenting issue of our time,” said Berkeley native Delaney Ruston, a doctor and filmmaker who created the documentary “Screenagers: Growing Up In The Digital Age.” “Tech on its own isn’t bad, but it’s bad when it’s out of balance.”
Ruston, a mental health and internal medicine specialist, began to wonder about the effect screens were having on kids and teens when her daughter, Tessa, turned 12 and began asking for her first smartphone.
(Marissa Lang. Movie explores how screen-time can harm kids. San Francisco Chronicle. February 4, 2016.)
less screen-time
"screen-time"というのは、スマホに限らず、パソコン、またケータイ、テレビも含むようです。情報通信機器への依存を断ち切りたい、というのが"less screen-time"という言葉に込められている思いであろうと考えられます。
“I haven’t met a single parent who feels good about the amount of time their kids are spending on screens,” Ruston said. “There’s a lot of talk about no screen time or too much screen time, but what we need to be teaching, really, is balance.”
The documentary wasn’t all about kids. It turned the mirror on adults, too. Many of whom — including the filmmakers — say they have also struggled with practicing their own limits on screen time.
When the lights came up at the end of a documentary about parents, teens and their troubled relationship with technology, a preteen boy ran up the aisle to find his mother.
He tugged on her shirt, grabbed her shoulders and sunk almost to his knees.
“Don’t do it, mom,” he mouthed. “Please.”
He was pleading with her to leave his tech time alone.
“This is the parenting issue of our time,” said Berkeley native Delaney Ruston, a doctor and filmmaker who created the documentary “Screenagers: Growing Up In The Digital Age.” “Tech on its own isn’t bad, but it’s bad when it’s out of balance.”
Ruston, a mental health and internal medicine specialist, began to wonder about the effect screens were having on kids and teens when her daughter, Tessa, turned 12 and began asking for her first smartphone.
(Marissa Lang. Movie explores how screen-time can harm kids. San Francisco Chronicle. February 4, 2016.)
less screen-time
"screen-time"というのは、スマホに限らず、パソコン、またケータイ、テレビも含むようです。情報通信機器への依存を断ち切りたい、というのが"less screen-time"という言葉に込められている思いであろうと考えられます。
“I haven’t met a single parent who feels good about the amount of time their kids are spending on screens,” Ruston said. “There’s a lot of talk about no screen time or too much screen time, but what we need to be teaching, really, is balance.”
The documentary wasn’t all about kids. It turned the mirror on adults, too. Many of whom — including the filmmakers — say they have also struggled with practicing their own limits on screen time.
ところで、スマホを接続するためのケーブルはUSB接続のものがほとんど(というかすべて)ではないかと思いますが、最近USBのType Cというものがお目見えしたそうです。以下、関連する記事です。
How to Buy USB Type-C Cables That Won’t Fry Your Gadgets
The new standard for wired connectivity, USB Type-C, will charge your laptops and phones, transfer data and even send 4K video to your monitors. If you check the inventory at popular retailers, you'll see scores of cables and adapters featuring the reversible connector, but unfortunately, some of them don't work well. A few cables that go from USB Type-C to USB Type-A (aka "legacy" USB) fail so badly that they permanently damage your hardware.
(Andrew E. Freedman. How to Buy USB Type-C Cables That Won’t Fry Your Gadgets. Laptop Mag. February 5, 2016.)
この手のハードウェアについてあまり詳しくないのですが、従来品はUSBのType Aというものだったそうです。Type Cはコネクタ部分に上下左右がなく、向きを気にせずに接続できるのだそうです。
To destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current
(American Heritage Dictionary)
ケーブルの類はいわゆる「純正品」と呼ばれるものが推奨されるのだと思いますが、粗悪なケーブルを使うと端末が故障してしまうということですから、注意が必要です。その原因には、Type AとType Cで扱うことのできる電流が異なるということがあるようです。
It would also be possible to infect military computers with computer viruses and worms, but experts again say the Iraqis might not know how to do the necessary hacking. Iraq has also tried to develop an electromagnetic pulse weapon that could fry the computer and electronic networks in U.S. weapons, experts say.
(USA Today. 2003.)
What's more, pushing your graphics clock too much can potentially hang your system or fry the graphics processor, she says.
(PC World. 2002.)
ところで、スマホを接続するためのケーブルはUSB接続のものがほとんど(というかすべて)ではないかと思いますが、最近USBのType Cというものがお目見えしたそうです。以下、関連する記事です。
How to Buy USB Type-C Cables That Won’t Fry Your Gadgets
The new standard for wired connectivity, USB Type-C, will charge your laptops and phones, transfer data and even send 4K video to your monitors. If you check the inventory at popular retailers, you'll see scores of cables and adapters featuring the reversible connector, but unfortunately, some of them don't work well. A few cables that go from USB Type-C to USB Type-A (aka "legacy" USB) fail so badly that they permanently damage your hardware.
(Andrew E. Freedman. How to Buy USB Type-C Cables That Won’t Fry Your Gadgets. Laptop Mag. February 5, 2016.)
この手のハードウェアについてあまり詳しくないのですが、従来品はUSBのType Aというものだったそうです。Type Cはコネクタ部分に上下左右がなく、向きを気にせずに接続できるのだそうです。
To destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current
(American Heritage Dictionary)
ケーブルの類はいわゆる「純正品」と呼ばれるものが推奨されるのだと思いますが、粗悪なケーブルを使うと端末が故障してしまうということですから、注意が必要です。その原因には、Type AとType Cで扱うことのできる電流が異なるということがあるようです。
It would also be possible to infect military computers with computer viruses and worms, but experts again say the Iraqis might not know how to do the necessary hacking. Iraq has also tried to develop an electromagnetic pulse weapon that could fry the computer and electronic networks in U.S. weapons, experts say.
(USA Today. 2003.)
What's more, pushing your graphics clock too much can potentially hang your system or fry the graphics processor, she says.
(PC World. 2002.)
Six Degrees of Separation
"Six Degrees of Separation"という言葉をご存知でしょうか?(私は初めて見ました。)
Facebook ran the numbers and concluded that we are all much closer than the traditional “six degrees of separation.”
The social media giant released a report on its blog Thursday announcing “each person in the world” is separated from every other by “an average of three and a half other people.”
The number six in “six degrees” generally refers to the number of links in the chain of acquaintances, seven people in all. The phrase proposes that between any two strangers there are at most five intermediaries that link them together.
(Jonah Bromwich. Six Degrees of Separation? Facebook Finds a Smaller Number. The New York Times. February 4, 2016.)
"Six Degrees of Separation"とは、この世の人々(あるいは事物)は6ステップ(六次)でつながっている、という理論だそうです。平たく言うと、赤の他人のように思っていても、6人を経て間接的なつながりが見出せる、ということです。
引用した記事によりますと、SNS大手のフェースブックが、同社のSNSでは"six degrees"よりも少ない、平均すると3.46くらいの隔たりで全世界がつながっている、と主張しています。
Facebook ran the numbers and concluded that we are all much closer than the traditional “six degrees of separation.”
The social media giant released a report on its blog Thursday announcing “each person in the world” is separated from every other by “an average of three and a half other people.”
The number six in “six degrees” generally refers to the number of links in the chain of acquaintances, seven people in all. The phrase proposes that between any two strangers there are at most five intermediaries that link them together.
(Jonah Bromwich. Six Degrees of Separation? Facebook Finds a Smaller Number. The New York Times. February 4, 2016.)
"Six Degrees of Separation"とは、この世の人々(あるいは事物)は6ステップ(六次)でつながっている、という理論だそうです。平たく言うと、赤の他人のように思っていても、6人を経て間接的なつながりが見出せる、ということです。
引用した記事によりますと、SNS大手のフェースブックが、同社のSNSでは"six degrees"よりも少ない、平均すると3.46くらいの隔たりで全世界がつながっている、と主張しています。
If “zoodles” aren’t yet in your regular dinner rotation — or even something you consider a real word — prepare for that to change in the coming months.
Zoodles are noodles made from zucchini using a machine called a spiralizer that can turn vegetables into quasi-pasta. Forget the juicers and power blenders — the spiralizer is the must-have gadget of the moment in healthy kitchens.
On Amazon, two of the top 10 best-selling kitchen tools are spiralizers. They’re also a top seller for Sur La Table — which sells no fewer than a half-dozen versions of the machine — and at local kitchen stores. KitchenAid even released a spiralizer attachment for its stand mixers last summer and plans to release two new blades — to create pasta of varying thickness, from angel hair to wide ribbons — this spring.
(Hailey Aber. Dieters are going crazy for this guilt-free pasta. New York Post. February 3, 2016.)
If “zoodles” aren’t yet in your regular dinner rotation — or even something you consider a real word — prepare for that to change in the coming months.
Zoodles are noodles made from zucchini using a machine called a spiralizer that can turn vegetables into quasi-pasta. Forget the juicers and power blenders — the spiralizer is the must-have gadget of the moment in healthy kitchens.
On Amazon, two of the top 10 best-selling kitchen tools are spiralizers. They’re also a top seller for Sur La Table — which sells no fewer than a half-dozen versions of the machine — and at local kitchen stores. KitchenAid even released a spiralizer attachment for its stand mixers last summer and plans to release two new blades — to create pasta of varying thickness, from angel hair to wide ribbons — this spring.
(Hailey Aber. Dieters are going crazy for this guilt-free pasta. New York Post. February 3, 2016.)
ドーピング ― dope
mechanical doping
motor doping
motorised doping
Pro cycling was rocked over the weekend when 19-year-old Belgian rider Femke Van den Driessche, competing in the cyclocross world championships, was caught with a bicycle that had a motor hidden in the frame, and since then many have been talking about one Austrian company's product: the Vivax Assist.
The sport's governing body, the UCI, told Business Insider on Tuesday that it wouldn't comment at this time on what type of motor was actually found in the bike, stating that "the procedure must now follow its course until the UCI Disciplinary Commission renders its decision."
For her part, Van den Driessche said it wasn't her bike and insisted she was "totally unaware" it was fitted with a hidden motor.
In the meantime, curious observers are talking about the Vivax Assist, a small motor that's inserted into a bike frame and activated by pushing a button that's installed on the handlebar. It weighs about 4 pounds, can produce up to 110 watts of power, and costs $3,000.
(Daniel McMahon. This is the 'hidden motor' everyone's been talking about since a 'mechanical doping' scandal rocked pro racing. Business Insider. February 3, 2016.)
スポーツにおける「ドーピング」を英語では敢えて"blood doping"ということもあるようですので、"mechanical doping"はその流れ(!?)を汲んだ表現と言えるかもしれません。
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、オハイオ州などではチョコレートソースなど、アイスクリームのトッピングとしてのソースを"dope"と表現するそうです。
mechanical doping
motor doping
motorised doping
Pro cycling was rocked over the weekend when 19-year-old Belgian rider Femke Van den Driessche, competing in the cyclocross world championships, was caught with a bicycle that had a motor hidden in the frame, and since then many have been talking about one Austrian company's product: the Vivax Assist.
The sport's governing body, the UCI, told Business Insider on Tuesday that it wouldn't comment at this time on what type of motor was actually found in the bike, stating that "the procedure must now follow its course until the UCI Disciplinary Commission renders its decision."
For her part, Van den Driessche said it wasn't her bike and insisted she was "totally unaware" it was fitted with a hidden motor.
In the meantime, curious observers are talking about the Vivax Assist, a small motor that's inserted into a bike frame and activated by pushing a button that's installed on the handlebar. It weighs about 4 pounds, can produce up to 110 watts of power, and costs $3,000.
(Daniel McMahon. This is the 'hidden motor' everyone's been talking about since a 'mechanical doping' scandal rocked pro racing. Business Insider. February 3, 2016.)
スポーツにおける「ドーピング」を英語では敢えて"blood doping"ということもあるようですので、"mechanical doping"はその流れ(!?)を汲んだ表現と言えるかもしれません。
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、オハイオ州などではチョコレートソースなど、アイスクリームのトッピングとしてのソースを"dope"と表現するそうです。
The top U.S. general in Iraq on Monday addressed recent political rhetoric in the presidential campaign that the United States should “carpet-bomb” the Islamic State, saying that the Pentagon is bound by the laws of armed conflict and does not indiscriminately bomb civilian areas.
(Dan Lamothe. From Iraq, general rebukes Ted Cruz’s plan to ‘carpet-bomb’ the Islamic State. The Washington Post. February 1, 2016.)
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryによると、初出は1944年ということですから、第二次大戦中に生まれた単語でしょうか。
"carpet"とは床に敷くものですから、床全面を覆うことを目的としていると考えてよさそうです。一般に、軍事施設か一般市民の家なのかをきちんと見分けて攻撃するのが普通なのでしょうが、カーペットが床一面を覆うように、攻撃対象を空から俯瞰した場合にそれらを区別しないのが"carpet bomb"なのだと解釈できます。
"on the carpet"などがその例なのですが、いずれ取り上げてみたいと思います。
The top U.S. general in Iraq on Monday addressed recent political rhetoric in the presidential campaign that the United States should “carpet-bomb” the Islamic State, saying that the Pentagon is bound by the laws of armed conflict and does not indiscriminately bomb civilian areas.
(Dan Lamothe. From Iraq, general rebukes Ted Cruz’s plan to ‘carpet-bomb’ the Islamic State. The Washington Post. February 1, 2016.)
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryによると、初出は1944年ということですから、第二次大戦中に生まれた単語でしょうか。
"carpet"とは床に敷くものですから、床全面を覆うことを目的としていると考えてよさそうです。一般に、軍事施設か一般市民の家なのかをきちんと見分けて攻撃するのが普通なのでしょうが、カーペットが床一面を覆うように、攻撃対象を空から俯瞰した場合にそれらを区別しないのが"carpet bomb"なのだと解釈できます。
"on the carpet"などがその例なのですが、いずれ取り上げてみたいと思います。
pull over
知っている人には何ら目新しい話ではないかも知れませんが、スピード違反で警察に停車を命じられる際の英語表現は、"pull over"という表現が決まって使われます。例えば、以下のように。
He was pulled over for speeding.
When he saw the female driver frantically flashing her car’s lights and honking its horn, the Florida police officer probably thought he was needed to assist in an emergency.
But instead the cop found himself receiving a lecture on responsible driving and how he should be setting an example for the community.
Miami woman Claudia Castillo felt compelled to "pull over" and film the officer who she accused of speeding.
"The reason I pulled you over today, is because I saw you, since Miller Drive when you were first jumping onto the Palmetto, and you were pushing 90 miles an hour (144km/h)", she said to the officer, who was standing at her driver side window and looking in.
(Florida woman pulls over police officer for speeding. 9News. February 1, 2016.)
さて、"pull over"が何故「停車(させる)」という意味で使われるのか、漠然と疑問に思っておりました。
知っている人には何ら目新しい話ではないかも知れませんが、スピード違反で警察に停車を命じられる際の英語表現は、"pull over"という表現が決まって使われます。例えば、以下のように。
He was pulled over for speeding.
When he saw the female driver frantically flashing her car’s lights and honking its horn, the Florida police officer probably thought he was needed to assist in an emergency.
But instead the cop found himself receiving a lecture on responsible driving and how he should be setting an example for the community.
Miami woman Claudia Castillo felt compelled to "pull over" and film the officer who she accused of speeding.
"The reason I pulled you over today, is because I saw you, since Miller Drive when you were first jumping onto the Palmetto, and you were pushing 90 miles an hour (144km/h)", she said to the officer, who was standing at her driver side window and looking in.
(Florida woman pulls over police officer for speeding. 9News. February 1, 2016.)
さて、"pull over"が何故「停車(させる)」という意味で使われるのか、漠然と疑問に思っておりました。
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