


Why Boris Johnson's apartment renovations could land him in the political doghouse


"in the doghouse"という表現ですが、

面目を失って(in disgrace)、嫌われて、人気を落として(in disfavor)



London (CNN) - Boris Johnson is under fire over renovations to his apartment, after the British Prime Minister's former chief aide leveled accusations of "unethical, foolish, (and) possibly illegal" behavior against his old boss.

The claims come amid questions over who initially paid for Johnson's apartment to be upgraded -- and they hit very close to home for the Prime Minister, directing public attention to both his former closest ally, Dominic Cummings, and his fiancée, Carrie Symonds.
(Rob Picheta. Why Boris Johnson's apartment renovations could land him in the political doghouse. CNN. April 26, 2021.)


“in the doghouse”の意味するところは、記事冒頭の“under fire”とほぼ同じであろうと想像がつきます。


Compared with the Executive Residence at the White House or the various presidential palaces dotted around the world's capital cities, the British Prime Minister's London living quarters are relatively humble.

Leaders would traditionally live in a flat above Number 10 Downing Street, but recent Prime Ministers have instead moved into the larger apartment next door, at Number 11 -- above the offices of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


カネに汚い政治家は有権者から嫌われるのがオチです。ジョンソン首相が"political doghouse"に置かれる事態になったというのは、有権者からの不評を買っている、というのが意味するところでしょう。

犬小屋を意味する"doghouse"がこのような意味で使われるようになった経緯は定かではありませんが、夫婦喧嘩で妻から不評を買った挙句、外の犬小屋で寝る嵌めになった夫(sleeping in the doghouse)に因む(!?)という、まことしやかな話があります。


During the last week of November, the toysrus.com Web site was the nation's third most frequently visited -- after eBay and Amazon.com, Goldstein says. "We went from being in the doghouse to being one of the top dogs," he says.
(USA Today, 1999)

不評の象徴としての"doghouse"から、いわゆる「勝ち組」を意味する"top dog"まで、英語の中のイヌ(犬)は毀誉褒貶が激しいようです。

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