

来年のセンター試験予想問題 ― loopy (2)

問題: Loopyの意味として適切なものを選択せよ。

選択肢: (1)foolish (2)crazy (3)stupid  (4)unrealistic



島根大学の名誉教授(言語学)から、Washington Postへ直接、意味を質す問い合わせがあったとかで、改めてメディアの注目を集めています。日本の全国紙でも、"loopy"は”愚か”という意味よりも、”現実離れ”(日経)、”現実遊離”(産経)の意味に近い、と訂正記事(?)を出す有り様!?


It seems Japan just can't let go of our April 14 column calling Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama the "biggest loser" at the recent nuclear summit here because he asked for -- but did not get -- a one-on-one meeting with President Obama. We also described him as hapless and, in the view of Obama administration officials, "increasingly loopy."

The next day, a top aide to Hatoyama criticized the use of "loopy" as "somewhat impolite." In a just world, that might have ended the matter.


But confusion abounds as to what the word means.

We got a kind e-mail Saturday from Masayoshi Yamada, an emeritus professor of linguistics at the University of Shimane, who said the "Japanese mass media showed us two different translations" of the word.

"One translated it into the Japanese as meaning 'stupid,' " he wrote, "the other 'crazy.' " A dictionary of American slang, he added, "defines it as 'stupid, silly or eccentric,' " which left him and his students "just helpless when we wanted to decide what your 'loopy' usage precisely means."

Dear Professor Yamada:

Thank you for your inquiry. At the outset, we must emphasize that "loopy" is the exact polar opposite of "in the loop," which means plugged in or very well informed about things, especially the internal decision-making at the top levels of organizations.


After discussion with several experts -- actually, reporter colleagues who sit within a 30-foot radius -- the consensus is that the term essentially refers to someone oddly detached from reality.
(Al Kamen. 'Loopy' takes Japan by storm. The Washington Post. April 28, 2010.)

本ブログでの記事では、"loopy"は、"loop"(輪)が多い状態を指すというようなことを書きましたが、ワシントン・ポストの記事では、"in the loop"という成句が意味する、”十分に(問題の)事項について情報を得ている、また加担している”、という状況の正反対である、と定義されています。

その意味では、"out of the loop"とも解されるのですが、”現実離れしている”という形容は、現職総理大臣が”宇宙人”とも形容、揶揄されるのとも符合するものではないかと思えてきます。

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