

等身大、実物大 ― life-sized


中でも逮捕された容疑者の顔写真(mug shot)について、各メディアでの扱い様が話題になっています。

Smirking and creepy, with hollow eyes ablaze with unknowable thoughts, Jared Lee Loughner stared back at viewers and readers Tuesday for the first time since being accused of shooting 20 people in a supermarket parking lot in Tucson.

The police booking photo of the man accused of killing six and wounding 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, flashed around the world, at once haunting and fascinating. Dozens of newspapers placed the photo atop their front pages, burning Loughner's visage into the American consciousness.


New York's tabloid newspapers combined the photo with shocking headlines to create a tableau of guilt and horror. "Face of Evil," blared the New York Daily News, which ran Loughner's image nearly life-sized on its front page. The New York Post was no more subtle, playing the photo even larger beside a headline that all but convicted him: "Mad Eyes of a Killer."
(Paul Farhi. Media grapple with how to present mug shot of Tucson shooting suspect. The Washington Post. January 11, 2011.)

今日の単語、"life-sized"ですが、辞書によっては、"life-size"というエントリで、形容詞として載っています。上記の引用記事では、"the New York Daily News, which ran Loughner's image nearly life-sized on its front page"、とありますが、ここでの動詞、"run"は、(広告・記事などを)掲載する、という意味で用いられています。目的語に"Loughner's image"をとり、"life-sized"は補語として機能していると考えることができると思います。


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