

ロンドンでテロ発生 ― Run, Hide, Fight



(AP) -- College student Vashu Tyagi was leaving his dorm and heading to a nearby bar to celebrate the end of classes Saturday night in London when he saw people running frantically down the street. As three men with large knives moved through the area, stabbing anyone in their path, police yelled at Tyagi and others to get back inside — an order he credits with saving his life.

"Obviously they gave us good advice," he said. "I'm quite lucky to be here."

As reports of stabbings in a popular London nightspot started flowing in late Saturday, police sent out a tweet warning people in the area to run, hide, then call authorities. Officers on the scene also shouted at bystanders to disperse, a response that experts say likely saved lives.

Yet while the Run, Hide, Tell strategy — known in the U.S. as Run, Hide, Fight — has been credited with saving lives in certain circumstances, some say it's not perfect, especially when a victim's first instinct might be to freeze on the spot.


The Run, Hide, Tell strategy promoted by the United Kingdom's National Police Chiefs' Council says that in the event of an active attack, people should first run to a place of safety. If there is nowhere to go, hiding is the next best option, setting up barricades if possible. Then, when safe to do so, victims are urged to call police.
(Run, Hide, Tell? London Attack Response Likely Saved Lives. Bloomberg. June 5, 2017.)


Run, Hide, Tell strategy


Run, Hide, Fight



"Run, Hide, Fight"というのはアメリカで言われていることで、例えば銃撃犯に遭遇したときには、まずはその場から出来る限り遠くに逃げる(Run)、逃げられない場合は犯人に見つからないよう身を隠す(Hide)、そしてどうしようもない場合の最終手段としてのみ犯人と戦う(Fight)、という対応を示したものです

"Run, Hide, Tell"については、引用した記事の最後の部分に解説がありますが、最後の"Tell"は警察に連絡する、という意味です。まずは逃げるか、隠れるかして身の安全を確保することが第一であり、安全が確保された後に初めて警察に連絡する、ということです。

もはや世界のどこにいてもテロの恐怖に怯えなければならないような時代です。日本も例外ではないのかもしれませんが、"Run, Hide, Fight(もしくは、Tell)"が日常のフレーズにならないことを祈るばかりです。

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