





Is putting a period at the end of a text message passive-aggressive? Or is it just ending the sentence?

There are nuances to good netiquette, says Victoria Turk, an editor at Wired UK and the author of a new book, "Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide to Online Etiquette, From Social Media to Work to Love" (Plume, out now). She covers the gamut of proper digital manners, from emailing co-workers at night (just don't) to leaving lengthy voicemails (never).
(Marisa Dellatto. Leaving a voicemail is rude - and other secrets of digital etiquette. New York Post. January 8, 2020.)

以前、「 ピリオドはぶっきらぼう!?」という話題を取り上げたことがありますが、文末をピリオドで締めくくるのが"passive-aggressive"かと問われているところ、では"passive-aggressive"とは何だ?ということになりました。


One of the most stressful episodes of my career so far was when I had to collaborate on a project with a passive aggressive colleague. We didn’t argue or fight or shout; the animosity was played out by my emails going unanswered, my direct questions being ignored, and my calls being directed to voicemail.

Passive aggression is so subtle, so under the radar, so impossible to put your finger on, that it’s no wonder that business leaders have called it “the perfect crime”. It’s not the sole preserve of working environments either; it can take the shape of the sullen shop assistant, the stomping, door-slamming teenager or the surly spouse giving you the silent treatment after a row. It can be particularly bad at Christmas, when extra time with extended family and in-laws can cause resentment to fester under a facade of enforced bonhomie.
(Tanith Carey. Know someone who is passive aggressive? How I learnt to deal the 'angry smile.' The Telegraph. December 10, 2019. )

最近の言葉かと思ったら、"passive-aggressive personality"という言葉は昔からあるらしく、ランダムハウス英和では、







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