

cheap fake




cheap fake


Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accused The Post of spreading “misinformation” about videos of the 81-year-old president at recent events with G7 world leaders and former President Barack Obama.

Those events included a Thursday video of Biden being corralled by Italian PM Georgia Meloni after a skydiving demonstration and former President Barack Obama escorting his former VP off the stage at a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser Saturday night.

Jean-Pierre called the clips “cheap fakes”, meaning to claim they were altered by humans through techniques such as zooming in and leaving out context — but also incorrectly called them “deepfakes,” referring to AI-created footage with altered subjects and audio.
(Steven Nelson. White House makes wrong claims while accusing Post of misreporting videos of Biden freezing up, wandering off. NewYork Post. June 17, 2024.)



この"deepfake"に対して、"cheap fake"ということなんですが、"deep"が人工知能による深層学習という高等な技術を駆使した、一見素人にはフェイクであると見抜くことが難しいものであるのに対し、"cheap fake"とはその手法が「チープ」である、ということを意味するようです。


実のところ、この"cheap fake"という表現は結構以前から使われているようです。

以下に引用するのは2019年のCBS Newsの記事です。

Generating a convincing, high-definition deepfake video is an expensive and technical process requiring custom AI code that runs on dedicated processing hardware. But the cost of consumer-grade graphical processing units (GPU) dropped rapidly in recent years, leading to the rise of "cheap fake" videos, the term cybersecurity experts use to describe low-quality videos like the Nancy Pelosi hoax clip.

"'Cheap fakes' are the new fake news," said a technology executive familiar with deepfakes, who asked not to be named because he works closely with social media firms. "They're apparently everywhere because AI technology became widely available to both businesses and consumers, and because the hardware is pretty cheap these days."
(Dan Patterson. From deepfake to "cheap fake," it's getting harder to tell what's true on your favorite apps and websites. CBS News. June 13, 2019.)

AIが誰にでも使えるようになった時代、かつては"deepfake"と見なされたものも、今となっては"cheap fake"のレッテルを貼られることになります。

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