SAN FRANCISCO – Is speculation that Facebook could be worth a stratospheric $100 billion when it goes public grounded in reality?
The social-networking giant is poised to file for an initial public offering as early as this week. The IPO could raise $10 billion and make Facebook, on paper, as valuable as McDonald's, with a market value of $100 billion. That would rank Facebook 26th on the S&P 500.
(Is $100B valuation too heady for Facebook? USA Today. January 30, 2012.)
同社の時価総額が"$100 billion"、つまり日本円で10兆円規模(円高なので、数兆円というのが正しいかもしれません)、マクドナルドに並ぶくらいになるのではないかという憶測もあるそうです。これはスタンダード&プアーズのランキングで26位となるそうです。
高い、低いの話になれば、おそらく高いという話から、"stratospheric"とは"extremely or unreasonably high"(American Heritage Dictionary)ということになるのだろうと思われます。
の4つに分類されるそうです。そうしますと、成層圏は低い方から2番目ということになります。大気レベルでみると最高ではありませんが、地表から見れば成層圏とは高度11~50 kmの層であり、十分高いということになるでしょう。
驚天動地の発見? ― earth-shattering
Yahoo!の記事に英文ニュース記事へのリンクが紹介されていましたので早速アクセスして事の詳細を読んでみました。引用記事は英紙Daily Mailからです。
Shipwreck surveyors found a remarkable object in the depths of the Baltic Sea, but before they start celebrating, they need to figure out what it is.
A Swedish company named Ocean Explorer have discovered an unidentified object using their sonar technology in a secret location in the Baltic Sea.
Because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have not been able to pull a team together to see for themselves.
A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away.
At this point, the story behind the object is anyone's guess.
'We've heard lots of different kinds of explanations, from George Lucas's spaceship -- the Millennium Falcon -- to 'it's some kind of plug to the inner world,' like it should be hell down there or something,' said Peter Lindberg, a diver on the team.
While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technology.
('It's either the Millennium Falcon or a gateway to hell': Shipwreck hunters find mysterious object at bottom of Baltic Sea. The Daily Mail. January 29, 2012.)
難破船の捜索を専門に行う会社がソナーでの探索中に偶然発見したようです。この発見を記事で、"potentially earth-shattering"と表現していますが、見慣れない表現ではないでしょうか。
ちなみにAmerican Heritage Dictionary、研究社大英和では、"earth-shattering"のエントリはありません。
Daily Mailの記事なので、イギリス英語特有の表現ではと思って、OxfordのAdvanced Learner's Dictionaryを見てみました。
disturb the calmness of; shock
very disturbing; shocking
Yahoo!の記事に英文ニュース記事へのリンクが紹介されていましたので早速アクセスして事の詳細を読んでみました。引用記事は英紙Daily Mailからです。
Shipwreck surveyors found a remarkable object in the depths of the Baltic Sea, but before they start celebrating, they need to figure out what it is.
A Swedish company named Ocean Explorer have discovered an unidentified object using their sonar technology in a secret location in the Baltic Sea.
Because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have not been able to pull a team together to see for themselves.
A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away.
At this point, the story behind the object is anyone's guess.
'We've heard lots of different kinds of explanations, from George Lucas's spaceship -- the Millennium Falcon -- to 'it's some kind of plug to the inner world,' like it should be hell down there or something,' said Peter Lindberg, a diver on the team.
While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technology.
('It's either the Millennium Falcon or a gateway to hell': Shipwreck hunters find mysterious object at bottom of Baltic Sea. The Daily Mail. January 29, 2012.)
難破船の捜索を専門に行う会社がソナーでの探索中に偶然発見したようです。この発見を記事で、"potentially earth-shattering"と表現していますが、見慣れない表現ではないでしょうか。
ちなみにAmerican Heritage Dictionary、研究社大英和では、"earth-shattering"のエントリはありません。
Daily Mailの記事なので、イギリス英語特有の表現ではと思って、OxfordのAdvanced Learner's Dictionaryを見てみました。
disturb the calmness of; shock
very disturbing; shocking
深掘りのイケメン ― chisel
HE'S Australia's answer to Kevin Costner. Pictures of him with his arms around Julia Gillard, protecting her from angry protesters, have made news around the world, and this morning breakfast shows played him the ultimate compliment and played Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You over the footage.
TV hosts were comparing his chiseled good looks to those of Heath Ledger and speculated that Hollywood casting agents would soon be calling.
So who is he?
The Australian Federal Police haven't revealed the bodyguard's name but what they will say is that his actions yesterday were by the book.
(Julia Gillard's mystery bodyguard stirs Hollywood comparisons. Herald Sun. January 27, 2012.)
そのSPについて引用記事では、"chiseled good look"と表現されていますが、"chisel"とは彫刻で使う鑿(のみ)のこと、"chiseled"とは鑿で彫ったような深掘りで輪郭のよく出た、という意味です。
“オーストラリアのケビン・コスナー”とは随分持ちあげたものだと思いますが、朝のニュースでは件の写真、ビデオにホイットニー・ヒューストンの"I Will Always Love You"(どんな曲か知りませんが)をBGMで流したということですから、マスコミの悪ふざけも極まれりというところでしょうか。
JULIA Gillard has a week to reclaim her lost shoe from Aboriginal tent embassy protesters or it will be auctioned on eBay.
Elder Pat Eatock told The Australian Online Ms Gillard was welcome to come and collect the high-heel shoe - which fell from her foot as she fled protesters yesterday - if she was willing to visit the Canberra protest camp to discuss Aboriginal rights.
(Lanai Vasek. Protesters give Gillard a week to collect shoe before it is auctioned. The Australian. January 27, 2012.)
HE'S Australia's answer to Kevin Costner. Pictures of him with his arms around Julia Gillard, protecting her from angry protesters, have made news around the world, and this morning breakfast shows played him the ultimate compliment and played Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You over the footage.
TV hosts were comparing his chiseled good looks to those of Heath Ledger and speculated that Hollywood casting agents would soon be calling.
So who is he?
The Australian Federal Police haven't revealed the bodyguard's name but what they will say is that his actions yesterday were by the book.
(Julia Gillard's mystery bodyguard stirs Hollywood comparisons. Herald Sun. January 27, 2012.)
そのSPについて引用記事では、"chiseled good look"と表現されていますが、"chisel"とは彫刻で使う鑿(のみ)のこと、"chiseled"とは鑿で彫ったような深掘りで輪郭のよく出た、という意味です。
“オーストラリアのケビン・コスナー”とは随分持ちあげたものだと思いますが、朝のニュースでは件の写真、ビデオにホイットニー・ヒューストンの"I Will Always Love You"(どんな曲か知りませんが)をBGMで流したということですから、マスコミの悪ふざけも極まれりというところでしょうか。
JULIA Gillard has a week to reclaim her lost shoe from Aboriginal tent embassy protesters or it will be auctioned on eBay.
Elder Pat Eatock told The Australian Online Ms Gillard was welcome to come and collect the high-heel shoe - which fell from her foot as she fled protesters yesterday - if she was willing to visit the Canberra protest camp to discuss Aboriginal rights.
(Lanai Vasek. Protesters give Gillard a week to collect shoe before it is auctioned. The Australian. January 27, 2012.)
そのiPadには人の汗と血が・・・ ― cog
Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad
The explosion ripped through Building A5 on a Friday evening last May, an eruption of fire and noise that twisted metal pipes as if they were discarded straws.
When workers in the cafeteria ran outside, they saw black smoke pouring from shattered windows. It came from the area where employees polished thousands of iPad cases a day.
Two people were killed immediately, and over a dozen others hurt. As the injured were rushed into ambulances, one in particular stood out. His features had been smeared by the blast, scrubbed by heat and violence until a mat of red and black had replaced his mouth and nose.
(Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad. The New York Times. January 25, 2012.)
“Are you Lai Xiaodong’s father?” a caller asked when the phone rang at Mr. Lai’s childhood home. Six months earlier, the 22-year-old had moved to Chengdu, in southwest China, to become one of the millions of human cogs powering the largest, fastest and most sophisticated manufacturing system on earth. That system has made it possible for Apple and hundreds of other companies to build devices almost as quickly as they can be dreamed up.
“He’s in trouble,” the caller told Mr. Lai’s father. “Get to the hospital as soon as possible.”
負傷した22歳の男性は、事故が発生した工場に6か月前から働くようになったとあります。"to become one of the millions of human cogs"となるために。
従って、タイトルの"Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad"となるわけですが、少し考えさせられないでしょうか?
私自身はiPadもiPhoneも持っていませんが、買い物に出かけ店頭で手に取る物が"Made in China"であることはしばしばです。
Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad
The explosion ripped through Building A5 on a Friday evening last May, an eruption of fire and noise that twisted metal pipes as if they were discarded straws.
When workers in the cafeteria ran outside, they saw black smoke pouring from shattered windows. It came from the area where employees polished thousands of iPad cases a day.
Two people were killed immediately, and over a dozen others hurt. As the injured were rushed into ambulances, one in particular stood out. His features had been smeared by the blast, scrubbed by heat and violence until a mat of red and black had replaced his mouth and nose.
(Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad. The New York Times. January 25, 2012.)
“Are you Lai Xiaodong’s father?” a caller asked when the phone rang at Mr. Lai’s childhood home. Six months earlier, the 22-year-old had moved to Chengdu, in southwest China, to become one of the millions of human cogs powering the largest, fastest and most sophisticated manufacturing system on earth. That system has made it possible for Apple and hundreds of other companies to build devices almost as quickly as they can be dreamed up.
“He’s in trouble,” the caller told Mr. Lai’s father. “Get to the hospital as soon as possible.”
負傷した22歳の男性は、事故が発生した工場に6か月前から働くようになったとあります。"to become one of the millions of human cogs"となるために。
従って、タイトルの"Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad"となるわけですが、少し考えさせられないでしょうか?
私自身はiPadもiPhoneも持っていませんが、買い物に出かけ店頭で手に取る物が"Made in China"であることはしばしばです。
驚愕のリクリエーション!? ― train surfing
Parents mourn teen killed train surfing at Caulfield Station
James Wilkinson, 18, was on top of a city-bound train when he came into contact with live wires at Caulfield Station just before 11pm yesterday.
Paramedics were unable to reach him immediately out of fear they could be electrocuted too.
"Unfortunately, he died at the scene," Ambulance Victoria spokeswoman Susannah Wilson said.
The former De La Salle College and Camberwell High School student had been at an 18th birthday before the tragedy.
He had called himself the "Kelly Slater of train surfing" on a social networking site last year.
His parents Tim and Audrey Wilkinson this morning urged other teens not to train surf.
(Herald Sun. January 25, 2012.)
亡くなった男性は自らを、"Kelly Slater of train surfing"と称していたといいます。ここに至って、"train"が"surf"しているというのではなく、"train surfing"という1つの名詞であると分かります。"Kelly Slater"さんが何者なのか知りませんが、サーフィンか大道芸の名人なのでしょうか?
"...urged other teens not to train surf"
ここで、"train surf"は動詞であると解釈できます。一体、"train surfing"とは何なのでしょうか?
Train surfing is a common and usual way to ride trains in India, Indonesia, and South Africa, although it can occur in any area with trains. Individuals may train surf to avoid the cost of a ticket or as a recreational activity.
(Source: Wikipedia)
インドやアフリカ諸国などのいわゆる発展途上国で走る電車にしがみついているというのは何となくイメージできますが、"a recreational activity"とあるのにはびっくりです。(Wikipediaによりますと、イギリスやドイツなどでもこのような行為を趣味で楽しむ人がいるとのことです。)
Parents mourn teen killed train surfing at Caulfield Station
James Wilkinson, 18, was on top of a city-bound train when he came into contact with live wires at Caulfield Station just before 11pm yesterday.
Paramedics were unable to reach him immediately out of fear they could be electrocuted too.
"Unfortunately, he died at the scene," Ambulance Victoria spokeswoman Susannah Wilson said.
The former De La Salle College and Camberwell High School student had been at an 18th birthday before the tragedy.
He had called himself the "Kelly Slater of train surfing" on a social networking site last year.
His parents Tim and Audrey Wilkinson this morning urged other teens not to train surf.
(Herald Sun. January 25, 2012.)
亡くなった男性は自らを、"Kelly Slater of train surfing"と称していたといいます。ここに至って、"train"が"surf"しているというのではなく、"train surfing"という1つの名詞であると分かります。"Kelly Slater"さんが何者なのか知りませんが、サーフィンか大道芸の名人なのでしょうか?
"...urged other teens not to train surf"
ここで、"train surf"は動詞であると解釈できます。一体、"train surfing"とは何なのでしょうか?
Train surfing is a common and usual way to ride trains in India, Indonesia, and South Africa, although it can occur in any area with trains. Individuals may train surf to avoid the cost of a ticket or as a recreational activity.
(Source: Wikipedia)
インドやアフリカ諸国などのいわゆる発展途上国で走る電車にしがみついているというのは何となくイメージできますが、"a recreational activity"とあるのにはびっくりです。(Wikipediaによりますと、イギリスやドイツなどでもこのような行為を趣味で楽しむ人がいるとのことです。)
耳障りな話 ― jarring forecast
For a country still on edge nearly a year after the giant March 11 Tohoku earthquake, Japanese scientists Monday issued a jarring forecast: Tokyo will likely face its own large temblor within the next four years.
Researchers at Tokyo University’s Earthquake Research Institute said there’s a 70% probability the long-feared “big one” will hit the southern Kanto region, which includes Tokyo’s neon-lit jungle, by 2016. It’s an ominous consequence of last year’s game-changing magnitude 9.0 earthquake, the most powerful recorded to hit Japan.
(Yoree Koh. Big Tokyo Quake Forecast by 2016. The Wall Street Journal. January 23, 2012.)
A first visit to Tokyo's American School in Japan (ASIJ) includes one jarring moment of cultural disconnect. Walking there from the train station, you turn left at the fruit and vegetable stand, pass through a lane crowded with tiny houses identified by graceful Japanese characters, and then veer right at the Shinto temple. After that it's through some metal gates and a parking lot - and smack into a modern American high school, complete with locker doors slamming, sneakers squeaking on the floor, and, in one corner, a group of fair-haired teens enthusiastically sharing a pizza.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2002.)
Crum, who works 20 hours a week as a mess hall lunch server at the Marine Corps base at Quantico, said a full-time job with benefits would allow her and her boyfriend, Thomas Ardis Jr., 27, to leave their tent and get an apartment. Last month, Crum was given a strong incentive to succeed. During a hospital visit for nausea, she discovered that she's pregnant. It was jarring news, but she vowed to keep the baby.
(Washington Post. 2010.)
Witnessing a ritual goat slaughter and feast at The Sowetan newspaper was another jarring experience until I understood the healing role of the slaughter in the context of the African family - whether it is to celebrate a birth or wedding or to heal the wounds of a death in the family.
(Christian Science Monitor. 1994.)
For a country still on edge nearly a year after the giant March 11 Tohoku earthquake, Japanese scientists Monday issued a jarring forecast: Tokyo will likely face its own large temblor within the next four years.
Researchers at Tokyo University’s Earthquake Research Institute said there’s a 70% probability the long-feared “big one” will hit the southern Kanto region, which includes Tokyo’s neon-lit jungle, by 2016. It’s an ominous consequence of last year’s game-changing magnitude 9.0 earthquake, the most powerful recorded to hit Japan.
(Yoree Koh. Big Tokyo Quake Forecast by 2016. The Wall Street Journal. January 23, 2012.)
A first visit to Tokyo's American School in Japan (ASIJ) includes one jarring moment of cultural disconnect. Walking there from the train station, you turn left at the fruit and vegetable stand, pass through a lane crowded with tiny houses identified by graceful Japanese characters, and then veer right at the Shinto temple. After that it's through some metal gates and a parking lot - and smack into a modern American high school, complete with locker doors slamming, sneakers squeaking on the floor, and, in one corner, a group of fair-haired teens enthusiastically sharing a pizza.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2002.)
Crum, who works 20 hours a week as a mess hall lunch server at the Marine Corps base at Quantico, said a full-time job with benefits would allow her and her boyfriend, Thomas Ardis Jr., 27, to leave their tent and get an apartment. Last month, Crum was given a strong incentive to succeed. During a hospital visit for nausea, she discovered that she's pregnant. It was jarring news, but she vowed to keep the baby.
(Washington Post. 2010.)
Witnessing a ritual goat slaughter and feast at The Sowetan newspaper was another jarring experience until I understood the healing role of the slaughter in the context of the African family - whether it is to celebrate a birth or wedding or to heal the wounds of a death in the family.
(Christian Science Monitor. 1994.)
贅肉 ― flab
LONDON: Researchers have confirmed what many people have long suspected - mouthwatering images of food in advertisements is fuelling obesity epidemic.
A team at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry has found that it only takes a picture of tempting food to cause a change in the level of ghrelin hormone which control people's appetite - and this makes many hungry, the 'Daily Mail' said.
In fact, the effect of the hormones are so powerful that a photograph can make you want to eat a slice of cake just two hours after breakfast , says the study. The researchers suggest that people trying to shed the flab should avoid looking at pictures of tempting food.
(Appetizing food ads to blame for obesity epidemic. The Times of India. January 23, 2012.)
ドイツのマックス・プランク研究所(the Max Planck Institute)によると、美味しそうな食べ物の写真を見ることによってグレリン(ghrelin)と呼ばれるホルモン分泌が高まり、食欲が増すことが分かったそうです。
さて、引用記事の後半に、"shed the flab"という表現が出てきます。大体意味が想像付きますが、"flab"とは贅肉のことです。
"flab"という単語は、"flabby"という単語からの逆成(back-formation)であるということになっています。(ランダムハウス英和辞書、American Heritage Dictionary)
と、ここまで来て、Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書で"flab"を検索すると、下記のような定義になっていました。
soft flabby body tissue
LONDON: Researchers have confirmed what many people have long suspected - mouthwatering images of food in advertisements is fuelling obesity epidemic.
A team at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry has found that it only takes a picture of tempting food to cause a change in the level of ghrelin hormone which control people's appetite - and this makes many hungry, the 'Daily Mail' said.
In fact, the effect of the hormones are so powerful that a photograph can make you want to eat a slice of cake just two hours after breakfast , says the study. The researchers suggest that people trying to shed the flab should avoid looking at pictures of tempting food.
(Appetizing food ads to blame for obesity epidemic. The Times of India. January 23, 2012.)
ドイツのマックス・プランク研究所(the Max Planck Institute)によると、美味しそうな食べ物の写真を見ることによってグレリン(ghrelin)と呼ばれるホルモン分泌が高まり、食欲が増すことが分かったそうです。
さて、引用記事の後半に、"shed the flab"という表現が出てきます。大体意味が想像付きますが、"flab"とは贅肉のことです。
"flab"という単語は、"flabby"という単語からの逆成(back-formation)であるということになっています。(ランダムハウス英和辞書、American Heritage Dictionary)
と、ここまで来て、Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書で"flab"を検索すると、下記のような定義になっていました。
soft flabby body tissue
うるう秒 ― leap second
The leap second survives — for at least three more years.
Delegates at an international telecommunications meeting in Geneva were to decide on Thursday whether to recommend the elimination of leap seconds, which are occasionally added to the world’s atomic clocks to keep them synchronized with Earth’s rotational cycles.
Richard C. Beaird, a State Department official who led the American delegation, said in a statement that discussions at the meeting “revealed a heightened degree of interest that has not previously existed on this issue.” With no consensus among the delegates, officials at the International Telecommunication Union, part of the United Nations, sent the issue back to a panel of experts for further study. A revised proposal will be introduced no earlier than 2015.
(Kenneth Chang. Decision About One Second Is Postponed for Three Years. The New York Times. January 19, 2012.)
Opponents of leap seconds, led by the United States, say the sporadic addition of these timekeeping hiccups is a potential nightmare for computer networks that depend on precise time to coordinate communications.
The leap second survives — for at least three more years.
Delegates at an international telecommunications meeting in Geneva were to decide on Thursday whether to recommend the elimination of leap seconds, which are occasionally added to the world’s atomic clocks to keep them synchronized with Earth’s rotational cycles.
Richard C. Beaird, a State Department official who led the American delegation, said in a statement that discussions at the meeting “revealed a heightened degree of interest that has not previously existed on this issue.” With no consensus among the delegates, officials at the International Telecommunication Union, part of the United Nations, sent the issue back to a panel of experts for further study. A revised proposal will be introduced no earlier than 2015.
(Kenneth Chang. Decision About One Second Is Postponed for Three Years. The New York Times. January 19, 2012.)
Opponents of leap seconds, led by the United States, say the sporadic addition of these timekeeping hiccups is a potential nightmare for computer networks that depend on precise time to coordinate communications.
影響力の行使 ― flex one's muscle
Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge
For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more.
With Twitter, Blackouts and Demonstrations, Web Flexes Its Muscle
The Web buzzed with protests large and small on Wednesday as the tech industry rallied against Congressional legislation to curb Internet piracy.
Some sites blacked out — among them, the English-language Wikipedia, though it was possible to access the encyclopedia through several clever workarounds — while others, including Google and Craigslist, draped their pages with information about the bills, or restricted access.
(Jenna Wortham. With Twitter, Blackouts and Demonstrations, Web Flexes Its Muscle. The New York Times. January 18, 2012.)
"flex its muscle"という表現を取り上げたいのですが、文字通り訳せば、筋肉(muscle)を屈曲させる(flex)、ということになります。つまりは、持っている力を出す、ということであり、それは影響力の行使、という意味に他なりません。
Protests extended beyond the digital world and spilled into the streets of New York on Wednesday, with a similar event in San Francisco.
The stunning success of the protest, with its overwhelming impact on Web users, now raises the question: How might the organizers and their supporters flex their new-found political muscle in the future?
The bills' supporters, including business trade groups, publishers and media companies, downplayed the effects of the blackout, calling it a political stunt.
(Internet community cheers power of protest. USA Today. January 19, 2012.)
今回の件は私には昨年の"Occupy Wall Street"のデモを彷彿とさせるものがあるのですが、インターネットやメディアの発展に伴ってデモの中身も変わってきているということでしょうか。今回のデモを契機にして、ウェブサービスがその影響力を新しく発見したとも取れます。
引用の中に、"flex their new-found political muscle"とあります。"flex its muscle"という表現は、"muscle"の前に"political"や、"financial"などの形容詞を伴うことも多いようです。行使する影響力の源が政治力なのか、カネの力なのか・・・ということです。
Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge
For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more.
With Twitter, Blackouts and Demonstrations, Web Flexes Its Muscle
The Web buzzed with protests large and small on Wednesday as the tech industry rallied against Congressional legislation to curb Internet piracy.
Some sites blacked out — among them, the English-language Wikipedia, though it was possible to access the encyclopedia through several clever workarounds — while others, including Google and Craigslist, draped their pages with information about the bills, or restricted access.
(Jenna Wortham. With Twitter, Blackouts and Demonstrations, Web Flexes Its Muscle. The New York Times. January 18, 2012.)
"flex its muscle"という表現を取り上げたいのですが、文字通り訳せば、筋肉(muscle)を屈曲させる(flex)、ということになります。つまりは、持っている力を出す、ということであり、それは影響力の行使、という意味に他なりません。
Protests extended beyond the digital world and spilled into the streets of New York on Wednesday, with a similar event in San Francisco.
The stunning success of the protest, with its overwhelming impact on Web users, now raises the question: How might the organizers and their supporters flex their new-found political muscle in the future?
The bills' supporters, including business trade groups, publishers and media companies, downplayed the effects of the blackout, calling it a political stunt.
(Internet community cheers power of protest. USA Today. January 19, 2012.)
今回の件は私には昨年の"Occupy Wall Street"のデモを彷彿とさせるものがあるのですが、インターネットやメディアの発展に伴ってデモの中身も変わってきているということでしょうか。今回のデモを契機にして、ウェブサービスがその影響力を新しく発見したとも取れます。
引用の中に、"flex their new-found political muscle"とあります。"flex its muscle"という表現は、"muscle"の前に"political"や、"financial"などの形容詞を伴うことも多いようです。行使する影響力の源が政治力なのか、カネの力なのか・・・ということです。
姓(last name; family name)ではなく、“名”(first name)のお話になるのかも知れませんが、英単語には“名”が転化して特別な意味をもつようになったものがいくつかあります。
Police arrested nearly 200 people in a 4-day citywide prostitution sting.
The weekend long raid, that started on Thursday and ended Sunday, had cops hitting 27 precincts which resulted in the arrest of 10 prostitutes, 186 johns.
Cops also seized 56 vehicles.
Undercover cops pose as hookers and collar those johns looking for a prostitute, sources said.
The sting was part of an initiative run by the NYPD’s civil enforcement unit, dubbed “Operation Losing Proposition” which deters street prostitution by seizing the cars of prostitute’s customers.
The Brownsville section of Brooklyn saw the most arrests with 3 prostitutes and 16 johns, followed by Jackson Heights Queens where police nabbed another 14 johns.
All 186 were charged with patronizing a prostitute, police said.
(Jessica Simeone. Cops bust nearly 200 in prostitution sting. New York Post. January 16, 2012.)
アメリカの大衆紙New York Postの記事から引用しました。
姓(last name; family name)ではなく、“名”(first name)のお話になるのかも知れませんが、英単語には“名”が転化して特別な意味をもつようになったものがいくつかあります。
Police arrested nearly 200 people in a 4-day citywide prostitution sting.
The weekend long raid, that started on Thursday and ended Sunday, had cops hitting 27 precincts which resulted in the arrest of 10 prostitutes, 186 johns.
Cops also seized 56 vehicles.
Undercover cops pose as hookers and collar those johns looking for a prostitute, sources said.
The sting was part of an initiative run by the NYPD’s civil enforcement unit, dubbed “Operation Losing Proposition” which deters street prostitution by seizing the cars of prostitute’s customers.
The Brownsville section of Brooklyn saw the most arrests with 3 prostitutes and 16 johns, followed by Jackson Heights Queens where police nabbed another 14 johns.
All 186 were charged with patronizing a prostitute, police said.
(Jessica Simeone. Cops bust nearly 200 in prostitution sting. New York Post. January 16, 2012.)
アメリカの大衆紙New York Postの記事から引用しました。
laundry list
"laundry list"という表現をご存知でしょうか?例えば以下のような用例があります。
It seems there's an ever increasing laundry list of problems that are being attached to the Mir.
(CNN. 1997.)
とあります。Merriam Websterでは、
a usually long list of items
コーパスを参照してみると、"laundry list of~"の"of~"以下に来る名詞は、冒頭に引用した"problem"の他、"issue"や"complaints"など、ネガティヴな意味を持つ名詞が多く見られます。
座礁・転覆 ― capsize
GIGLIO, Italy — The captain of the cruise ship that capsized aground near an Italian island, killing at least five people, may have caused the accident by taking the ship too close to the island’s rocky shore, the owner of the vessel said on Sunday, as rescue workers extracted three survivors and two bodies from the wreck.
The captain, Francesco Schettino, 52, of Naples, Italy, was detained for questioning by the Italian police on charges of manslaughter, failure to offer assistance and abandonment of the ship.
(Liner Captain Is Questioned in Capsizing Off Italy Coast. The New York Times. January 15, 2012.)
引用の記事では、"capsized aground"となっており、英和辞書では"capsize"は”転覆”ですが、"aground"ではそれが”座礁”でもあることを付加的に意味しているように思われます。
ランダムハウスでは語源欄の説明はありません。また、American Heritageでは、"Origin unknown."となっており、益々興味を引かれるところです。
そこで、Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書を参照しましたところ下記説明がありました。
perhaps from Spanish capuzar or Catalan cabussar to thrust (the head) underwater
問題は"size"の方ですが、"full size"や"letter size"などの大きさを意味する”サイズ”を想定すると、これはどうもあてはまりませんね。
GIGLIO, Italy — The captain of the cruise ship that capsized aground near an Italian island, killing at least five people, may have caused the accident by taking the ship too close to the island’s rocky shore, the owner of the vessel said on Sunday, as rescue workers extracted three survivors and two bodies from the wreck.
The captain, Francesco Schettino, 52, of Naples, Italy, was detained for questioning by the Italian police on charges of manslaughter, failure to offer assistance and abandonment of the ship.
(Liner Captain Is Questioned in Capsizing Off Italy Coast. The New York Times. January 15, 2012.)
引用の記事では、"capsized aground"となっており、英和辞書では"capsize"は”転覆”ですが、"aground"ではそれが”座礁”でもあることを付加的に意味しているように思われます。
ランダムハウスでは語源欄の説明はありません。また、American Heritageでは、"Origin unknown."となっており、益々興味を引かれるところです。
そこで、Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書を参照しましたところ下記説明がありました。
perhaps from Spanish capuzar or Catalan cabussar to thrust (the head) underwater
問題は"size"の方ですが、"full size"や"letter size"などの大きさを意味する”サイズ”を想定すると、これはどうもあてはまりませんね。
昨日の話の続き ― smart set
何故かと言いますと、まずは、"jetsetter"という単語と"jet set"という2つの単語の存在があります。"jetsetter"の語尾"-er"は名詞に付属して、”・・・する人”という意味を作る接尾辞ですが、"jet set"という単語自体が、”ジェット族”、つまりジェット機を利用する人達、を意味しているのにさらに語尾"-er"がつくのは、ある意味余計だと言えます。
次に、"jet set"にしろ、"jetsetter"にしろ、今日ではあまり使われることのない表現だとは思うのですが、"set"という部分("jet set"は"jet"と"set"の2単語からなる表現ですが)について、"jet set"を文字通り”ジェット族”と解するならば、何故"set"なのだろうということです。
それを表現するのに、一味といったり、連中といったり、単に仲間といったり、これは日本語が表現豊かであることの証左ですが、日本語では使う表現によって微妙な差異が出てきます。一方、英語では"set"ということになるわけですが、"jet set"の例に見られるように、"set"を使った表現にはややその対象に対する侮蔑が含まれていますので注意が必要です。
Get ready to start from scratch in the race for the White House. The smart set has been pretending for months that polls tell us who the front-runners are for the Republican nomination. So much for the smart set. Now the voters get to choose, and their decision - the only one that matters - probably will surprise us.
Iowa and New Hampshire start the bidding, and they usually disagree with each other. Then a few dozen other states weigh in. What we’re left with in the end is often nothing like we thought it would be in the beginning.
(Jeffrey H. Birnbaum. BIRNBAUM: Time for campaign amne. Washington Times. December 29, 2011.)
ちょっと何の話か分かりづらいところですが、これは最近騒がしくなってきたアメリカ大統領選の予備選挙の話題です。"smart set"という表現が出てきます。この"set"も同様で、いわゆる"smart"な連中、ということになります。マスコミにしゃしゃり出てくるコメンテーターの類でしょうか。この場合の"set"にもやや軽蔑が込められていると捉えてよいかと思います。
同様の表現として、"younger set"(若手; "older set"はその逆でいわゆる”年寄連中”)があります。
何故かと言いますと、まずは、"jetsetter"という単語と"jet set"という2つの単語の存在があります。"jetsetter"の語尾"-er"は名詞に付属して、”・・・する人”という意味を作る接尾辞ですが、"jet set"という単語自体が、”ジェット族”、つまりジェット機を利用する人達、を意味しているのにさらに語尾"-er"がつくのは、ある意味余計だと言えます。
次に、"jet set"にしろ、"jetsetter"にしろ、今日ではあまり使われることのない表現だとは思うのですが、"set"という部分("jet set"は"jet"と"set"の2単語からなる表現ですが)について、"jet set"を文字通り”ジェット族”と解するならば、何故"set"なのだろうということです。
それを表現するのに、一味といったり、連中といったり、単に仲間といったり、これは日本語が表現豊かであることの証左ですが、日本語では使う表現によって微妙な差異が出てきます。一方、英語では"set"ということになるわけですが、"jet set"の例に見られるように、"set"を使った表現にはややその対象に対する侮蔑が含まれていますので注意が必要です。
Get ready to start from scratch in the race for the White House. The smart set has been pretending for months that polls tell us who the front-runners are for the Republican nomination. So much for the smart set. Now the voters get to choose, and their decision - the only one that matters - probably will surprise us.
Iowa and New Hampshire start the bidding, and they usually disagree with each other. Then a few dozen other states weigh in. What we’re left with in the end is often nothing like we thought it would be in the beginning.
(Jeffrey H. Birnbaum. BIRNBAUM: Time for campaign amne. Washington Times. December 29, 2011.)
ちょっと何の話か分かりづらいところですが、これは最近騒がしくなってきたアメリカ大統領選の予備選挙の話題です。"smart set"という表現が出てきます。この"set"も同様で、いわゆる"smart"な連中、ということになります。マスコミにしゃしゃり出てくるコメンテーターの類でしょうか。この場合の"set"にもやや軽蔑が込められていると捉えてよいかと思います。
同様の表現として、"younger set"(若手; "older set"はその逆でいわゆる”年寄連中”)があります。
肥満の人は何かと損? ― obese jetsetter
体重を気にしている方を刺激してしまいそうですが、エアライン各社が平均以上の体重の乗客には航空運賃に追加料金を設定することを考えているそうです。オーストラリア発、Sydney Morning Herald紙からの引用です。
OVERWEIGHT passengers should be forced to pay extra for air travel, a former airline economist says. The idea was floated by former Qantas chief economist Tony Webber in a column for Business Day online yesterday.
"People who weigh more should pay more to fly on planes - in the same way that people who exceed their baggage allowance must fork out extra," Mr Webber wrote.
Mr Webber, who left the airline last April, said the weight of an aircraft dictated how much fuel it burnt and airlines may have to raise ticket prices to account for obese jetsetters.
(Nathan Partenza. Fat tax urged for airlines' health. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 12, 2012.)
"If the passengers on the aircraft weigh more, the aircraft consumes more fuel and the airline's costs go up," he said. Mr Webber admitted the proposal would be met with ''public uproar''. However, he pointed to other cases of price discrimination, including by trains, taxis and insurance companies.
とあり、”時にあざけりの気持ちを含む”と補足説明があります。どうやら、あまりよい意味で用いられる表現ではなさそうです。特に、"obese jetsetter"とあっては、これはまさに中傷の表現だと言ってよいでしょう。
Although jet passenger service in the 1950s was initially marketed primarily to the rich, its introduction eventually resulted in a substantial democratization of air travel. Today, the term "jet set" no longer has cachet. It may still be valid today if it is understood to mean those who have the independent wealth and time to regularly travel widely, at will, for extended periods, for pleasure. It could also now be taken to mean those who can afford to travel in privately-owned or leased aircraft.
Sydney Morning Herald紙のライターがどのような意図があって"jetsetter"という表現を使ったのか興味深いところですが、現代風に言えば"jetsetter"とはつまり、"frequent flyer"のことであり、"obese frequent flyer"ではだめだったのだろうかと思います。
OVERWEIGHT passengers should be forced to pay extra for air travel, a former airline economist says. The idea was floated by former Qantas chief economist Tony Webber in a column for Business Day online yesterday.
"People who weigh more should pay more to fly on planes - in the same way that people who exceed their baggage allowance must fork out extra," Mr Webber wrote.
Mr Webber, who left the airline last April, said the weight of an aircraft dictated how much fuel it burnt and airlines may have to raise ticket prices to account for obese jetsetters.
(Nathan Partenza. Fat tax urged for airlines' health. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 12, 2012.)
"If the passengers on the aircraft weigh more, the aircraft consumes more fuel and the airline's costs go up," he said. Mr Webber admitted the proposal would be met with ''public uproar''. However, he pointed to other cases of price discrimination, including by trains, taxis and insurance companies.
とあり、”時にあざけりの気持ちを含む”と補足説明があります。どうやら、あまりよい意味で用いられる表現ではなさそうです。特に、"obese jetsetter"とあっては、これはまさに中傷の表現だと言ってよいでしょう。
Although jet passenger service in the 1950s was initially marketed primarily to the rich, its introduction eventually resulted in a substantial democratization of air travel. Today, the term "jet set" no longer has cachet. It may still be valid today if it is understood to mean those who have the independent wealth and time to regularly travel widely, at will, for extended periods, for pleasure. It could also now be taken to mean those who can afford to travel in privately-owned or leased aircraft.
Sydney Morning Herald紙のライターがどのような意図があって"jetsetter"という表現を使ったのか興味深いところですが、現代風に言えば"jetsetter"とはつまり、"frequent flyer"のことであり、"obese frequent flyer"ではだめだったのだろうかと思います。
暴走族の季節? ― bikie
Queensland's top cop says police are ready for a national gathering of a notorious bikie gang, the Gypsy Jokers, in Brisbane this week.
Amid fears of a turf war as the gang apparently tries to establish a foothold in the state, Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson says police are planning for the gathering, and will act on any associated criminal activity.
"Much of our work in relation to OMCGs (outlaw motor cycle gangs) remains covert and out of the public eye. However, a lack of visibility should not be confused with a lack of activity," he says in a statement.
(Top cop reassures Qld over bikie threat. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 11, 2012.)
オーストラリア英語での話ですが、暴走族は、"bikie"、または"bikie gang"と表現しています。
"bikie"という単語は想像がつくように、"bike"(バイク)+ 接尾辞"ie"、という形になっています。
Merriam Webster Dictionaryに"bikie"のエントリがあるのですが、その定義は単に、"biker"となっています。"biker"を引くと、"bicyclist"という定義に続いて、"motorcyclist"とあります。どちらも普通に自転車乗り、バイク乗り、ということですが、"motorcyclist"については、
motorcyclist; especially : one who is a member of an organized club or gang
オーストラリア英語だからでしょうか、American Heritage Dictionaryにはエントリがありません。
Queensland's top cop says police are ready for a national gathering of a notorious bikie gang, the Gypsy Jokers, in Brisbane this week.
Amid fears of a turf war as the gang apparently tries to establish a foothold in the state, Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson says police are planning for the gathering, and will act on any associated criminal activity.
"Much of our work in relation to OMCGs (outlaw motor cycle gangs) remains covert and out of the public eye. However, a lack of visibility should not be confused with a lack of activity," he says in a statement.
(Top cop reassures Qld over bikie threat. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 11, 2012.)
オーストラリア英語での話ですが、暴走族は、"bikie"、または"bikie gang"と表現しています。
"bikie"という単語は想像がつくように、"bike"(バイク)+ 接尾辞"ie"、という形になっています。
Merriam Webster Dictionaryに"bikie"のエントリがあるのですが、その定義は単に、"biker"となっています。"biker"を引くと、"bicyclist"という定義に続いて、"motorcyclist"とあります。どちらも普通に自転車乗り、バイク乗り、ということですが、"motorcyclist"については、
motorcyclist; especially : one who is a member of an organized club or gang
オーストラリア英語だからでしょうか、American Heritage Dictionaryにはエントリがありません。
今年こそ禁煙!? ― kick the habit
The nicotine gum and patches that millions of smokers use to help kick their habit have no lasting benefit and may backfire in some cases, according to the most rigorous long-term study to date of so-called nicotine replacement therapy.
The study, published Monday in the journal Tobacco Control, included nearly 800 people trying to quit smoking over a period of several years, and is likely to inflame a long-running debate about the value of nicotine alternatives.
(Benedict Carey. Nicotine Gum and Skin Patch Face New Doubt. The New York Times. January 9, 2012.)
In medical studies, the products have proved effective, making it easier for people to quit, at least in the short term. Those earlier, more encouraging findings were the basis for federal guidelines that recommended the products for smoking cessation.
But in surveys, smokers who have used the over-the-counter products, either as part of a program or on their own, have reported little benefit. The new study followed one group of smokers to see whether nicotine replacement affected their odds of kicking the habit over time. It did not, even if they also received counseling with the nicotine replacement.
最後になりましたが今日取り上げる表現、"kick the habit"は改めて説明の必要もないかもしれませんが、特に悪い癖などを断ち切る、という意味で用いられる成句です。American Heritage Dictionaryではスラング(Slang)ということになっています。
"knock the habit"という表現もありますが、コーパスで調べると"kick the habit"がもっぱら優勢です。勿論、"stop"、"quit"などの動詞も間違いではありませんんが、殊悪習に関する限り、"kick"がぴったりというところのようです。
The nicotine gum and patches that millions of smokers use to help kick their habit have no lasting benefit and may backfire in some cases, according to the most rigorous long-term study to date of so-called nicotine replacement therapy.
The study, published Monday in the journal Tobacco Control, included nearly 800 people trying to quit smoking over a period of several years, and is likely to inflame a long-running debate about the value of nicotine alternatives.
(Benedict Carey. Nicotine Gum and Skin Patch Face New Doubt. The New York Times. January 9, 2012.)
In medical studies, the products have proved effective, making it easier for people to quit, at least in the short term. Those earlier, more encouraging findings were the basis for federal guidelines that recommended the products for smoking cessation.
But in surveys, smokers who have used the over-the-counter products, either as part of a program or on their own, have reported little benefit. The new study followed one group of smokers to see whether nicotine replacement affected their odds of kicking the habit over time. It did not, even if they also received counseling with the nicotine replacement.
最後になりましたが今日取り上げる表現、"kick the habit"は改めて説明の必要もないかもしれませんが、特に悪い癖などを断ち切る、という意味で用いられる成句です。American Heritage Dictionaryではスラング(Slang)ということになっています。
"knock the habit"という表現もありますが、コーパスで調べると"kick the habit"がもっぱら優勢です。勿論、"stop"、"quit"などの動詞も間違いではありませんんが、殊悪習に関する限り、"kick"がぴったりというところのようです。
バンジージャンプ ― bungy/bungee
An Australian woman escaped with just cuts and bruises after her bungy cord snapped during a New Year's Eve jump in Africa, sending her flying head-first into raging, crocodile-infested waters.
Erin Langworthy's ill-fated jump from the Victoria Falls bridge - 111 metres above the Zambezi River - was caught on camera, showing the rope snapping and a large splash in the water below.
(Aussie plunges into croc-infested waters after bungy cord snaps. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 9, 2012.)
冒頭で触れたように、バンジージャンプというとオーストラリアかニュージーランドの名物(?)のように思われていますが、これはバンジージャンプを初めて商業化したのが、A. J. Hackettというニュージーランド人だったことに由来するようです。尤も、Hackett氏が商業化を思いついたのは、バヌアツ共和国(オーストラリアの北東に位置する島国)で男子の通過儀礼として行われていた同様の行為を見たのがきっかけだったということですから、起源はバヌアツにあるというのが正しいのかもしれません。
引用記事からも分かりますが、"bungy cord"(Hackett氏のサイトでは、"bungee"よりも"bungy"が使われているようです)がいわゆるバンジージャンプの際に足につける綱を指しています。
このサイトを見ていて私も知ったのですが、ジャンプする人の体重によって綱の種類も変えるそうで、4種類の"bungy cord"があるのだそうです。
An Australian woman escaped with just cuts and bruises after her bungy cord snapped during a New Year's Eve jump in Africa, sending her flying head-first into raging, crocodile-infested waters.
Erin Langworthy's ill-fated jump from the Victoria Falls bridge - 111 metres above the Zambezi River - was caught on camera, showing the rope snapping and a large splash in the water below.
(Aussie plunges into croc-infested waters after bungy cord snaps. The Sydney Morning Herald. January 9, 2012.)
冒頭で触れたように、バンジージャンプというとオーストラリアかニュージーランドの名物(?)のように思われていますが、これはバンジージャンプを初めて商業化したのが、A. J. Hackettというニュージーランド人だったことに由来するようです。尤も、Hackett氏が商業化を思いついたのは、バヌアツ共和国(オーストラリアの北東に位置する島国)で男子の通過儀礼として行われていた同様の行為を見たのがきっかけだったということですから、起源はバヌアツにあるというのが正しいのかもしれません。
引用記事からも分かりますが、"bungy cord"(Hackett氏のサイトでは、"bungee"よりも"bungy"が使われているようです)がいわゆるバンジージャンプの際に足につける綱を指しています。
このサイトを見ていて私も知ったのですが、ジャンプする人の体重によって綱の種類も変えるそうで、4種類の"bungy cord"があるのだそうです。
ジョブズ氏“激似”のフィギュア、差し止めなるか? ― uncanny resemblance
The makers of an action figure with an uncanny resemblance to the late Apple founder Steve Jobs are reportedly being 'threatened with legal action' by the computing giant.
The 12-inch figurine, which comes complete with Jobs's trademark blue jeans, sneakers and black turtleneck sweater, was created by Chinese company In Icons and was set for release in February. But 'their efforts have reportedly met with' a legal challenge with Apple allegedly threatening to sue the toy maker unless they cease trading.
The legal wrangle is over the likeness of the doll to the late Apple founder, the rights of which the company claims it owns.
Apple reportedly stipulates in a letter to the Chinese manufacturer that any toy that resembles the technology company's logo, person's name, appearance or likeness of its products is a criminal offence.
(Amy Willis. Apple 'threatens legal action' over Steve Jobs action doll. The Telegraph. January 5, 2012.)
さて、今日取り上げたい表現は、"uncanny resemblance"というものなのですが、"uncanny"とは、超人的な、超自然的な、尋常ではない、といった意味の形容詞です。並はずれた、という意味で、"uncanny ability"、"uncanny knack"といった形で用いられますので見慣れたという方もあるでしょう。
今風の表現で言えば、“激似”ということでしょうか。“激似”(げきに: この読み方自体にも議論があるようですが)なんて日本語は正しい日本語ではありません、という声が聞こえてきそうですが・・・。
フィギュアは通常価格$99なのだそうです。どのようなことを考えてこんなフィギュアを作ったのか、中国メーカーの商魂逞しさといったところでしょうか?そのあたりの不可解さも含めて、"uncanny resemblance"なのかもしれません。
The makers of an action figure with an uncanny resemblance to the late Apple founder Steve Jobs are reportedly being 'threatened with legal action' by the computing giant.
The 12-inch figurine, which comes complete with Jobs's trademark blue jeans, sneakers and black turtleneck sweater, was created by Chinese company In Icons and was set for release in February. But 'their efforts have reportedly met with' a legal challenge with Apple allegedly threatening to sue the toy maker unless they cease trading.
The legal wrangle is over the likeness of the doll to the late Apple founder, the rights of which the company claims it owns.
Apple reportedly stipulates in a letter to the Chinese manufacturer that any toy that resembles the technology company's logo, person's name, appearance or likeness of its products is a criminal offence.
(Amy Willis. Apple 'threatens legal action' over Steve Jobs action doll. The Telegraph. January 5, 2012.)
さて、今日取り上げたい表現は、"uncanny resemblance"というものなのですが、"uncanny"とは、超人的な、超自然的な、尋常ではない、といった意味の形容詞です。並はずれた、という意味で、"uncanny ability"、"uncanny knack"といった形で用いられますので見慣れたという方もあるでしょう。
今風の表現で言えば、“激似”ということでしょうか。“激似”(げきに: この読み方自体にも議論があるようですが)なんて日本語は正しい日本語ではありません、という声が聞こえてきそうですが・・・。
フィギュアは通常価格$99なのだそうです。どのようなことを考えてこんなフィギュアを作ったのか、中国メーカーの商魂逞しさといったところでしょうか?そのあたりの不可解さも含めて、"uncanny resemblance"なのかもしれません。
TWO 11-year-old boys and their dads clung to an esky in open seas after their fishing boat sank in waters off Sydney's Dee Why this morning.
Rick Matthews, 46, and his son Ryan, and Scott Smiles with son Riley were fishing when smoke began billowing from the engine.
Police called Mr Smiles a hero because he activated a distress signal from an EPIRB on board the boat about 9am.
But Mr Smiles said he did "what we had to do".
"I grabbed the esky and jumped off the boat," he said.
"It was just something to float on".
(Chopper saves people clinging to Esky in ocean. The Sunday Times. January 5, 2012.)
引用した記事では、大文字スタートではなく、"an esky"と一般名詞で使われています。内容から海の事故のようですが、引用の最後の"something to float on"が"esky"を指しているということもヒントになります。
Eskyはオーストラリアのメーカーによる商標で、今はアウトドア用品で有名なColemanに買収されているそうですが、オーストラリアではよく知られたブランドであり、小型携帯冷蔵庫の代名詞のようになっているようです。オーストラリア以外でどの程度通用するのかは?ですが・・・。(American Heritage Dictionaryにはエントリはありません。)
TWO 11-year-old boys and their dads clung to an esky in open seas after their fishing boat sank in waters off Sydney's Dee Why this morning.
Rick Matthews, 46, and his son Ryan, and Scott Smiles with son Riley were fishing when smoke began billowing from the engine.
Police called Mr Smiles a hero because he activated a distress signal from an EPIRB on board the boat about 9am.
But Mr Smiles said he did "what we had to do".
"I grabbed the esky and jumped off the boat," he said.
"It was just something to float on".
(Chopper saves people clinging to Esky in ocean. The Sunday Times. January 5, 2012.)
引用した記事では、大文字スタートではなく、"an esky"と一般名詞で使われています。内容から海の事故のようですが、引用の最後の"something to float on"が"esky"を指しているということもヒントになります。
Eskyはオーストラリアのメーカーによる商標で、今はアウトドア用品で有名なColemanに買収されているそうですが、オーストラリアではよく知られたブランドであり、小型携帯冷蔵庫の代名詞のようになっているようです。オーストラリア以外でどの程度通用するのかは?ですが・・・。(American Heritage Dictionaryにはエントリはありません。)
こんな意味もあったの? ― broad
Police hunt three men after man shot dead in broad daylight at Sans Souci in Sydney
THREE men are being hunted by police after a man was fatally shot in the head during a brazen daylight attack outside his home in south Sydney.
The man, aged in his 30s, was discovered by emergency services lying in the street with a single gunshot wound.
He had been gunned down outside his home in Selmon Street, at Sans Souci in the city's south, about midday (AEDT) today.
He was taken to St George Hospital, but died a short time later.
Superintendent Peter O'Brien said police were yet to establish a motive.
(Lema Samander. News.com.au. January 4, 2012.)
またまた私の不勉強をさらすようですが、ヘッドラインの"broad daylight"に注目します。
バンド?(broad band; broadband)ストリート?(broad street)
Police hunt three men after man shot dead in broad daylight at Sans Souci in Sydney
THREE men are being hunted by police after a man was fatally shot in the head during a brazen daylight attack outside his home in south Sydney.
The man, aged in his 30s, was discovered by emergency services lying in the street with a single gunshot wound.
He had been gunned down outside his home in Selmon Street, at Sans Souci in the city's south, about midday (AEDT) today.
He was taken to St George Hospital, but died a short time later.
Superintendent Peter O'Brien said police were yet to establish a motive.
(Lema Samander. News.com.au. January 4, 2012.)
またまた私の不勉強をさらすようですが、ヘッドラインの"broad daylight"に注目します。
バンド?(broad band; broadband)ストリート?(broad street)
今年はよい年でありますように・・・ ― generosity
(PARIS) — Fireworks glittered and boomed Sunday as revelers in Australia and Asia welcomed 2012 and others around the world looked forward to bidding adieu to a year marred by natural disasters and economic turmoil.
(Greg Keller. Australia, Asia Welcome 2012. Time. December 31, 2011.)
The mood was less bright in Europe, where leaders set the tone for a continent hammered by an unprecedented economic crisis that has put the euro's existence in question, turning in New Year's messages that 2012 will bring more financial hardship.
In Greece, where the government has imposed especially harsh austerity measures, Prime Minister Lucas Papademos could promise no reprieve.
"A very difficult year is coming: we must continue our effort decisively. So that our sacrifices will not have been in vain," he said.
Raymond Lo, a master of feng shui — the Chinese art of arranging objects and choosing dates to improve luck — offered hope that things might get better. He said he wasn't surprised that 2011 was such a tumultuous year because it was associated with the natural elements of metal and wood. The year's natural disasters were foreshadowed, Lo said, because wood — which represents trees and nature — was attacked by metal.
2012 could be better because it's associated with ocean water, which represents energy and drive and the washing away of old habits, Lo said.
"Big water also means charity, generosity," Lo said. "Therefore that means sharing. That means maybe the big tycoons will share some of their wealth."
中国の風水専門家に言わせると2012年は大洋の水(ocean water)の年なのだそうですが、大洋の水はエネルギーと推進力や活力を象徴し、旧弊を洗い流してくれるものだそうです。
大洋の水はまた、慈愛と寛容(charity and generosity)も象徴するということです。世界中の人々が助け合い、分かち合う、そんな素晴らしい1年になるのでしょうか。
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"generosity"の定義は最初に
Liberality in giving or willingness to give
Nobility of thought or behavior; magnanimity
(PARIS) — Fireworks glittered and boomed Sunday as revelers in Australia and Asia welcomed 2012 and others around the world looked forward to bidding adieu to a year marred by natural disasters and economic turmoil.
(Greg Keller. Australia, Asia Welcome 2012. Time. December 31, 2011.)
The mood was less bright in Europe, where leaders set the tone for a continent hammered by an unprecedented economic crisis that has put the euro's existence in question, turning in New Year's messages that 2012 will bring more financial hardship.
In Greece, where the government has imposed especially harsh austerity measures, Prime Minister Lucas Papademos could promise no reprieve.
"A very difficult year is coming: we must continue our effort decisively. So that our sacrifices will not have been in vain," he said.
Raymond Lo, a master of feng shui — the Chinese art of arranging objects and choosing dates to improve luck — offered hope that things might get better. He said he wasn't surprised that 2011 was such a tumultuous year because it was associated with the natural elements of metal and wood. The year's natural disasters were foreshadowed, Lo said, because wood — which represents trees and nature — was attacked by metal.
2012 could be better because it's associated with ocean water, which represents energy and drive and the washing away of old habits, Lo said.
"Big water also means charity, generosity," Lo said. "Therefore that means sharing. That means maybe the big tycoons will share some of their wealth."
中国の風水専門家に言わせると2012年は大洋の水(ocean water)の年なのだそうですが、大洋の水はエネルギーと推進力や活力を象徴し、旧弊を洗い流してくれるものだそうです。
大洋の水はまた、慈愛と寛容(charity and generosity)も象徴するということです。世界中の人々が助け合い、分かち合う、そんな素晴らしい1年になるのでしょうか。
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"generosity"の定義は最初に
Liberality in giving or willingness to give
Nobility of thought or behavior; magnanimity
謹賀新年 ― ring in
下記はAssociated Pressからの引用です。
World Rings in 2012 and Bids Adieu to a Tough Year
With glittering fireworks and celebrations from New Zealand to Times Square, the world eagerly welcomed a new year and hope for a better future Saturday, saying goodbye to a year of hurricanes, tsunamis and economic turmoil that many would rather forget.
Revelers in Australia, Asia, Europe and the South Pacific island nation of Samoa, which jumped across the international dateline to be first to celebrate, welcomed 2012 with booming pyrotechnic displays. Fireworks soared and sparked over Moscow's Red Square, crowds on Paris' Champs-Elysees boulevard popped Champagne corks at midnight, and up to a million revelers were expected to jam New York's Times Square for the famed crystal-paneled ball drop.
(The Associated Press. January 1, 2012.)
今日取り上げる表現ですが、ヘッドラインで使われている、"ring in"は、
ring in the new year
みなさんの2012年1月1日はどのような"ring in"だったでしょうか?
下記はAssociated Pressからの引用です。
World Rings in 2012 and Bids Adieu to a Tough Year
With glittering fireworks and celebrations from New Zealand to Times Square, the world eagerly welcomed a new year and hope for a better future Saturday, saying goodbye to a year of hurricanes, tsunamis and economic turmoil that many would rather forget.
Revelers in Australia, Asia, Europe and the South Pacific island nation of Samoa, which jumped across the international dateline to be first to celebrate, welcomed 2012 with booming pyrotechnic displays. Fireworks soared and sparked over Moscow's Red Square, crowds on Paris' Champs-Elysees boulevard popped Champagne corks at midnight, and up to a million revelers were expected to jam New York's Times Square for the famed crystal-paneled ball drop.
(The Associated Press. January 1, 2012.)
今日取り上げる表現ですが、ヘッドラインで使われている、"ring in"は、
ring in the new year
みなさんの2012年1月1日はどのような"ring in"だったでしょうか?
投稿 (Atom)