

争いの“種” ― bone


この件に関するBusiness Week誌での記事がありましたので引用してみます。

A Japanese government plan to buy uninhabited islands owned by a private investor provoked condemnation from China, which also claims it owns the rocky outcroppings, the latest flare-up in a dispute over territory and resources in the East China Sea.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on July 7 said the government is considering a purchase of the islands, Kyodo News reported. China’s Foreign Ministry responded with a statement that the islets belong to China and “can’t be bought or sold.”

The dispute over who controls the islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Daioyu in Chinese, escalated in April after Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said he wanted to use public money to buy them. Sovereignty over the area, which has undersea natural gas and oil fields, has been a flash point between the world’s second- and third-largest economies.

“Clearly the reason why the Senkaku Islands are a big bone of contention is the potential for resources,” said Jeff Kingston, head of the Asian Studies program at Temple University in Tokyo. “Governor Ishihara has caused a headache for the government and what they’re trying to do is engage in damage control by getting the islands out of the grips of Ishihara, who’s trying to politicize this for his own gain.”
(Japan Plan to Buy Islands Draws China Ire. Business Week. July 8, 2012.)


Clearly the reason why the Senkaku Islands are a big bone of contention is the potential for resources

とある部分に注目します。"a big bone of contention"とは、日本語に訳すならば、“争いの大きな種”とでもなるかと思います。

日本語では争いの“種”ですが、英語にすると"bone"(of contention)、つまり“骨”となるのが面白いと思いませんか?



といった意味があります。American Heritage Dictionaryでは、"bone of contention"というイディオムとして、"the subject of dispute"と解説されています。




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