

“ゾンビに備えよ”ってマジですか? ― tongue-in-cheek

"Government Zombie Promos Are Spreading" (ABC News.)というヘッドラインが目を引きました。


The government's zombie apocalypse is spreading and could come to an emergency-management center near you.

A few weeks before the government’s Zombie Awareness Month in October, FEMA’s monthly webinar Thursday discussed the success of the Centers for Disease Control’s zombie-preparedness campaign and how other centers can use pop culture references – even fictitious ones like the walking dead – to promote gearing up for real disasters.
(Sydney Lupkin. Government Zombie Promos Are Spreading. ABC News. September 7, 2012.)

アメリカで10月に"Zombie Awareness Week"というのがあるそうです。一体何のことでしょうか!?

"Awareness Week"というのはいわゆる、世間的に認知度や意識が低い事柄に対して啓蒙、啓発する、いわゆる、日本語で言うところの“~啓発週間”、“~についてもっと知る週間”という類のキャンペーンと同じかと思われます。


ABC Newsの記事を最後まで読んだのですがいまいち合点が行かないので、他の記事を参照してみます。

WASHINGTON -- "The zombies are coming!" the Homeland Security Department says.

Tongue firmly in cheek, the government urged citizens Thursday to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, part of a public health campaign to encourage better preparation for genuine disasters and emergencies. The theory: If you're prepared for a zombie attack, the same preparations will help during a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake or terrorist attack.
(Alicia A. Caldwell. Zombie Apocalypse: 'The Zombies Are Coming,' Homeland Security Warns. Huffington Post. September 8, 2012.)


"The zombies are coming!"とありますが、半分冗談なのです。

"tongue firmly in cheek"とありますが、これは




Over the years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a couple of tongue-in-cheek "zombie warnings," which really are just disaster-preparedness stunts. But on Thursday, the agency made it official: Zombies don't exist.

"CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)," wrote agency spokesman David Daigle in an email to The Huffington Post.
(Andy Campbell. Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents. Huffington Post. June 1, 2012.)




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