

put the genie in the bottle



Workers cite time savings as among the most significant factors in favor of remote work — it means they have no commute, more flexible work schedules and less time getting ready for work.


Further, worker retention improves among businesses that offer remote work, and the dynamic allows employers to recruit talent from across the country instead of a narrow geographic pool, said Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter.

"People really, really want remote work," Pollak said, adding: "It's difficult to put the genie back in the bottle."
(Greg Iacurci. Why labor economists say the remote work 'revolution' is here to stay. CNBC. December 1, 2022.)



It's difficult to put the genie back in the bottle.

というコメントが出てくる訳ですが、ここで使われている、"put the genie back in the bottle"というフレーズをご存知でしょうか?

"the genie"というのは"jinn"(もしくは、jinni)とも綴られることもありますが、イスラム神話に出てくる精霊のことで、人間に益や害をもたらすといわれている存在のことです。その精霊をボトルに戻す(putting back in the bottle)ということなのですが、ここでの「ボトル」とは、多くの人にお馴染みの、「アラジンと魔法のランプ」のお話しに出てくる「魔法のランプ」のことであると解するのがもっぱらのようです。



英和辞書には載っていないようですが、手元にあるCollins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsにエントリがありました。

If something has been done or created which has made a great and permanent change in people’s lives, especially a change which people regret, you can say that the genie is out of the bottle or that someone has let the genie out of the bottle.

People often vary this expression, for example by saying that you cannot put the genie back in the bottle.


以下引用する記事はサッカーワールドカップのカタール大会についての記事からで、"put the genie back in the bottle"というフレーズの応用とでも言うべき用例です。

“How do you put human rights back in the bottle?” Kidd, who ran for Canada at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, added. “How do you put LGBTQIA++ rights back in the bottle?”

You can’t. Nor should you. Which is why the IOC cannot be swayed by a Doha bid or the promises that will come with it.  
(Nancy Armour. Don't be fooled, IOC. Qatar has proven it isn't deserving of Olympic Games | Opinion. USA Today. December 17, 2022.)


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