




Scientists are studying the behavior of "SuperAgers" — defined by Northwestern as a rare group of elders who have the brains of people 30 years younger than them — to find out how humans can keep their memory sharp as they get older. 

Eating plants and whole foods, exercising regularly, and maintaining social bonds are all researched-backed ways to stay sharp in old age. 

But, perhaps surprisingly, the lifestyles of SuperAgers can vary widely, cognitive neuroscientist and SuperAgers researcher Emily Rogalski told Insider. Based on anecdotal data, Rogalski said some SuperAgers are "super exercisers," but others became more active later in life. The same goes for diet, Rogalski said some SuperAgers are health nuts while others admit to have eaten too many TV dinners growing up.
(Allana Akhtar. An 85-year-old 'SuperAger' with the memory of someone decades younger shares what keeps her mind sharp. Insider. December 24, 2022.)


all researched-backed ways to stay sharp in old age




違和感は、"research-backed"ではなく、"researched-backed"と、—ed - —edとなっている点にあります。


Each story offers practical, research-backed advice on matters such as how to promote greater collaboration through technology, how to work more effectively from home, and how to boost creativity with mental and physical breaks.
(Scientific American, 2016)

Try this simple, research-backed trick if you want to get ahead at work
(CNBC. October 28, 2021.)



To avoid distractions and reach peak at-home productivity, follow these researched-backed tips:
(Marguerite Ward. 3 science-backed ways to be more productive when you work from home. CNBC. March 14, 2017.)

They ask media to follow researched backed principles: report on the mindset, demographics and motives of the shooters, limit use of the shooter’s name to once per article, and never in headlines, and refuse to publish any of their self-serving material.
(Mass shooters crave notoriety. Here’s how media plays a major role in that. The Independent. July 13, 2022.)

It turns out, it’s a bit of a trick question to ask if it’s possible to eat like an Italian and be healthy. With a culinary heritage that effortlessly embraces researched-backed means of healthy eating, the more significant question seems to be, “How can we eat more like Italians?”
(Nicole Trilivas. Pasta, wine, cheese: Is it possible to eat like an Italian and stay healthy? Yahoo! News. April 2, 2018.)


敢えて取り上げるほどのものでもないようにも思われますが、"research-backed"や"science-backed"は、名詞(+ハイフン)+ backed、というパターンであり、研究、もしくはサイエンス(名詞)に裏付けられた(動詞backの過去分詞形)、ということですんなり頭に入ってくるのですが、"researched-backed"はハイフンで接続された語がいずれも動詞の過去分詞形であることから、奇異に感じられます。

こうした—ed - —ed、となるパターンをコーパスで検索してみましたが、理解を助けてくれるような事例を見つけることができませんでした。実のところ、"researched-backed"の用例も見当たらないことから、スペルミスの可能性も完全には否定できないところです。(検索の仕方に問題あり!?)


The first Humvee, an opened-backed vehicle with a mounted machine gun, carried seven Marines, a Navy corpsman and a handcuffed Iraqi detainee.
(USA Today, 2004)


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