

piggy bank



A surprised 18-year-old who emptied her piggy bank as a child to send cash to victims of the terrifying Haitian earthquake has experienced karma in action and won a Canadian $48million ($36m and £27m) lottery jackpot.


The Algoma University student believes this win could have been the result of good karma. She and her sister, Sophie, showed the pure generosity of children after they emptied their piggy banks as children to send money to victims of the Haitian earthquake in 2010.
(Imy Brighty-Potts. Teen who emptied piggy bank as kid for earthquake victims wins £27million on lottery. The Mirror. February 4, 2024.)



piggy bank


ブタの貯金箱というのはよく見かけますが、英語文化圏においても"piggy bank"という表現で定着しているということに今さらながら関心が沸きました。


"piggy bank"の由来には諸説あるらしく、決定的な由来は明らかではないそうですが、ブタという動物と豊穣、幸運や富を関連付ける考え方というのは東アジアでは中国やインドネシアにあるようです。

BBC Newsの記事によれば、英語の"piggy bank"もこの影響を受けているとか。

But, no – the pig remains synonymous with luck and wealth. With February 5 marking the beginning of the Year of the Pig on the Chinese calendar, it’s worth considering how the humble porcine became a symbol of good fortune.

The modern concept of the “piggy bank”, first popularised in the United States in the early 20th century, has a lot to do with this reputation.
(Twisted tale: The great piggy bank mystery. BBC News.)

ところで、諸説ある"piggy bank"の由来のひとつでは、この表現がブタ(pig)とは関係ないとするものもあります。

During The Middle Ages, metal was expensive and seldom used for household wares. Instead, dishes and pots were made of an economical orange-colored clay called pygg. Whenever folks could save an extra coin or two, they dropped it into one of their clay jars — a pygg pot." 

Over time, "pygg" evolved with the English alphabet, turning into "pigge" and, finally, "pig."
(Mandi Woodruff. REVEALED: The True Origins Of The Piggy Bank. Business Insider. June 7, 2012.)

上記の引用はBusiness Insiderの記事からですが、ブタの貯金箱は陶器製の容器が典型であるところ、その材料となる粘土が"pygg"と呼ばれていたことから、"pygg pot"となり、英語に取り入れられる過程で"pig"になった、というものです。

この他、ブタを富の象徴として大切にする文化はドイツにもあるそうですが、"piggy bank"の確定的な由来については謎に包まれているということです。

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