

守勢に回って ― defensive



注: 筆者の勝手な和訳です。正式名称は、The United Egg Producers。

Two groups that are usually squawking at each other — egg farmers and animal welfare advocates — announced an unusual agreement on Thursday to work together to seek a federal law that would require larger cages and other improved conditions for the nation’s 280 million laying hens.

The deal comes after the egg industry has been put increasingly on the defensive. Animal welfare groups have clandestinely recorded videos showing poor conditions on farms, and various states have sought to set more humane standards for hens. Egg producers have also been struggling to improve their image after tainted eggs from several farms in Iowa sickened thousands of people in a nationwide salmonella outbreak last year.
(William Neuman. Egg Producers and Humane Society Urging Federal Standard on Hen Cages. The New York Times. July 7, 2011.)

今日の単語は、”the defensive”です。敢えて、定冠詞の”the”があることに注目します。”defense”(守備、防御)という名詞がありますが、”defensive”というとその形容詞のように思われます。勿論、”defensive”には形容詞としての意味もありますが、今日取り上げるのは名詞、それも”the defensive”という形です。


put on the defensive



The proposed federal standards would include cages that give hens up to 144 square inches of space each, compared with the 67 square inches that most hens have today. They would also include so-called habitat enrichments, like perches, scratching areas and nesting areas, that allow the birds to express natural behavior.


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