

grumpy stayer

今日の1語、"grumpy stayer"は以前取り上げた"quiet quitting"のように、コンテクストとしては働く人、ワークプレイスに関わる表現です。"quiet quitting"と近い、兄弟関係のような表現です。


Jose Gonzalez has a job — but he's not happy about it.

His new, more prestigious IT position hasn't been all he thought it would be. He's doing busy work all day, and he's disengaged from his team and his work. He finds going into the office even more depressing than working from home.

"There don't seem to be really good jobs out there except for the unattainable or the menial," Gonzalez said. "So yeah, I'm very grumpy lately."

He's one of the country's "grumpy stayers": workers who are reluctantly staying put in a cooling labor market. Grumpy stayers are in some ways the next iteration of quiet quitters, rattled by layoffs and fewer opportunities. They can't skate by anymore or be as vocal about their discontent — but they also don't want to stay.
(Juliana Kaplan. Meet the grumpy stayers: People stuck in their jobs who can't leave for better gigs. Insider. July 23, 2023.)


I'm very grumpy lately.

と発言しているように、"grumpy stayer"とは現在置かれている労働環境に不満があり、「不機嫌な」(grumpy)思いを隠せない人達です。

不満といっても、それは待遇面だったり、出世しないとか、同僚に恵まれないとか、忙し過ぎる、とか色々あるものですが、"grumpy stayer"の場合は自身が思い描く仕事とのミスマッチということが主な原因であり、仕事の質に関わるもののようです。


であれば辞めて新しい仕事を探すという選択肢もあるはずですが、今よりも良いと思われる仕事が見つからない、だから不満だけれども現状維持(stay)せざるを得ない、というところが"grumpy stayer"なのです。


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