

1年の締め括りと新年にあたって ― libation




Around the world, millions of people will welcome the new year on Friday night by taking part in small, intimate gatherings - or larger, more boisterous celebrations. Throughout the United States, many will break out party hats and uncork champagne or other libations.
(Americans Prepare to Celebrate New Year's Eve. Voice of America. December 30, 2010.)

尤も、未成年者の飲酒は厳禁です。米国ではこの時期Emergency Roomへの搬送件数が2.5倍以上という統計もあるそうですから、自重したいものです。




オンラインショッピングの”マンモス”が新サービスで特許 ― behemoth


アメリカ発、Amazon Inc.が、受け取ってもてあますプレゼントを(恐らくは等価の)別の商品と交換するサービスについて特許を取得したというニュースです。


For some, it's the red reindeer Christmas sweater. For others, it's the diamond-encrusted dreidel. Whatever your worst gift nightmare might be, Amazon may soon give you a reason to cheer.

The online retail behemoth that's the source of many presents -- may they be good, bad or ugly -- has patented a system that would let people exchange unwanted gifts for those they actually want. They could do this before they actually receive the gift.

Seattle-based Amazon.com Inc. recently patented a "system and method for converting gifts" on its website. It took nearly five years; the company had applied in March of 2006.

For now, though, it's just a patent. So until Amazon figures out how to implement it, you may be stuck with that itchy sweater.
(Bad gifts may be history with Amazon's idea. The Associated Press. December 29, 2010.)


さて、この特許取得の新サービス、ある意味”顧客志向”なのでしょうが、プレゼントを贈る側からすれば当然疑問符がつく訳で、色々と議論を呼びそうであります。そのあたり、Washington Post紙の記事でも、興味深い考察がされています。


英語が国際語の地位を失うとき ― league table


English is the international language of business and commerce -- but its era of dominance on the Internet could be coming to an end.

An infographic circulating on the Internet highlights the growing prominence of Chinese users on the web, and suggest that Chinese may be the dominant language on the world wide web within five years.
The ascension of the Chinese language is no surprise given China's population.


"In terms of native-speaker rankings, English is falling in the world league tables," Graddol warned. "English has slipped to fourth place, where its position will become challenged by Arabic in the middle of the present century."
(Will the Internet of the Future Be in Chinese? Fox News. December 28, 2010.)

今日の単語、"league table"はいわゆる”ランキング”のことです。



寒波の影響 ― ripple effect

北米の東海岸側などでの寒波による影響、とりわけNew York Cityでの大雪(50センチを超える積雪だとか)がニュースになっています。

昨日もこの話題で、"blanket"という単語を取り上げましたが、今日はChicago Tribune紙から、旅行者の方々へのTipsに関する記事からの引用です。

Weather like the East Coast is experiencing has a way of frosting over that warm holiday glow in a hurry as the supply of traveler patience runs critically low. A massive snowstorm led to canceled flights up and down the coast, creating the usual ripple effect across the country as planes that were supposed to be ferrying passengers out of otherwise unaffected airports failed to show. For that reason, even flights in Seattle were affected.
(Ross Werland. Help for winter storm traveling cancellations. Chicago Tribune. December 27, 2010.)








Snowstorm Blankets U.S. East Coast, Disrupts Travel

The U.S. East Coast faces a second day of travel disruption after snowstorms blanketed cities from New York to Boston, closing airports and halting train services.
(Snowstorm Blankets U.S. East Coast, Disrupts Travel. Businessweek. December 27, 2010.)


モンタージュ写真? ― efit


Police have released this e-fit of a man wanted in connection with assaults on young women.

A man attempted to grab a 19-year-old in Rochester Street, Chatham, at 8pm on Thursday, November 4.

She was able to push her attacker away and ran to a nearby shop.

A 16-year-old girl was then targeted in nearby Dale Street between 4.15pm and 4.40pm on Tuesday, November 9.

A man attempted to grab the schoolgirl but ran away when she shouted at him.

The attacker is white or Asian, between 5ft6in and 5ft9in, aged 18-25 and clean shaven.
(Efit released after two teenage girls attacked. Kent News. November 29, 2010.)

EFITとは、Electronic Facial Identification Techniqueの頭文字をとった省略語で、コンピュータを使った顔写真合成技術を指します。





手加減 ― pull punches



The newly formed Mental Health Advisory Group includes the Australian of the Year Patrick McGorry, whose speciality is helping mentally ill young people.

The Commonwealth's first Minister for Mental Health, Mark Butler, says expertise is needed to develop lasting and cost-effective reforms.

"A particular cohort of the population that I want this group to focus on is the group that has severe and persistent mental illness and have had often for some decades," he said.

"They might be middle-aged adults now. And often [they] are homeless or have very unstable periodic, episodic accommodation and work."

Earlier this month Professor McGorry, who is not afraid to speak his mind, said Australia's detention centres were not good for the mental health of detainees.

Mr Butler says Professor McGorry and the other panel members would not be expected to pull any punches.

"We've asked them onto this group to do some pretty intensive work, but we recognise they hold important positions in the community and those positions won't in any way be compromised," he said.
(Brendan Trembath. Experts unite to tackle mental health issues. ABC News. December 23, 2010.)


手元にあるCollins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsの定義によると、

If someone does not pull their punches or pulls no punches, they speak very frankly about something and do not moderate their comments or criticism in any way.
(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms. Harper Collins Publishers. 1995.)


I didn't pull any punches. We all knew we had a problem, a critical one, and that decisions would have to be reached quickly.


機関紙 ― mouthpiece



BEIJING — The People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party, this week officially launched its search engine service as the country's state media seek even greater influence on the Internet.

The newspaper celebrated the launch of Goso.cn -- the first Chinese search engine backed by a state media organisation -- with the formal release of its news search feature, seen as its key draw, the company said in a statement.

Goso.cn wants to boost "China's say on the Internet" and aims to become "the most influential search engine platform" in the country, according to its website.

It acknowledged it could be hard to conquer the domestic web search market dominated by homegrown giant Baidu, which saw its share rise after US rival Google reduced its presence in China this year following a row with Beijing.
(China state newspaper launches search engine. AFP. December 20, 2010.)


American Heritage Dictionaryによると、

3. Informal. One, such as a spokesperson, through which views are expressed.








iPhoneの新アプリ、Word Lensが起こす革新 ― revolutionize the way we live "on-the-go"

タイトルがかなり長くなってしまいましたが、アイフォンの新アプリである、"Word Lens"に関する記事を読んで、ついにここまで来たかと驚きを禁じえませんでした。



on the go





on-the-go snack


Augmented-reality applications have promised to revolutionize the way we live on-the-go with our smartphones, but none have fully delivered yet.

This may be changing. A new iPhone app called Word Lens shows remarkable promise for helping international travelers.

Word Lens uses the phone's video camera, and the phone's processor, to interpret printed words and almost instantly translate them into another language.
(Mark Milian. New iPhone app translates foreign-language signs. CNN. December 20, 2010.)



Word Lensは、特に海外旅行者などが外国語の標識やサインを見る場合に役に立つのでは、と同記事中では解説されています。



ちょっと一服のつもりが・・・ ― puff


What were they smoking?

A pair of blundering cops mistook a downtown man's cigarette break for a suicide attempt, a lawsuit claims.

A lawyer enjoying a puff on the sill of his second-floor apartment window says he was wrestled to the floor by cops who hauled him off to the loony bin.
(Kathianne Boniello. Cops take 'suicidal' window ledge smoker to psych ward. New York Post. December 19, 2010.)




消灯時間です。 ― curfew



As a condition of bail, Assange must live at Ellingham Hall, a country mansion and farm in eastern England that is the home of a former army officer and Assange supporter, Vaughan Smith.

Assange must also abide by a curfew, report to police daily, and wear an electronic tag.
(WikiLeaks' Assange walks free on bail in London. Reuters. December 16, 2010.)


cover the fire



睾丸と糖尿病治療 ― edging closer

"The testes may be an alternate source of insulin production"というサブタイトルに、えっ!?

精子の元である精原細胞を、化学反応によりインシュリンを産出する細胞に”変換できる”ことをアメリカ、Georgetown Universityの研究者が発見した、ということです。


PHILADELPHIA—Sperm-forming stem cells in the testes can be converted to insulin-producing cells that could replace diseased ones in the pancreas, researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., reported December 12 at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology. The new technique is edging closer to producing the amount of insulin needed to cure diabetes in humans.
(Cells Reprogrammed to Treat Diabetes. US News. December 13, 2010.)


edge (edging) closer



という訳語があり、近いと思われましたが、American Heritage DictionaryやMerriam-Webster辞書には当該の意味がエントリに見えず、不思議に思われます。





ヨーヨーダイエットって? ― yo-yo





Ending the yo-yo dieting effect

MONTREAL — As if losing weight isn’t hard enough, keeping it off seems to be an even bigger challenge. In fact, very few of us can muster the discipline required to stick with the diets that allowed us to drop a pant size or two. Making matters worse is that the body’s metabolism slows and hunger increases in response to our attempts to lose significant amounts of weight. But can some food choices help prevent that post-diet relapse? This week’s HealthWatch looks at how protein intake and something called the glycemic index can play a role in keeping weight off.
(Ending the yo-yo dieting effect. The Montreal Gazette. December 14, 2010.)


"yo-yo diet"ということは、ダイエットを試みても食事制限などの反動でまた体重増加する、といった現象を指しています。

上記の記事では別の表現として、"post-diet relapse"とも言っています。


弱視 ― amblyopia


Acupuncture may be an effective way to treat older children struggling with a certain form of lazy eye, new research from China suggests, although experts say more studies are needed.

Lazy eye (amblyopia) is essentially a state of miscommunication between the brain and the eyes, resulting in the favoring of one eye over the other, according to the National Eye Institute.
(Alan Mozes. Acupuncture Might Treat Certain Kind of Lazy Eye. Business Week. December 13, 2010.)

記事中にもあるように、口語的には(?)、"lazy eye"と表現されるようですが、医学専門用語では、"amblyopia"という単語があります。



残留受動喫煙 ― third-hand smoke

今日読んだ記事の中で、"third-hand smoke"という表現が眼に留まりました。

私は聞くのは初めてだったのですが、喫煙問題を研究しておられる方はよくご存知だと思います。受動喫煙(second-hand smoke)が、喫煙者の吸うタバコの煙を非喫煙者が吸ってしまうことを言うことは今日ほとんどの方が知っていますが、さらに一歩踏み込んで、喫煙環境においてタバコの煙に晒された結果、喫煙者・非喫煙者問わず、衣服や室内の壁、カーテン、カーペットや毛髪に付着した喫煙残留物を意図せずに摂取してしまうことの危険性を指摘したのが、"third-hand smoke"と言われています。

わたしの勤務先でもスモークフリーのポリシーが導入されて久しいのですが、お昼休みや休憩時間にビルの外でタバコを吸う人がかなりいます。そのような人とエレベータで一緒になると、敏感でなくても、喫煙したことがすぐに分かります。喫煙直後であれば呼気は勿論、スーツなどについた匂いからはっきりと分かるのですが、これを"third-hand smoke"と言われると警戒せざるを得ません。

Children who lived in apartments with non-smokers had higher levels of a tobacco byproduct in their blood than children from smoke-free single-family homes, according to a new study that suggests multi-unit housing is a significant source of second-hand smoke.

This is the first study to show increased tobacco exposure in the blood of children who live in multi-unit housing, even if no one smokes in their apartment, said Dr. Jonathan Winickoff of MassGeneral Hospital for Children, senior author of the article published online today in the journal Pediatrics.

“No matter how careful a parent you are, you will not be able to protectyour child against tobacco smoke exposure if you live in multi-unit housing that isn’t smoke free,” he said in an interview.


The children may have been exposed to smoke outside their homes, at school or day care, the authors say. Parents or caregivers who smoke outside the home could also have brought back inside the house tobacco contaminants that cling to their clothes, a phenomenon called “third-hand smoke.”
(Elizabeth Cooney. Children in non-smoking apartments bear tobacco byproduct in their blood. The Boston Globe. December 13, 2010.)


記事中では、"third-hand smoke"の例として、室外でタバコの煙に晒されるリスクとともに、アパートのダクトや壁から”染み出てくる”有害物質にも疑いを投げかけています。



顔あざ ― black eye


米国ABC Newsの記事では、海老蔵さんの事件で歌舞伎界が被った被害に注目しているようです。

Staid World of Kabuki Gets Black Eye in Bar Brawl

Prince of Kabuki Theater Could Lose Millions Over Bar Brawl

(Akiko Fujita. Staid World of Kabuki Gets Black Eye in Bar Brawl. ABC News. December , 2010.)

海老蔵さんの記者会見の模様を見た人間には、恐らくは殴られたために出血している眼が印象に残るのですが、記事のタイトルでは、"black eye"であり、これは殴られてできるあざのことを言っています。


"black eye"には、物理的なあざを指す一方、比喩的に、不面目、不名誉といった概念を意味します。今回は主語が、"staid world of Kabuki"ということで、後者の意味がしっくりくるようにも思われます。


閑話休題 ― アメリカ発: オンラインショッピングの恐怖

昼休みにお弁当を食べながらGoogle Newsをチェックするのがほとんど日課になっています。今日の単語(rote learning)の記事は、The New York Timesからの引用ですが、同記事中のリンクにあった漫画が目を引き、興味深い記事にたどり着きました。







丸暗記 ― rote learning

OECDによる国際学力調査(the Program for International Student Assessment: PISA)の結果発表が話題になっています。



LONDON — A respected international survey that found teenagers in Shanghai to be the best-educated in the world has prompted officials elsewhere across the globe to question their own educational systems, and even led the British education minister to promise an overhaul in student testing.
(D.D. Guttenplan. Western Nations React to Poor Education Results. The New York Times. December 8, 2010.)


Warwick Mansell, a British education expert, described PISA as “on the whole a quite good test.” Mr. Mansell, whose recent book “Education By Numbers” is highly critical of what he describes as “the tyranny of testing,” said in an interview that the PISA exams “test understanding of concepts — not just rote learning.”


引き渡し ― extradition



When Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, asked two Swedish women out on dates in August, he may not have known that Swedish laws protecting women in their sexual encounters include wide-ranging definitions of sexual assault and rape.

Now Mr. Assange, an Australian who is currently in Britain, faces an extradition request from Swedish prosecutors who want to question him on whether separate sexual encounters he had with each of the women became nonconsensual after he was no longer using a condom. Mr. Assange has denied all wrongdoing.
(Katrin Bennhold. In Sweden, Sex Assault Gets Little Tolerance. The New York Times. December 7, 2010.)










行き先変更 ― divert




Is it time for airlines to add a "beware of dog" warning to their pre-flight safety instructions?

That idea may be on the minds of 122 US Airways customers this morning after a dog got loose on their flight and bit a passenger and a flight attendant.

Though the injuries were minor, the incident prompted the pilot to divert the Newark-to-Phoenix flight to Pittsburgh for an emergency landing, The Associated Press reports.
(Ben Mutzabaugh. US Airways flight diverts after dog bites 2 on board. USA Today. December 6, 2010.)




身も心もぼろぼろに・・・ ― frazzle


PTA(ピー・ティー・エー)とは子を持つ親ならば(あるいはどんな人も中学校までは義務教育ですから聞いたことが無いという人の方がまれとは思いますが)、誰でも知っている、”Parent-Teacher Association”のことです。


Frazzled Moms Push Back Against Volunteering

Around the country there are a number of altruistic, devoted and totally burned-out mothers just like Ms. Lentzner who are becoming emboldened to push back against the relentless requests from their children’s schools for their time. What started out as an admirable civic gesture somehow snowballed into an inability to say no to any committee assignment or project request, and spiraled into night, weekend and after-school commitments, middle-of-the-night e-mail exchanges, as well as frozen dinners, takeout pizza and baby sitters at home.
(Hilary Stout. Frazzled Moms Push Back Against Volunteering. The New York Times. December 1, 2010.)





to a frazzle


wear oneself to a frazzle
be worn to a frazzle


手元にある、Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは下記のような例文が紹介されています。

Why should I wear myself to a frazzle, trying to save your skin for you?
(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms. HarperCollins Publishers. 1995.



おっかない言葉ですが・・・リンチ ― lynch




であることをご存知でしょうか?また、この単語が、米国の人(William Lynch, 1742-1820)に由来するということを?

Fifteen people have been lynched in the southwestern Haitian province of Grand'Anse over the past two weeks on suspicion of poisoning water supplies, media outlets said Thursday.

Several people allegedly died as a result of poisoning, though their deaths were originally attributed to the cholera outbreak that has claimed more than 1,800 lives in the impoverished Caribbean nation since Oct. 19.

Eight people were lynched in Moron Chambellan, three in Jeremie, two in Dame Marie and two in Guinode, correspondents in Grand'Anse told Efe.
(Fox News. December 2, 2010.)


頼みの綱 ― last resort


日本語としては、”頼みの綱”という表現がぴったりです。"last resort"という表現も一般的で、”最終手段”、”最後の手段”と訳されることもあります。


Weight-loss surgery, once a last resort for extremely overweight people, may soon become an option for those who are less heavy.

An advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration will consider on Friday a request by Allergan, the pharmaceutical company, to significantly lower how obese someone must be to qualify for surgery using the company’s Lap-Band device, which restricts intake to the stomach.

On Wednesday, the F.D.A. acknowledged that a new study by the company showed that people in the proposed range of obesity who had the band experienced “statistically significant decreases in all measures of weight loss.”
(Andrew Pollack. Obesity Surgery May Become Option for Many More. The New York Times. December 1, 2010.)


早くもクリスマスシーズン到来(3) ― Christmas binge buying

今週はクリスマスシーズンの話題でお送りしていますが、昨日のCyber Mondayに関連して、益々商業主義が増してくるこの時期の話題には事欠きません。

Thanksgivingが終わり、クリスマスのショッピングが始まるBlack Fridayには、午前2時から店舗前に人々が行列を作ったというのですから、尋常ではありません。

The mighty American marketing machine known as Christmas put on a brave front this weekend. Stores across the country opened up earlier than ever – some as early as 2:00 a.m. on Friday morning – and shoppers responded. Some consumers gave up their Thanksgiving Thursday altogether by using that day to stake their position on a sidewalk outside Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, or Sears. The rewards were high – those who were first in the store on Black Friday had the best shot at buying at deep, deep discounts. Flat screen HDTVs, which were otherwise priced at $1,000 minimum, were on sale for $300, but only on Black Friday and only to the earliest few into the store.


Christmas binge buying became institutionalized during the 1950s, when the Baby Boomers were growing up in families with four or more children, each of which was entitled to several toys (not counting what they got from their grandparents). Older children were encouraged to buy gifts for their siblings or their parents, and all of this gift buying behavior was reinforced with commercials that aired on the new, popular medium of television. Retailers and manufacturers discovered that the right type of advertising could generate enormous sales, especially if you could create enough consumer interest that the item became a Christmas “must have” blockbuster.
(Is Christmas Imploding? The People Voice. November 30, 2010.)

"binge buying"とはショッピング好きの人にとってはなんと言うことも無いのかも知れません。
