

トランプ氏の変節 ― pivot to the center


(CNN) — Donald Trump may be finally gearing up to do what many Republican leaders have hoped: soften his rhetoric and pivot to the center.

He hasn't done that yet. But there are growing signs that the presumptive Republican nominee is aiming to make his campaign more palatable to a general election audience.

His campaign is putting the finishing touches on a policy memo that would change his proposed ban on Muslim immigration to the United States. Instead of focusing the ban on Muslims, Trump would ban immigrants coming from countries with known terrorism links, training and equipment.
(Jeremy Diamond. Is Donald Trump softening his tone? CNN. June 28, 2016.)


引用した記事の冒頭で、"soften his rhetoric"はすぐに理解できたのですが、

pivot to the center



"He (=Donald Trump)'s shown his true (and abhorrent) colors," hedge-fund manager Whitney Tilson of Kase Capital wrote in an email he sent out to 3,000 people in the investment community earlier this month. "A month or so ago, one could have argued that he was just playing a role during the primaries, pandering to the far right, angry whites, etc. to win the nomination, but then, having secured it, would cleverly pivot back to the center and position himself as a pragmatic, business-oriented guy and stop whipping up hatred toward just about everybody except white men."
(Michel Celarier. Who are the Wall Street titans backing Donald Trump? June 27, 2016.)


"pivot to the center"がよく分からないのは、"the center"の解釈であることに気づくのに少し時間がかかったのですが、上記の引用で直前に出てくる、"the far right"を読んで分かりました。

お分かりのように、"the right"も"the center"も政治的な見解、立ち位置のことを言っているのです。


"the center"とは政治用語では「中道派」などとされますが、ここでは「やや穏健的な政治見解」というような意味です。

1 件のコメント:

  1. 蘭です。
    pivot to the centerは一つの成句ではなく、政治的な見解が中道派に傾くと意味する表現なんですね。とても勉強になりました。ありがとうございます。
