

a shot in the arm



a shot in the arm


As the world prepares to mark the first anniversary of Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden made a historic, unannounced visit to the capital of the embattled country.

The risky trip on Monday to an active war zone was not just a powerful symbol of American support, it was a shot in the arm to a population that has endured Russia's devastating attacks on civilian apartment blocks, hospitals, schools and the power stations that provide heat and electricity.

"It's just something unbelievable that at a time like this the President of the United States is coming to Kyiv," Andrei Ketov, a 48-year-old Ukrainian service member, told CNN.
(Frida Ghitis. Opinion: In a war of unending surprises, Biden has another up his sleeve. CNN. February 21, 2023.)

"a shot in the arm"は字義通りには腕への注射ということですが、



Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは以下のように解説されています。

If something gives you a shot in the arm, it gives you help and encouragement at a time when you badly need it.

"… when you badly need it"という部分が肝でしょうか。侵攻から1年を迎える中、ロシアが攻勢を強め、ウクライナにとって正念場が続きます。ゼレンスキー大統領は欧米諸国に支援を訴え、連帯を示す意味でのウクライナ訪問を求めてきました。(訪問を招請されている日本の岸田首相のウクライナ訪問予定は立っていまないようですが・・・。)


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