

get bent




German officials attempted to start a criminal investigation into a Gab social media user who allegedly called a left-wing female politician "fat," but the platform refused to comply with the German authorities' invasive demands to uncover the person's identity, the platform told Fox News Digital.  

The Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt-BKA) contacted Gab about a user insulting the weight of politician Ricarda Lang, a prominent leader of an environmental party in Germany. It requested information that would identify who the individual was, under the suspicion they resided in Germany, so that they can continue their criminal investigation. 

Torba called Germany's request "one of the more ridiculous foreign data requests that Gab received… [T]hey wanted us to dox a user for calling a female politician fat." 

Gab's official response was to inform the German government they should "get bent," the CEO, Andrew Torba, told Fox News Digital.
(Hannah Grossman. Germany started criminal investigation into social media user for mocking politician for being 'fat'. Fox News. September 1, 2024.)


get bent


"they should get bent"とあるのですが、ここで"they"はドイツ当局のことを指していると思われます。また、"bent"は曲げるという意味の動詞"bend"の過去分詞形(p.p.)です。動詞"get"と共に使われており、いわゆる被害の意味合いを持つ受身形(get + p.p.)になっていると思われます。"get bent"は曲げられる、というような意味になるかと思いますが、いまいちピンと来ません。

記事の後半部では引用符付きでSNS側の文書での回答と思われる内容が引用されており、ここでも改めて"get bent"を確認できます。

"We stand firmly by our commitment to free speech principles and will not compromise the privacy or civil liberties of our users. We categorically reject any requests from governments, including the German government, that seek to stifle free speech or violate the privacy rights of our users for speech which is protected by US law. In this instance, we will not be providing any user data related to the alleged offense against a German politician. Accordingly: you can get bent," Gab said. 

ここでは言論の自由、プライバシー保護云々とSNS側の主張が述べられた後、"Accordingly: you can get bent"と結ばれています。助動詞の違いはあれ、おおよそ同じです。

考えても始まりませんので色々調べてみると、このフレーズは俗語表現ということのようなのですが、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryのサイトに以下のような説明が見つかりました。

get bent
slang  —used as an angry or contemptuous way of dismissing someone's statement, suggestion, etc.

I try to call him the next morning to apologize, but he tells me to get bent.
—Chuck Klosterman

これを読みますと、"get bent"というのは相手の言う事を否定したり、提案や要求を拒否する場合に用いられるフレーズということのようです。



get bent out of shape




よって、"you should get bent"や、"you can get bent"というのは、字句通りに翻訳できるものではなく、相手に対する拒絶の態度をあからさまに示す、捨てゼリフみたいなものではないかとも思いました。

失せろ!(Get away!)とか、くたばれ!(F*** you!)、クソ喰らえ!(Get f***ed!)といったフレーズに近いのではないかと。

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