

直接対決 ― square off




UNITED NATIONS — After circling each other for the past year, President Obama and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia squared off on Monday at the United Nations in dueling speeches that presented starkly different views on the Syrian crisis and how to bring stability to the Middle East.

President Obama made a forceful defense of diplomacy and the system of rules represented by the international body, but in a veiled reference to Mr. Putin, he warned that “dangerous currents risk pulling us back into a darker, more disordered world.”

Mr. Putin talked about mounting a broad effort to support Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, as the best bulwark against the spread of the Islamic State and other radical groups, even though the White House has said Mr. Assad has to leave power if there is to be a political solution in Syria.
(Obama and Putin Clash at U.N. on Mideast Crisis. New York Times. September 28, 2015.)

"square off"という表現を取り上げます。"square"という単語は動詞としてはあまりなじみがないのではないでしょうか。

"square off"は、身構える、けんかをする態勢を取る、という意味です。ボクシングの用語のようですが、ボクシングの試合は一対一ですから、“直接対決”と訳してもいいかもしれません。


After circling each other for the past year,

とある部分です。つまり、オバマ氏とプーチン氏がお互い“直接対決”を避けてきた(circling each other)ところが、国連総会を舞台に中東・シリア問題で対決することになった、ということなのですが、"circle"に続いて、"square (off)"とは言葉の使い方にセンスを感じますね。


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