本日取り上げる単語(表現)は、"close call"です。ご存知の方も多いでしょうが、”危機一髪”という意味で使われる表現です。辞書のエントリにも、米語、カナダの口語表現としてエントリがあります。例えば、以下のような例文があります。
It was a close call and looking back now I have no doubt that if my friend hadn't acted so promptly I would be dead.
(Dictionary of Idioms. HarperCollins Publishers. 1995.)
(私もそうですが)多くの方が、"close call"、イコール、”危機一髪”と暗記していますが、下記の記事の用例ではどうもしっくりきません。
The American Cancer Society and other influential organizations say getting a mammogram is "one of the most important things a woman can do to protect her health."
A study and editorial in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine offers a more restrained view: The decision to undergo breast cancer screening is a close call.
The study, by researchers from Norway and Harvard University, expands the never-ending debate over the value of mammograms. Previously, the debate centered on women in their 40s, when breast cancer is relatively rare but often aggressive. The new study concludes that screening doesn't save many lives, even among women aged 50 to 69, who are at higher risk of the malignancy.
(New study widens debate on the value of mammograms. The Philadelphia Inquirer. September 23, 2010.)
乳がん検診に使われるマンモグラフィーの意義が問われているようです。乳がん検診を受けるかどうかの判断は、"close call"ということですが、ここを”危機一髪”と解釈しようとすると意味がつながりません。
記事の後半で、"close call"がもう一度出てきます。
The new study did not look at the risks of screening - namely, overdiagnosis and overtreatment. However, the editorial said that in the United States, about 1,000 of every 2,500 women screened for a decade would have at least one false alarm, 500 of them would undergo an unnecessary biopsy, and five or more would be treated for cancers that would never have become lethal.
"The test is surely a close call, a delicate balance between modest benefit and modest harm," H. Gilbert Welch, a Dartmouth Medical School primary-care physician, wrote in his editorial.
That message could be misinterpreted, worried Emily F. Conant, chief of breast imaging at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
"close call"、イコール、”危機一髪”ではうまくいかない事例のひとつと思います。ここでは、(乳がん検診をうけるか否かの)判断が、”きわどい”ものであること、また、(検診自体が)それを受ける女性自身にとってベネフィットがあるのかないのか、”微妙なところ”、という意味合いで用いられていると解釈すべきでしょう。
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