

ジャンクフードはIQに悪影響、避けるべきはSoFAs ― ところでSoFAsって何?


Last week the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health published a study showing a link between eating processed food and lower IQ scores in British children. The University of Bristol study looked at the diets of kids in their first three years and their IQ by age 8 and found that a "high fat, sugar and processed food" diet showed associations with "reductions in IQ in later childhood" while a healthy diet was associated with a higher IQ.

And while the U.S. Department of Agriculture chose to be diplomatic/unhelpful by not outright naming foods to avoid in its new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (also released last week), it did advise reducing the SoFAs in your diet.
(Monica Eng. Processed foods get knocked in new reports. Chicago Tribune. February 8, 2011.)

上記引用記事では、"processed food"となっていますが、他紙では"junk food"などとも表現されています。


This doesn't mean that you're off the hook if you've stopped eating furniture. Instead it stands for saturated fats and added sugars, which the department believes are of particular concern when it comes to obesity--and even worse when combined with refined flours.

SoFAs = saturated fats and added sugars


"saturated fats"ではなく、"solid fat"としている場合もあるようですが、意味的には同じと思われます。


個人的には、"SoF"(=Solid Fat)と"AS"(=Added Sugar)ということであればぴったりくるのですが、こだわるような話でもないかも知れませんね。

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