

woman enough



恐らく中継番組の途中に入るCM(CF)の話だろうと思うのですが、産後の女性が使う生理用品のそれが、いわゆる「グロ」("too graphic")ということで、放送されなかったということで波紋を広げているようです。

The Oscars aren’t woman enough to air an advertisement about the raw side of motherhood.

The ad, which was barred from showing during the Academy Awards’ three-hour broadcast, opens with the sound of a crying newborn. On-screen, an apparently exhausted and suffering new mom trudges into a bathroom, wearing a thick, diaper-like mesh underwear — typical postpartum garb, though most probably wouldn’t know that.

“Postpartum recovery doesn’t have to be this hard,” the title card reads at the end. The commercial side of the ad is revealed at the end, when products from women’s health company Frida Mom appear on-screen.

Now, Frida CEO Chelsea Hirschhorn is pushing back on the idea that their 60-second spot is “too graphic” to air on TV.

“We were really surprised to hear that feminine hygiene was put in the same category as guns, ammunition, sexually suggestive nudity, religion and politics,” Hirschhorn told Today Parents, referring to the academy’s commercial guidelines. “I was surprised, in this day and age, to see that whomever at whatever organizational level at the academy and at ABC put in writing that they would analogize feminine hygiene to some of those other, more offensive categories of advertising.”
(Hannah Sparks. Watch the Frida Mom postpartum ad Oscars rejected for being too graphic. New York Post. February 11, 2020.)

問題になったのは、Frida Momという会社のCMで、出産直後と思われる女性が出てきます。

百聞は一見に如かず、New York Post紙記事に引用されているCM映像をご覧下さい。


Frida Momはこれまでも議論を呼ぶような内容のキャンペーンを行ったことでも知られており、今回のCMについても議論を呼ぶことは想定内だったかもしれません。

Frida Mom has been known to push the envelope in the past. In 2018, the feminine hygiene company dared to run a billboard campaign for a post-pregnancy perineal irrigation bottle. According to Vox, ad gatekeepers took issue with their cheeky tagline: “Trust us, your vagina will thank you.”


The Oscars aren’t woman enough to air an advertisement...

と口火が切られているのですが、この"woman enough"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。


検索してまず出てくるのは、この"woman enough"というフレーズは、ある有名なカントリーミュージックの歌詞の一部らしいということです。

その歌詞から人口に膾炙するようになったのか、Collins Cobuild Dictionaryのサイトではこのフレーズが載っており、

If you say that a woman is woman enough to do something, you mean that she has the necessary courage or ability to do it.
(Collins Dictionaryのサイトから引用)


さて、何と訳したものか?と思いますが、アカデミー賞が女性と出産を取り巻く状況について理解が及んでいないという事を暗に批判して、"The Oscars aren’t woman enough..."という表現になったのだろうと思います。



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