

postpartum depression

米国の厚生当局である連邦医薬食品局(FDA)が、産後うつ病(postpartum depression)の治療薬を承認したと発表しました。

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a drug meant to specifically treat postpartum depression in mothers, a first for the agency.

The FDA announced in a news release Tuesday that it approved an intravenous infusion of brexanolone, a drug labeled as Zulresso. Patients would receive a continuous IV drip over 60 hours. The news release said clinical trials, which involved more than 200 women, showed brexanolone worked within hours to help treat postpartum depression, which affects 1 in 9 new mothers.

Postpartum depression is much more severe and longer-lasting than the “baby blues” many new mothers experience for about a week after giving birth. Symptoms of postpartum depression can include sadness, loss of interest, difficulty bonding with the baby and even suicidal thoughts.
(Sanjana Karanth. FDA Approves First Drug Targeted At Treating Postpartum Depression. The Huffington Post. March 19, 2019.)

出産を経験する9人に1人が経験するという産後うつ病(postpartum depression; PPDとも略されるそうです)に対する治療薬はこれまでに無く、今回静注で提供される薬剤は史上初のものとなります。





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