

in one piece


in one piece



Collins Dictionary(オンライン版)では以下のように定義されています。

If someone or something is still in one piece after a dangerous journey or experience, they are safe and not damaged or hurt.

考えてみれば、"go to pieces"と言うと、一体を成していたものがバラバラ(pieces)になってしまう、ということですから、"in one piece"とはバラバラにならずに全体、一つの体裁を保っているということになりますから、無事である、という意味合いになるのは納得です。


Safety became central to the manufacturing of vehicles backed by laws to improve safety ratings monitored by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. There had to be a collective effort on the part of manufacturers, law enforcement, educators, parents, and even new teenage drivers to help them reach their destinations in one piece

In recent decades, we have seen a surge of safety features developed for cars in an attempt to reduce risk and save the lives of teens who are fueled by dopamine, adrenaline, and an underdeveloped brain, driving a two-ton weapon at speeds of up to 70 mph (or more).
(USA Today, 2015)

"go to pieces"や"in one piece"という表現からは、五体満足という日本語の表現を思い出します。

年始、休暇を過ごした帰省先から戻られる方のラッシュが始まる頃となりますが、高速道路の運転はどうぞお気をつけて、どうかご無事(in one piece)で!

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