Collins Dictionaryによる2024年の1語が"
brat"ということでした。その後、Oxford Dictionaryによる1語は"
brain rot"というのが今週発表されたところです。
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryも同じく"
brain rot"を2024年の1語に選出したのですが、新しく200の単語や表現を辞書のエントリに追加したと発表し、中にはZ世代が好んで用いる俗語表現が含まれるそうです。
(Taylor Knight. Trendy Gen Z slang added to Merriam-Webster dictionary: From ‘FYP’ to ‘touch grass’ — here’s what they all mean. New York Post. October 2, 2024.)
touch grass
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでの定義は、
to participate in normal activities in the real world especially as opposed to online experiences and interactions
If you've been anywhere near social media lately, you might have seen the expression "go touch grass", meaning a person has spent too much time online and needs to get outside.
But according to Joanne Jones, a wellness expert from Trusted Psychics, the actual act of touching grass, also known as grounding, can be really beneficial if you experience low moods during the winter months as it is a natural way to boost your energy and state of mind.
"Grounding, also known as earthing, is a wellbeing practice that encourages you to reconnect with the Earth's natural energies by making physical contact with the ground," Joanne explains.
The wellness expert recommends walking barefoot or lying on the grass to connect with nature.
(Go touch grass: How grounding can help you fight the winter blues. Yahoo! News. November 7, 2024.)
わたしは普段の仕事で、PCの長時間作業で頭が疲れたり、オンラインで容赦無く寄せられるタスクなどで頭がこんがらがってくると、一旦区切りを付けて外に散歩、もしくはジョギングに出かけるようにしています。そうすることで、頭の中でぐちゃぐちゃになって、もつれた糸がスッキリと解けるような体験を度々していますので、"touch grass"の精神は大変よく分かる気がします。
As Democrats work to sort out last week's election results and determine why they lost Latino men in droves, a Latino Democrat and senator-elect has some advice for party leaders and top consultants: "Go touch grass and meet real Latinos."
(Kathryn Watson. Democrats are losing Latino men. Ruben Gallego has advice on winning them back. CBS News. November 12, 2024.)