Collins Dictionaryの2024年のWord of the Yearを昨日取り上げましたが、候補に残った単語の中で興味深いものをいくつかピックアップしてみたいと思います。
そのひとつが、"brainrot"という単語です。文字通りには、脳(brain)が腐る、朽ちる(rot)、とおう意味になります。Collins Dictionaryの定義は以下のようになっています。
1. an inability to think clearly caused by excessive consumption of low-quality online content
2. material, esp on the internet, that is not intellectually stimulating
A lighter touch of brain rot might be to say that someone had a brain fart, or more politely that they are occupied with brain fog. Those are lighter due to being considered temporary. You are momentarily immersed in brain fog. Just like the fog that shrouds the mountains or bridges, fog soon dissipates and disappears. If you suffer from a bout of brain fog, no worries, the odds are it will pass along, and your thinking processes will still be intact.
Not so with brain rot.
Brain rot is assumed to be a decay that has a relatively permanent reductive capacity. You are losing the capacity to think. Step by step, your mind is being eroded. There is not much you can do once your brain-rot has reached a deeper threshold. Your mind is presumably a goner.
(Lance Eliot. Generative AI And Brain Rot. Forbes. June 18, 2024.)
なお、スペルについては、"brainrot"と1語の場合、また"brain rot"と2語に分けて書く場合、さらにハイフンで繋げた"brain-rot"の場合、などいくつかバリエーションがあるようです。
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