


今年ももうそんな時期か・・・、と思うこの頃です。Collins DictionaryによるWord of the Yearが先日発表されました。

大手の辞書サイトが年末にかけて発表するWord of the Yearを毎年ウォッチしています。




Collins Dictionary declared "brat" — the album title that became a summer-living ideal — its 2024 word of the year.

The word, used by singer Charli XCX as the title of her sixth studio album, has been defined as "characterized by a confident, independent, and hedonistic attitude."

Collins lexicographers said on Friday that in the phrase "brat summer," it became "one of the most talked about words of 2024."

"More than a hugely successful album, 'brat' is a cultural phenomenon that has resonated with people globally, and 'brat summer' established itself as an aesthetic and a way of life," the dictionary said.
(Collins Dictionary's 2024 word of the year is "brat." Here are the 9 others that were finalists. CBS News. November 1, 2024.)


"brat summer"というフレーズが特に流行ったそうですが、この流行語の時流に乗ったのは刹那的な若者に留まりません。


Kamala Harris has overhauled her campaign's online presence by embracing a social media trend inspired by pop star Charli XCX's Brat album cover.


By Monday morning, Ms Harris had seized on Charli's backing - with the account sporting a new lime green photo in the style of the Brat album cover.


Charli told the BBC's Sidetracked podcast that brat is a concept that represents a person who might have "a pack of cigs, a Bic lighter and a strappy white top with no bra".

It has been deemed by some pop critics as a rejection of the "clean girl" aesthetic popularised on TikTok, which spurned a groomed ideal of femininity, and instead embraces more hedonistic and rebellious attitudes.
(Lucy Clarke-Billings. What is Kamala Harris's 'brat' rebrand all about? BBC News. July 22, 2024.)




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