

知恵袋 ― pearls of wisdom


京都大学などの二次試験で試験問題が”流出”したというニュースがトップニュースです。尖閣ビデオの舞台はYouTubeでしたが、今回はYahoo! Japanの知恵袋。

ところで、知恵袋のことを英語で、"pearls of wisdom"というのをご存知でしたか?宝飾品としての真珠(pearl)は素晴らしいものに決まっていますが、そうした”素晴らしいもの”を集めたはずのサイトが不正利用されたことは関係者にとって衝撃に違いありません。

OSAKA (Kyodo) The education ministry is trying to find a suspected entrance exam cheat who is apparently making use of a question-and-answer site on the Internet while the tests are in progress.

The alleged cheater, who used the online name "aicezuki," is believed to have posted questions from various tests on Yahoo! Japan's "chiebukuro" (pearls of wisdom) site by mobile phone while taking the entrance exams for Doshisha, Rikkyo and Waseda universities.

The education ministry on Sunday asked the universities involved to look into the matter and report back.
(Entrance exam cheats go online. The Japan Times. February 28, 2011.)

日本のマスコミ各社が英字新聞でも本件を報道していますが、ヤフーの知恵袋をわざわざ"pearls of wisdom"と紹介しているのは今日の午前の時点で確認したところでは、Japan Timesだけでした。多くは、"a question-and answer site"と紹介しています。

ちなみに、朝日新聞では、"knowlegdge bag"としていました。いかにも日本語をそのまま英単語に置き換えたような表現です。"pearls of wisdom"は慣用例として定着していますが、"knowledge bag"という表現は慣用としての定着度は疑問符が付きます。

ひょっとしてYahoo.comなどで同様のサービスが"pearls of wisdom"という名称で提供されているのかと思って見てみましたが、そうではなさそうです。



変わった複数形(5) ― stigmata


単数形は、"stigma"で、色々な意味があります。よく使われるのは、"social stigma"という表現です。”不名誉、不面目”という意味です。

WHILE WEIGHT LOSS potions and gizmos have been in existence since the 1800s, the modern day weight loss business has ballooned into a multi-billion-dollar industry. It is impacting individuals' health negatively, promoting social stigma and discrimination against fat people, and generating unconscionable conflicts of interest among public health policymakers.
(Sally Smith. The great diet deception. USA Today Magazine. 1995.)


First characterized by Gorlin and Goltz in 1960, (n5) the syndrome is an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by the occurrence of numerous basal cell carcinomas in childhood, keratocysts of the jaw, ectopic calcifications, palmar and plantar pits, various other neoplasms, and other stigmata of maldevelopment.
(Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome and fetal rhabdomyoma: A case study. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 2004.)


変わった複数形(4) ― stamina



Masculine Latin nouns can be equally problematic, though. Who has not wondered about whether to write plural locus as loci (would it be pretentious)? The thing there is that not all words that end in “–us” are of Latin origin, and so not all are pluralized as “–i.” 

Octopus, for example, is from Greek and so should always be pluralized as octopuses. And you would never write hiati as a plural for hiatus, or viri as plural for virus. It makes no sense, but that’s English for you. 

And ignoramus is not a Latin noun at all, but a verb (meaning “we do not know”), so it would make no sense to try to Latinize its plural in English. 

My dad used to fume about agenda used as a singular – he would insist it’s plural – but even Fowler says to stop worrying about that. The important thing to remember is that we are speaking English, not Latin.

Stamina is even more confusing – in Latin it’s the plural of stamen, a word we now use for a part of a plant. The two words have nothing to do with each other in English now, so don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t count staminas anyway.
(Russel Smith. At the risk of sounding archaic, I still think that media is plural. The Globe and Mail. October 29, 2010.)


変わった複数形(3) ― dice



"dice"は複数形ですが(2個セットで使うから、というのがその理由で、"pants"や"trousers"などと同じように、"a pair of dice"と表現するようです)、単数形は、"die"です。


さて、"The die is cast."という有名なカエサルの言葉がありますが、この場合の"the die"は”賽(さい)”と訳されることが多く、つまりサイコロのことです。ここは単数形ですから、通常2つがセットのサイコロではなく、1個のサイコロが投げられた、と解釈すべき!?でしょうか。

Dice rolling applications are abound for smartphones. Apparently there are still people playing Dungeons and Dragons, and they've at least learned that if they want to carry their dice around with them, the dice might as well not rattle loudly in their robes. These applications range from the simple shake the phone and get the result, to the complex. Some include different types of dice, including 20 and 100 sided die. Cost: 99 cents to $2.99 in the iTunes store, free in the Android market. And no, you already sold your dignity for a +1 frost sword in the Temple of Elemental Evil.
(Taylor Grin. Oddest smartphone apps. Dixie Sun. February 21, 2011.)


Oxford Dictionaryによれば、

In modern standard English, the singular die (rather than dice) is uncommon. Dice is used for both the singular and the plural



変わった複数形(2) ― virtuosi




On Feb. 26, Hamilton will mark the 200th anniversary of Liszt’s birth with a solo piano recital titled “Liszt and His Contemporaries: A Pianistic Panorama.”

Sponsored by Washington University’s Department of Music in Arts & Sciences, the program will include works by Liszt as well as by Charles Valentin Alkan (1813-88), a friend of the composer and among the most celebrated pianists of his day; and by Liszt’s longtime rival, the composer and virtuoso Sigismond Thalberg (1812-71).

“Kenneth Hamilton’s recital offers a rare opportunity to hear music composed by three of the most renowned piano virtuosi of the nineteenth century,” says Dolores Pesce, professor and chair of music, who has written extensively on Liszt’s life and music.
(Liam Otten. Scottish pianist Kenneth Hamilton Feb. 26. Newsroom, Washington University in St. Louis. February 21, 2011.)







The voting is done and Toyota just made it official: Prii is the plural of Prius.

For the past month or so, Prius has sponsored a promotion in which anyone could vote online as to what they thought the plural of Prius should be. It was intended to hype the new additions to the line that showcases the nation's best-selling hybrid.
(Chris Woodyard. Voters decide Toyota Prii is now official plural for Prius. USA Today. February 20, 2011.)



alumnus → alumni (同窓生)
cactus → cacti (サボテン; ただし、複数形としては、cactuses、cactus(無変化)もあり)





植え付ける ― inculcate


According to a recent study, those children who eat a lot of junk food and processed canned foods may have a lower IQ level. Those kids who are given processed and canned foods in their early age are likely to develop disorders later.


Processed foods are sure a way to save time; in this busy life and times. It is essential though, to look at what is best for the child. You don’t want your child to suffer because you did not feed them well.


It is necessary to inculcate good habits in the child and make them aware of the benefits of a healthy and natural diet.
(Neeraj Sahane. Kids, Eat Healthy To Become Bright! TopNews New Zeeland. February 14, 2011.)



"head shop"って、何を売ってるの?

"head shop"という聞き慣れない単語に出くわしました。ひょっとしたら”その筋の方”には常識なのかもしれませんが・・・。

New York (CNN) -- The "bath salts" arrive in quarter-size plastic containers showing a sun lingering over a blue horizon and the promise "to energize your mind, body & soul."

These are not actually bath salts -- they're dangerous synthetic stimulants that look like cocaine, with similar effects.

When inhaled or ingested, the white powder can cause paranoia, hallucinations, convulsions and psychotic episodes.


Sold at tobacco shops, gas stations, and head shops, the drug can also be bought on the internet.

"With drugs like these, there's no back street alleyway where you're meeting your drug dealer," says Boggs. "You googled your drug dealer and got it delivered to your own home with a credit card."
(Deb Feyerick. Drugs sold as bath salts easy to buy. CNN. February 16, 2011.)

アメリカで"bath salt"(浴用塩)なるものが人気らしいのですが、実はこれが麻薬まがいのものらしく、濫用により死に至ることもあるということで、当局が規制に取り掛かろうとしているそうです。

さて、"head shop"ですが、American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、

n. Slang. A specialty shop that sells paraphernalia for use with illegal drugs.


なぜ、"head" shopなのかということが次に疑問ですが、"head"という名詞に”麻薬常習者”というスラングとしての意味があるようです。


こってりと・・・ ― grill







NEW DELHI — India's under-fire prime minister Manmohan Singh is to face senior editors on Wednesday in a rare live televised interview as he seeks to bounce back from months of pressure over a series of scandals.

The premier, battling to retain his reputation as the "Mr Clean" of politics, is likely to be grilled over recent corruption cases that have put his government on the back foot.
(Indian PM to face media grilling. AFP. February 15, 2011.)






イギリス発: 身障者マーク濫用に遂にメス ― blue badge

"blue badge"とは身体障害者マークのことを指します。車椅子に座る人を表したブルーを地とするマークは国際標準です。



Disabled groups are welcoming a government crackdown on the widespread abuse of the "blue badge" parking scheme in England.

There are an estimated 2.5 million badges in circulation, allowing drivers to park on yellow lines as well as avoid parking and congestion charges.

The changes will see local authorities gain more powers to seize badges they think are being misused.

And tests for eligibility will be run by councils rather than GPs.

The scheme was introduced in the early 1970s but in recent years, concerns have grown that many of the badges are being used by people who are not disabled.

Now the Department of Transport says new badges will be printed with anti-fraud holograms.
(New blue badge disabled parking crackdown in England. BBC News. February 14, 2011.)


記事を参照してみますと、いわゆる"blue badge holder"(身障者マークの保持者)は、駐車場における優先スペースの利用だけでなく、駐車料金そのものの割引や免除、渋滞に伴う課金(congestion charges)の免除などが認められているようで、日本とは運用が若干異なるようです。



やけどするような ― scalding



Caution: hot!


中には、"extremely hot"という表現もあります。(日本のショップでも英語の警告だったか、日英併記だったか、ちょっと思い出せないでいますが、"hot"という単語であれば義務教育で習う英語レベル!?でしょうか。)

さて、"hot"よりも、"extremely hot"よりもさらに強い表現、"scalding"が今日の単語です。

Remember the 1994 "hot coffee lawsuit" in which a jury awarded an elderly New Mexico woman nearly $3 million (later appealed and settled for an undisclosed sum) because she was injured by a cup of java at a local McDonald's?

Enter the "hot nacho cheese lawsuit."

A Chula Vista. Calif. couple filed suit against Walt Disney Parks and Resorts this week, claiming their 4-year-old son received severe burns during dinner at Orlando's Magic Kingdom last March. According to the family's San Diego-based attorney, Sean Cahill, Isaiah Harris was injured at Cosmic Ray's Starlite Cafe when a paper cup of scalding nacho cheese splashed on his face after he'd grabbed a food tray to keep from falling out of an unsteady chair. The suit claims the child suffered "permanent scarring, pain and suffering" as a result of the burns, and his parents, Michael and Maria Harris, suffered "serious emotional distress."
(Laura Bly. Parents sue over son's hot nacho cheese injury at Disney World. USA Today. February 11, 2011.)





米国カード事情: ZIPコード収集は”違法” ― end-run



(CNN) -- California's high court ruled Thursday that retailers don't have the right to ask customers for their ZIP code while completing credit card transactions, saying that doing so violates a cardholders' right to protect his or her personal information.

Many retailers in California and nationwide now ask people to give their ZIP code, punching in that information and recording it. Yet California Supreme Court's seven justices unanimously determined that this practice goes too far.


While a ZIP code isn't a full address, the court's judgment states that asking for it -- and piecing that 5-digit number together with other information, like a cardholder's name -- "would permit retailers to obtain indirectly what that are clearly prohibited from obtaining directly, (therefore) 'end-running'" the intent of California state laws.
(Greg Botelho. California high court: Retailers can't request cardholders' ZIP code. CNN. February 10, 2011.)


私は、いわゆる”法の抜け穴”を突く行為ではないかと解釈しましたが、そのような訳語を載せている辞書は見当たりません。American Heritage Dictionaryの定義では、

Informal. A maneuver in which impediments are bypassed, often by deceit or trickery




渋々支払います ― fork over



US Airwaysが手荷物料金を引き上げたというニュースです。

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- US Airways (LCC, Fortune 500) is increasing fees on a variety of overweight and oversized luggage sizes, a spokeswoman for the airline said Wednesday.

For overweight bags that weigh between 50 and 70 pounds, the price will jump from $50 to $90. For supersized bags that weigh in excess of 70 pounds, customers will have to fork over $175, up from the previous price of $100.
(Charles Riley. US Airways hikes baggage fees. CNN. February 9, 2011.)


"fork out"という場合もあるようです。


ジャンクフードはIQに悪影響、避けるべきはSoFAs ― ところでSoFAsって何?


Last week the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health published a study showing a link between eating processed food and lower IQ scores in British children. The University of Bristol study looked at the diets of kids in their first three years and their IQ by age 8 and found that a "high fat, sugar and processed food" diet showed associations with "reductions in IQ in later childhood" while a healthy diet was associated with a higher IQ.

And while the U.S. Department of Agriculture chose to be diplomatic/unhelpful by not outright naming foods to avoid in its new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (also released last week), it did advise reducing the SoFAs in your diet.
(Monica Eng. Processed foods get knocked in new reports. Chicago Tribune. February 8, 2011.)

上記引用記事では、"processed food"となっていますが、他紙では"junk food"などとも表現されています。


This doesn't mean that you're off the hook if you've stopped eating furniture. Instead it stands for saturated fats and added sugars, which the department believes are of particular concern when it comes to obesity--and even worse when combined with refined flours.

SoFAs = saturated fats and added sugars


"saturated fats"ではなく、"solid fat"としている場合もあるようですが、意味的には同じと思われます。


個人的には、"SoF"(=Solid Fat)と"AS"(=Added Sugar)ということであればぴったりくるのですが、こだわるような話でもないかも知れませんね。


アメリカ発: 最近の学生は飲まないらしい ― teetotal



英和辞書では”絶対禁酒”などと訳されています。American Heritage Dictionaryでは、

adj. 1. Of, relating to, or practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

とあります。"abstinence"という単語は、動詞"abstain"(控える、自制する)の名詞形です。"abstinence"だけですと、少しはたしなむ、とも解釈できますが、"teetotal"が”絶対禁酒”なのは、"total abstinence"という表現に由来しているようです。

また、"teetotal"の"tee-"は、"total abstinence"の"total"(絶対的な、完全な)の頭文字である”T”を敢えて強調する意味で付け加わった、という説が有力なようです。

The tough economy appears to be having a sobering effect — literally — on incoming college freshmen. Some new surveys of high school students suggest increasing numbers are beginning college as teetotalers.

Outside the Classroom, an organization that provides alcohol education training at colleges, finds that since 2006, the percentage of incoming freshmen who abstain from alcohol has jumped from 38% to 62%.

"It's a demographic trend among students," CEO Brandon Busteed says. His organization surveys about a third of freshmen entering four-year universities and colleges each year.
Why the number of teetotaling 18-year-olds is up isn't clear. Busteed says the economy is a big reason. Students "are taking (college) more seriously because they realize it's their future," he says.
(Elizabeth Weise. Polls: Young non-drinkers up in down economy. USA Today. February 8, 2011.)


"go south"の意味?

"go south"というフレーズをご存知でしょうか?私は過去に聞いた(あるいは何かのテキストで見た)ことがあるようにも思うのですが、記憶が定かでありません。コンテクストでは何となく意味するところは分かります。例えば以下の記事です。

Ms. Riley-Grant, who is 35 and director of global consumer marketing for the Dockers brand, has felt the stress of trying to stay constantly connected — not because of pressure from her bosses, she says, but her own fear.

“I love my job,” she says. “The decision to plug in or unplug is a personal one. My job is fast-paced and demanding. If I’m not paying attention during the off-hours, things could go south.”
(Mickey Meece. Who’s the Boss, You or Your Gadget? The New York Times. February 5, 2011.)


IT技術が進歩して、携帯電話やモバイルPCは勿論、Blackberryやらその他便利な機器やネットワークの進歩やらで、会社に行かなくても仕事ができるようになってきましたが、利便性を高める技術は逆に人々をより仕事へと駆り立てているような傾向があるようにも思われます。どこででも仕事ができるということは、仕事とそうでない時の区別がつきにくくなったということです。上記記事中でも、“that home has invaded work and work has invaded home and the boundary is likely never to be restored,”とあるように、休みの日も会社のメールが飛び交っていたり、旅行先にも会社のPCを持っていったりして仕事なのか休みなのか分からない状況を体験した人も多いのではないでしょうか。


さて、"go south"ですが、文脈から、“(物事が)良くない方向へ向かう”という程度の意味であることは想像がつくでしょう。







スマートフォン使い過ぎでシワが増える!? ― scrunch



スマートフォンの使い過ぎで眉間のシワが増える、という報告があります。あのファッション雑誌Marie Claireからですよ。

With the rise of the smartphone, women are spending more time than ever squinting at their screens, creating an area of tension around and between the brows from scrunching up the face.

Celebrity surgeon Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh, whose clients include Cindy Crawford, says: ‘The phenomenon can be seen on anyone who has, and regularly checks, a Blackberry or iPhone.’


Smartphone-related wrinkles are the latest condition that doctors attribute to overuse of technology, but Dr Sebagh says the problem is easily rectified with a bit of light Botox.
(Hannah Thomas. BEWARE OF THE BLACKBERRY SQUINT. Marrieclaire.co.uk. February 3, 2011.)




八百長 ― match-fixing


TOKYO—The governing body of Japan's ancient sport of sumo is investigating claims that as many as 13 wrestlers fixed matches, in one of the most-damaging allegations yet to rock the sport.

If confirmed, it would mark the first time that bout-fixing allegations —which have been around for decades—have been proved. The newest revelations come as the sport faces a crisis of confidence. In a gambling scandal last year, more than 60 wrestlers admitted to illegally gambling on baseball and card games, with the involvement, according to media reports, by the Japanese mafia.

On Thursday, Japan's sports minister relayed to a parliamentary panel that he was told by Japan Sumo Association Chairman Hanaregoma that three wrestlers have admitted to involvement in match-fixing.
(Mariko Sanchanta. Match-Fixing Claims Hit Sumo Wrestlers. The Wall Street Journal. February 3, 2011.)






という意味があります。American Heritage Dictionaryによると、

To influence the outcome or actions of by improper or unlawful means



グーグル・アート・プロジェクトでストリートビューも名誉挽回か? ― game changer


Google Art Project(私もアクセスしてみました)と呼ばれる、世界の名だたる美術館に所蔵される名画の数々をオンラインで、あたかも美術館のフロアを歩いているように体験することのできるこのプロジェクトは、ストリートビューの不評をも覆すことになるのでしょうか?(以下の引用記事の全文はこちら。)

LONDON (Reuters) - Google aims to bring the world's great art galleries into the home with a new website that offers virtual tours using Street View technology, the ability to build private collections and ultra-high resolution images.

While most big galleries have been busy making their works accessible online for years, experts told a launch at London's Tate Britain gallery on Tuesday that Google's site was looking to take the online art experience to a new level.

"It could be the game changer," said Julian Raby of the Freer Gallery of Art, part of the Smithsonian in Washington DC, which is one of 17 galleries taking part in the project.

Nelson Mattos, VP Engineering at Google, said the Art Project site (www.googleartproject.com) would allow children from Latin America, India and Africa, who were unlikely to see the originals, to come close to the experience on the internet.
(Google touts "game changer" in online art viewing. Reuters. February 1, 2011.)

今日の単語、"game changer"ですが、比較的最近(ここ4~5年くらい)の表現と思われます。”試合の流れを変えるような”もの、人(選手)、という意味で使われますが、人物であれ、技術であれ、製品であれ、既存のものから突出している、つまり革新的なもの、という意味です。(あるいは、革新的というようなものではなくとも、従来の流れを完全に変えてしまうようなものや現象について言うこともあるようです。)

今やスマートフォンと言えばiPhoneというくらい浸透していますが、当時は"game changer"と受け止められたようです。

Three years ago, the technology world came to a standstill as Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone, a game changer that remade the already fast-growing smart phone market.
(Ryan Kim. Apple's tall order may be making tablets viable. San Francisco Chronicle. 2010.)


ギプス ― plaster







A battery-powered ‘plaster’ that delivers medication through the skin is the latest ­treatment to combat crippling migraines.

The device, which could be available later this year, uses an electrical current to propel drugs directly into the bloodstream.

This will help the thousands of migraine sufferers who experience side-effects, such as nausea, with oral medications.
(Roger Dobson. Electric plaster that will stop your migraine pain. The Daily Mail. February 1, 2011.)