

"Heads I win, tails you lose"



アメリカではどうかというと、トランプ政権はPaycheck Protection Programなる、総額5000億ドル超という資金援助を可能にする法案を可決しました。

その支援策は当然、Small business、つまり、中小、零細企業に行き渡るものと誰もが思うところ、現実はそうではないようです。

Never let a good crisis go to waste: as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the world, America’s 1% have taken profitable advantage of the old saying.

Some of the richest people in the US have been at the front of the queue as the government has handed out trillions of dollars to prop up an economy it shuttered amid the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the billionaire class has added $308bn to its wealth in four weeks - even as a record 26 million people lost their jobs.

According to a new report from the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive thinktank, between 18 March and 22 April the wealth of America’s plutocrats grew 10.5%. After the last recession, it took over two years for total billionaire wealth to get back to the levels they enjoyed in 2007.

Eight of those billionaires have seen their net worth surge by over $1bn each, including the Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos, and his ex-wife MacKenzie Bezos; Eric Yuan, founder of Zoom; the former Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer; and Elon Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX technocrat.
('Heads we win, tails you lose': how America's rich have turned pandemic into profit. The Guardian. April 26, 2020.)

引用した記事によりますと、Small business援助のための財源であるはずが、現実には富豪や大企業がその恩恵を受けていると言います。


“Heads we win, tails you lose,” said Chuck Collins, director of the program on inequality and the common good at the Institute for Policy Studies and co-author of the new report.

Collins said the pandemic had further exposed fault lines in the US body politic that have been widening the gap between the really rich and the rest over decades.

“The rules of the economy have been tipped in favor of asset owners against everyone else,” said Collins.


“Heads we win, tails you lose”


記事のタイトルでも使われているこの表現、"the old saying"ということで、ほぼ諺(ことわざ)ということになりますが、実のところ初めてお目にかかりました。

勿論、"heads or tails"は、コインを投げて裏か表か、を賭ける時の常套句として知っていたのですが、諺の表現をよくよく読んでみると、表が出たら私(我々)の勝ち(Heads we win)、裏が出たら「あなたの負け」(tails you lose)、で実におかしな話です。(平等ならば、裏が出たら「あなたの勝ち」のはずでしょう?)




改めて、“Heads we win, tails you lose”を読んでみて、「俺のものは俺の物、お前のものも俺の物」という、あのジャイアンのセリフを思い出すのでした。

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  1. 蘭です。
