

mug shot


American Heritage Dictionary of English Languageによれば、"mug"とはいわゆるマグカップのことで、Scandinavian originだそうです。スカンジナビアのマグカップには仰々しい人の顔のデコレーションが典型的だったのでしょうか、そこから転じて、"mug"は人の顔、顔貌を表す名詞にも使われ始めたようです。


Hundreds of officers in cruisers and helicopters swarmed the area in the search of the suspect, identified as 33-year-old Brian Nichols. He had been on trial for rape, burglary and other charges stemming from an August incident involving an ex-girlfriend. The rampage led to chaos around the city, with schools, restaurants and office buildings locking down amid fears that the suspect might strike again. Nichols' mug shot was plastered all over TV screens, and highway message boards issued descriptions of the stolen vehicle. (Associated Press. 2005)

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