

iPhone充電器で感電リスク ― prong



When Wiley Day fell asleep on March 22, his iPhone was not far away. Like so many others, he had grown used to keeping his phone with him in bed, via an extension cord, as it charged overnight.

The 32-year-old Huntsville, Ala., man would soon regret that habit.

The next morning, Day woke up and rolled over. As he did so, a dog-tag necklace that he was wearing happened to catch on the exposed prongs of the charger head, which had come loose from the extension cord.

The metal chain suddenly became a conductor for the electricity — and it traveled straight to Day's neck.
(Amy B Wang. A man fell asleep with his iPhone charging in bed. It nearly electrocuted him. The Washington Post. April 1, 2017.)


さて、"prong (of charger head)"という部分が出てくるのですが、"prong"を辞書で引くと、




被害男性のベッドと充電器位置の関係など詳細は分かりませんが、ネックレスが"the exposed prongs of the charger head"と接触したということですから、電源プラグから外れかかったところに運悪くネックレスが触れたのかもしれませんが、"which had come loose from the extension cord"と補足があることからすると、延長ケーブルから外れたコネクタ部分のことを指している可能性もあります。

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