

hold down


The latest bad but unsurprising news on education is that reading and writing scores on the SAT have once again declined. The language competence of our high schoolers fell steeply in the 1970s and has never recovered.

This is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal score of 17-year-olds. This score correlates with the ability to learn new things readily, to communicate with others and to hold down a job. It also predicts future income.
(ED Hirsch Jr. How to stop the drop in verbal scores. The New York Times. September 18, 2011.)

いわゆる学力テストの結果が嘆かわしいという話で、日本でも聞いたことのあるような話ですが、ここではアメリカ(記事では、Charlottesville, Va.となっていますのでバージニア州限定の話でしょうか)でのSAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)の読解力と文章作成能力のスコアが問題になっています。

この記事の2段落目にある、"hold down a job"という表現に着目したのですが、意味を調べてみると、



引用した記事の当該部分を解釈してみると、読解力や文章作成能力は仕事を続けていくために重要である、という解釈になると思われます。もう1つの解釈としては、”仕事を得る”という読み方で、この場合は"get a job"のような表現が思いつくのですが、"hold down"というフレーズを使っているのには単に一時的に仕事の口にありつくというよりは、継続的に働いていくことを強調したいのだろうと思われます。


A new tool that is being used on a limited basis to reduce jail costs is letting a select few regional jail inmates hold down jobs while serving their time. Part of his or her wage is taken to pay for the jail bill as well as other items like child support if is it is owed. This program not only reduces the jail costs, but officials hope it will help the individual reintegrate with society when they have served their time.
(Associated Press. 2007.)



Now he drives his 5-year-old daughter to school at 8 a.m., picks her up at 11, drops her at after-care, and picks her up again at 5 p.m. His work group schedules meetings around those commitments, without complaint. With three-quarters of married couples both holding down jobs, it's no longer feasible to expect one partner to shoulder the load at home. Between 1980 and 2000, the share of U.S. families with a sole male breadwinner declined to 25 percent from 42 percent, according to Paul Amato, a University of Pennsylvania sociology professor.
(Houston Chronicle. 2007.)


"hold"という動詞自体に、“維持する”という意味合いが強いので、"hold down"にもやはり同様の意味での解釈が妥当に思われます。

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