

電子たばこは無害か? ― vaping

電子たばこ(electronic cigarette; e-cig)なるものが発売されてからどれくらいになるのか、また普及率がどの程度なのか知りませんが、アメリカで旅客機のフライトでの電子たばこを禁止する動きがあるようです。

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Wednesday proposed banning the use of electronic cigarettes on airline flights, saying there is concern the smokeless cigarettes may be harmful.

"Airline passengers have rights, and this new rule would enhance passenger comfort and reduce any confusion surrounding the use of electronic cigarettes in flight," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement.

The ban would clarify an existing Transportation Department rule prohibiting smoking cigarettes or similar products on airline flights.


E-cigarettes, as they are popularly called, are designed to deliver nicotine or other substances to the smoker in the form of a vapor. They are powered by small lithium ion-batteries. Industry officials say there is no possible harm to the public from their use.

"Everybody knows that when you are smoking on an airplane that's an absolutely a no-no. But this is not smoking. This is vaping," said Ray Story, CEO of the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association.
(Joan Lowy. Ban proposed on electronic cigarettes on planes. Atlanta Journal Constitution. September 14, 2011.)



"But this is not smoking. This is vaping."とある個所ですが、"smoking"(煙を吐いている)のではない、"vaping"なのだ、ということで、コンテクスト的にも、またスペルからも"vapor"に関連していることは分かりますが、初めてみる単語ではないでしょうか?

ちなみに手元のランダムハウス英和辞書、American Heritage Dictionaryにはエントリはありません。



1 件のコメント:

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