

run in the family

"run in the family"という表現をご存知でしょうか?


Do Running Injuries Run in the Family?

If you give an identical training program to 10 different runners, you’ll get 10 different results—even if they all start from the same baseline and follow the training program faithfully. This idea of genetic variation in the response to training has been discussed a lot over the past few years, thanks in part to books like David Epstein’s The Sports Gene.
(Alex Hutchinson. Do Running Injuries Run in the Family? Runner's World. November 11, 2015.)

読んでいただくとわかると思いますが、"run in the family"とは、「遺伝する」という意味です。

ランニングでの怪我(傷害)の話題なのですが、"run in the family"とシャレでもないでしょうが、ケガをしやすい部位というのは遺伝性のものがあるのかもしれません。


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