

behind bars




全米のみならず日本でも大ヒットした映画「パルプフィクション」の脚本家が、刑務所に逆戻り、というニュースが目を引きました。飲酒運転での過失致死の容疑で有罪になったのですが、その後、恩赦の一種でしょうか、"furlough program"の恩恵にあずかっていたところを、ツイッターでの投稿があだとなって刑務所に戻ることになってしまったそうです。

Pulp Fiction co-screenwriter Roger Avary has been sent back to a secure jail after reportedly giving updates on his sentence on Twitter.

Avary, who was jailed for a year for killing a friend while drunk driving, had been on a furlough programme, allowing him to work outside jail.

But this has now been rescinded and he has been sent back to jail.

It was revealed he was not serving jail time after a blogger asked how he could send internet updates from behind bars.

The Los Angeles Times then found out he was on the work programme and that he had not actually spent a night in a conventional jail since he was sentenced in September.

The tweets purportedly written by Avary gave the impression of a grim life on the inside, sharing a cell with a "gangbanger", and using his inmate number 34.
(Writer Roger Avary sent to secure jail after tweets. BBC News. November 30, 2009.)


自前調達 ― brown bag



職場や学校での昼食を手製のお弁当で済ますことを、"brown bag lunch"ということはよく知られています。

アメリカのオフィスでは、比較的軽い内容のテーマについてお昼休みに開催するミーティングなどもっぱらで、"Bring your own brown bag lunch..."などという案内が出されています。そのようなミーティングに参加すると、ミーティング参加者各々、手弁当に限らず、カフェテリアでサラダボウルやサンドウィッチなど買ってきて参加しているのを発見します。勿論、自宅から複数のタッパーに野菜やらチリビーンズやら、色々なものを詰めて持ってきている人も多いです。

このような傾向を見ていますと、brown bagとは手製の弁当に限らないものと思われます。"brown"というのは要は、お店で買った商品を入れてくれる、あの茶色の紙袋のことのようです。思い起こせば、アメリカ生活では、テイクアウトメニューは決まって、あの典型的な茶色の袋に入れてくれたことを思い出します。


Near the Skidmore Fountain, Stephanie Jones, 9, in the blue coat, passes out brown bag dinners to the homeless, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009 while her father, Kwik Jones, behind his daughter wearing a black hat, carries a box filled with the bagged dinners. The passing out of the brown bag dinners is a tradition the two started five years ago and they, with the help of some of their friends, passed out 175 bags this year.
(Father and Daughter Hand Out Thanksgiving Dinners. The Oregonian. November 26, 2009.)

"brown bag"は持ち込み弁当を指す名詞といってよいと思いますが、バリエーションには、

brown bagger(手弁当派)
brown bagging(レストランを利用せず、食事を自前で準備する事)

などがあります。"brown bag"に入るのは食べ物に限らないので、アルコール類にも用いられるようで、オーストラリアなどでのBYO(Bring Your Own)と同じですが、自前でお酒を持ち込む場合にも"brown bag"が使われるようです。

つまりは、"brown bag"とは、例の一般的な茶色の紙袋のことであり、その心は自前で調達する行為のことを指すといって良いでしょう。


クリスマスシーズン到来! ― Black Friday

ブラック・フライデーなんて、何だかブラック・マンデー(Black Monday)みたいで、穏やかではありませんが、実はほとんどの人、特に米国人にとってはわくわくするような季節の到来を告げる、ほとんど記念日のようなもののようです。

Black Fridayとは、感謝祭、Thanksgiving Dayに続く金曜日のことを指します。主に米国で祝されるThanksgiving Dayですが、その日は11月の第4木曜日と言われています。その翌日の金曜日がBlack Fridayと称されるのですが、多くの人が木曜日の感謝祭に引っ掛けて翌日の金曜日も仕事を休んで連休とし、感謝祭を楽しんだ後は早々と1ヵ月後に控えるクリスマスムードになるようです。


私事ですが、5年ほど前に、ちょうど9月~11月末の3ヶ月くらいをフィラデルフィアで過ごす機会がありましたが、同僚が”Thanksgivingの終わりと共にChristmasまでのカウントダウンがスタートする”、と言っていたのを思い出します。(尤も、私はThanksgivingの木曜日に日本へ向けて出国してしまいましたので、Black Fridayを経験することはありませんでしたが・・・。)アメリカ人にとって、Thanksgiving Dayが終わったら、そのままChristmas準備のショッピングに突入!ということのようです。

Apple has confirmed that UK shoppers will enjoy discounted products across its whole range on Friday.

The sale coincides with 'Black Friday' in the United States, the day after Thanksgiving when stores traditionally slash prices and the Christmas shopping rush begins.
Apple customers received an email wishing them "Happy Friday". The message promised a special "one day shopping event" both in-store and online, and the illustration showed a pile of Apple products, including Mac laptops and computers, iPods, keyboards and an Apple TV, wrapped in a ribbon and bow.
(Apple's 'Black Friday' sale available in UK. Telegraph.co.uk. November 24, 2009.)


しかしながら、商売人にとっても、消費者にとってもウキウキするようなこのFridayがBlackと形容されるのはちょっと合点が行きません。疑問に思って調べていますと”Black Friday”という表現は1960年代にまで遡ることが分かりました。



テフロン首相? ― teflon

”鳩山 テフロン首相”という見出しが目を引きました。(11月25日付け産経新聞 9面)


早速、私もGoogle NewsでSingaporeの記事を検索しましたところ、(ストレーツ・タイムズ紙ではないのですが)同一と思われる記事にあたりました。インターネットの世界は本当に便利なものだと思いました。図書館でシンガポールのローカル紙を閲覧できるところなんて知りません。


Hatoyama: The Teflon PM

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, it seems, can do no wrong.

For weeks, he has been waffling over the issue of where to relocate the US Futenma air base, insisting he needs time to ponder the deal the previous Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) administration reached with Washington to move the base to another location in Okinawa.

The Japanese media predictably sniped at him, accusing him of ruining US-Japan ties. The public, however, thought differently.

A survey conducted by the Asahi Shimbun daily last weekend found that 54per cent of the public agreed with Hatoyama that the Futenma deal should be renegotiated.

When quizzed recently about some dubious accounting in his political funds, Hatoyama gave the lame excuse that his personal financial management was sloppy “because I was born into a well-off family”.

He was booed by some netizens. But the media surprisingly let that one go, coming as it did just before an avalanche of news about US President Barack Obama's visit to this region.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe remarked, perhaps in wonderment: “If it had been Mr Aso who had said that, it would have been instant (political) death.”
(The Malaysian Insider. November 23, 2009.)

"teflon"という単語の使い方が面白いと思いますが、ご存知のようにテフロンは商標です。American Heritage Dictionaryを見ますと、下記のように定義されています。

A trademark used for a waxy, opaque material, polytetrafluoroethylene, employed as a coating on cooking utensils and in industrial applications to prevent sticking.
(American Heritage Dictionary of English Language. Third Edition.)


This trademark often occurs in figurative contexts in print:

注目していただきたいのは、定義中の表現"to prevent sticking"という箇所です。つまり、テフロンの意義は”くっつかないこと”だと言っています。現実には、テフロンが用いられているフライパンでは、”焦げ付きにくさ”が売りのようです。




whistle stop


"whistle stop"(あるいは、ハイフンでつなげてwhistle-stop)とは、"whistle"が鳴る場合だけ電車が停車する駅のこと(あるいは、停車するからベルがなるのかわかりませんが)、またそこから発展して、選挙に出馬する候補者が、普段は立ち寄らないような街(恐らくは選挙区内の、あまり重要でない一部)に立ち寄る行為そのものを指すようです。

Government Transport Minister Lord Adonis visited Preston Station as part of a whistle stop tour of the 10 stations in need of an urgent upgrade.

After arriving on the 15:17 service from Manchester Victoria yesterday he was shown around the station, including the subway used to access different platforms.

He said: "Preston is a station with wonderful historic features in it.
(Minister on whistle-stop tour of city's rail station. Lancashire Evening Post. November 18, 2009.)





その音は、かならずしも心地良いものではないのでしょうか、blow the whistleという成句にしても、この"whistle-blower"にしても、俗語として、内部告発(する)、密告(する)、という意味があります。


Office Depot whistle-blower getting paid by competitors

Fort Myers resident and Office Depot whistle-blower David Sherwin is receiving money from competitors of his former company.


Sherwin said he was fired from his job as a senior Office Depot account manager after alleging the company was overcharging thousands of government agencies and nonprofit organizations across the country by hundreds of millions of dollars.

After being fired, Sherwin began a campaign of e-mails, faxes and telephone calls to hundreds of government agencies. Since his campaign began, four federal agencies, six state attorneys general and several state and local government auditors have launched investigations of the company’s government contracting practices.

Office Depot made no statements for this story and declined a request for an interview. However, in a late-October statement, the company called Sherwin’s motives into question.

“His negative campaign against Office Depot – which is often repeated by our competitors, who we believe are funding his efforts – is littered with misrepresentations, omissions and absurdities,” an e-mailed statement said.
(Naples News. November 22, 2009.)


オバマ米大統領来日演説から ― cow





For decades, North Korea has chosen a path of confrontation and provocation, including the pursuit of nuclear weapons. It should be clear where this path leads. We have tightened sanctions on Pyongyang. We have passed the most sweeping U.N. Security Council resolution to date to restrict their weapons of mass destruction activities. We will not be cowed by threats, and we will continue to send a clear message through our actions, and not just our words: North Korea's refusal to meet its international obligations will lead only to less security -- not more.



オバマ米大統領来日演説から ― boom and bust




boom and bust cycleといった形(あるいは、ハイフンでつなげられて、boom-bust cycle、もしくは、boom-and-bust cycleなどというパターンもあるようです)で用いられ、景気の波を意味します。

Now that we are on the brink of economic recovery, we must also ensure that it can be sustained. We simply cannot return to the same cycles of boom and bust that led to a global recession. We can't follow the same policies that led to such imbalanced growth.


オバマ米大統領来日演説から ― stake





I am a American President who was born in Hawaii and lived in Indonesia as a boy. My sister Maya was born in Jakarta, and later married a Chinese-Canadian. My mother spent nearly a decade working in the villages of Southeast Asia...


So the Pacific Rim has helped shape my view of the world.


And through all these changes, the fortunes of America and the Asia Pacific have become more closely linked than ever before.



So I want everyone to know, and I want everybody in America to know, that we have a stake in the future of this region, because what happens here has a direct effect on our lives at home. This is where we engage in much of our commerce and buy many of our goods. And this is where we can export more of our own products and create wider world, and where extremists who defile a great religion plan attacks on both our continents.

関わりが深いから、利害関係(a stake)があるという論旨だと思いますが、実はその関係とは、商業(commerce)や輸出(export more of our own products)といったコンテクストだと分かります。



オバマ米大統領来日演説から ― Horn of Africa


(the) Horn of Africa



In the half-century since, that alliance has endured as a foundation for our security and prosperity. It has helped us become the world's two largest economies, with Japan emerging as America's second-largest trading partner outside of North America. It has evolved as Japan has played a larger role on the world stage, and made important contributions to stability around the world -- from reconstruction in Iraq, to combating piracy off the Horn of Africa, to assistance for the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan -- most recently through its remarkable leadership in providing additional commitments to international development efforts there.


オバマ米大統領来日演説から ― matcha










It is wonderful to be back in Japan. Some of you may be aware that when I was a young boy, my mother brought me to Kamakura, where I looked up at that centuries-old symbol of peach and tranquility -- the great bronze Amida Buddha. And as a chile, I was more focused on the matcha ice cream.


And I want to thank Prime Minister Hatoyama for sharing some of those memories with more ice cream last night at dinner. Thank you very much.





Mike Tyson found himself in the back of a police car after getting into a scuffle with a photographer at Los Angeles International Airport, according to TMZ. Sources claim they saw blood on the floor near the United Airlines ticket counter where the scuffle took place. Police tell the site that both Tyson and the photographer performed citizen’s arrests on each other. A rep for the former heavyweight champion says he was just trying to protect his 10-month-old daughter from an overly aggressive paparazzo. Tyson was reportedly released on $20,000 US bail after being booked.
(Metro News Canada. November 12, 2009.)


"scuffle"の語源をたどると、古ノルド語(Old Norse)の"skufa"(to push)という語に遡るようです。



何と訳す? ― strike a nerve



"get on my nerves"(気に障る、癪に障る)、
"have the nerve to do"(ずうずうしくも~する)


"strike a nerve"ということで、やはり”神経に障る”のような意味合いかと思いきや、どうもそうではないようです。

U.S. health regulators, eyeing whether new rules are needed for Internet-delivered information on drugs and medical devices, will hear from companies and consumer groups at a two-day meeting that starts Thursday.

The Food and Drug Administration is gathering opinions on whether drug advertising on the Internet needs special oversight.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America industry group has already said it will urge the FDA to adopt a safety logo on Web content that would link to FDA-approved information about a drug or device. [ID:nN09273270]

The topic has struck a nerve. About 900 guests tried to register for the event, to be held in a meeting room in Washington D.C. that only fits 350 people.
(U.S. FDA seeks input on possible Internet rules. Reuters. November 12, 2009.)



To find out what frequent business travelers really think about food and fitness on the road, USA TODAY sent two-page questionnaires to more than 2,000 readers who responded to a USA TODAY query for Road Warriors. All fly more than 100,000 miles a year or stay in hotels more than 100 nights a year. We struck a nerve. We received more than 1,500 responses by mail and fax, although only 1,136 arrived in time to be counted.
(USA Today. 1992.)


ここで思い出すのは、"strike a chord"という同種の成句ですが、こちらは"strike a nerve"と異なり、載っていない辞書はまず無いと思われ、”琴線に触れる”などという訳語が典型的です。



fall into the wrong hands

fall into the enemy's handsという表現を聞いたことがあるかも知れません。”敵の手に落ちる”という日本語表現はまるで英語の逐語訳のようですが、英語と日本語の発想が非常に近い表現の一例でしょう。

敵の手(enemy's hands)が、悪の手、邪な者の手(wrong's hands)に置き換わっているだけですが、"hand"の前の修飾語が色々と変化することで、バリエーションのある表現です。


Free Wi-Fi while you're waiting for your flight? Sounds like a great way to save money, and kudos to Google for offering it at many U.S. airports during the holidays. Unfortunately, Google's generosity may also lure identity thieves and nefarious hackers to the nation's terminals to prey on clueless travelers.

Public hotspots, which by nature are open and unencrypted, are notoriously insecure. Information you transmit via laptop, smartphone, or gaming device may very well fall into the wrong hands. There are ways to stay safe, however. We asked Edgar Figueroa, executive director of industry trade group the Wi-Fi Alliance, for some hotspot safety tips.
(Google's Free Airport Wi-Fi: Five Ways to Protect Yourself. PC World. November 11, 2009.)



執行猶予 ― suspended sentence



Pop idol-turned-actress Noriko Sakai received an 18-month suspended sentence at the Tokyo District Court on Monday for possessing and using illegal drugs.
(The Yomiuri Shimbun Asia New Network. November 10, 2009.)

Japanese pop star Noriko Sakai was on Monday handed a suspended jail term of 18 months for illegal drug use in a case that sparked a media frenzy and had thousands gathering outside the court house.
(The China Post. November 10, 2009.)

Sakai given suspended term for drug possession, use
The local court sentenced the actress to 18 months in prison, suspended for three years, for possessing and taking illegal stimulant drugs last summer.
(Kyodo News. November 10, 2009.)








Ichihashi is arrested by Japanese police, the Foreign Office confirms. Local newspapers report he was held at the port in Osaka, possibly before attempting to board a ferry to Okinawa, a chain of islands at the southern tip of Japan.
(Lindsay Ann Hawker murder: timeline. Published 11:37 AM GMT November 10, 2009. Telegraph.co.uk.)

”GMT 11:37”ですから、日本のメディアの第一報とあまり大差ありませんが、フェリーの行き先がおそらく沖縄だったのでは、とあります。



セイケイ=整形 ― facelift



整形、いわゆる美容整形、顔の整形の標準的な英語表現は言う迄も無く、"plastic surgery"です。

A man resembling Tatsuya Ichihashi recently had plastic surgery in Japan, according to news reports. Mr Ichihashi escaped as police arrived at his Tokyo...
(BBC News. November 6, 2009.)


Lindsay Hawker murder suspect reported to have had face surgery
The man accused of killing Lindsay Hawker, the British woman murdered in Japan in March 2007, has undergone several rounds of cosmetic surgery in an attempt to transform his appearance, the Japanese media has reported.
(The Guardian. November 5, 2009.)

Facelift for Lindsay murder suspect
Images of the facelifted fugitive who allegedly killed Briton Lindsay Hawker have been released by Japanese police.
(The Press Association.)

These photos show portraits of Tatsuya Ichihashi, the man wanted in connection with the 2007 murder of British woman Lindsay Hawker. The photograph on the right, released by police on Nov. 5, 2009, was taken after he underwent cosmetic operations that significantly altered his appearance, while the photo on the left is the one released at the time the police put him on the wanted list in 2007.
(Kyodo News. November 5, 2009.)


天国、それとも地獄? ― in limbo



下記の引用は今日のGoogle News(オーストラリア版)からです。


Students left in limbo as colleges close

Nearly 3,000 students have been thrown out of their courses after the closure of another four private colleges in Sydney and Melbourne. It's claimed one of the Melbourne colleges recently passed a government audit.

The Brumby Government has promised to place the Year 12 students affected by the closures in government secondary schools and offer training students places in similar courses with other colleges as soon as possible.

Since July nine private colleges have closed in Victoria and more are expected to close in the months ahead. Alison Caldwell reports.
(ABC News. November 6, 2009.)


過去分詞の謎 ― spokesman










In the New Jersey and Virginia governor races, which Republicans won, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says voters were working through “very local issues that didn’t involve the president.”
(Reuters. November 4, 2009.)


御役御免 ― stand down


Qantas pilots forgot to lower wheels

QANTAS has stood down two pilots after a Boeing 767 landing in Sydney came within 700ft of the ground before the flight crew realised they had not lowered the plane's undercarriage.

The airline and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau have launched investigations into the October 26 incident. The pilots are due to be interviewed by authorities on Friday.

地上との距離が700フィート(約220メートル)を切ってから着陸準備が完全でないことに気がついたという、利用者側からすると空恐ろしいインシデントですが、いわゆる日本での“航空鉄道事故調査委員会”(正式名称かどうかは自信ありませんが)というやつでしょうか、Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)による正式な調査が始まったということのようです。

今日取り上げる単語(表現)ですが、人をある任務から降ろす場合に、"stand down"という表現があります。(私も今日の用例から初めて知りました。)

ではその逆、人をある任務に就ける場合に、"stand up"などというかとそうではなく、動詞standに、そのような意味(to perform the duty of)という意味があるということのようです。

"stand down"には、降ろす、という他動詞的な意味を窺うことができますが、"stand"が他動詞的に用いられている例はあまりお目にかかったことはなく、実例としては、御役御免としての"stand down"が優勢のように思われます。


記事では、その後、このようなアクシデントは非常にまれであり、カンタス航空は重大に受け止めている(...Qantas said yesterday that a crew failing to lower the undercarriage was extremely rare and it was taking the incident seriously...)、とあります。続いて、

"The incident was reported to the ATSB and the pilots were stood down. We are supporting the ATSB's investigation and our own investigations will determine what further action might be warranted."

とあり、"stand down"が再出するのですが、クビ(=懲戒免職)なのかどうかは、いまいち分かりません。



青が持つイメージ ― blue chip


blue chip(優良株)という単語についても、ブルーの持つイメージからなるほどという感じでしたが、英単語のblueにはどちらかというとポジティヴというよりも、ネガティヴなイメージの方が強いようで(お手元の英和辞典などをご参照ください)、blue chipのような表現はやや異端に思われます。

U.S. markets swung higher Monday morning with a rise in blue-chip stocks after Ford Motor Co. posted a $997 million profit in the third quarter.
(United Press International. November 2, 2009.)


この世はやはり年功序列か ― puny







puny body
puny effort
puny existence


For instance, the international exchange of money -- a miracle of information technologies -- is remarkably efficient, daily moving more than a trillion dollars' worth of money among countries. Yet, no one is in charge of the system that makes it happen. Recently, the puny efforts of governments to control monetary swings by buying and selling currencies have only demonstrated governments' incapacity to control them. If civilization is what's universal, culture is the substance and symbols of the community.
(H. Cleveland. The limits to cultural diversity. Futurist. 1995.)