

テレビの見過ぎで死期が早まる? ― park


According to the study conducted by a group of international researchers, anyone who devotes more than four hours daily on screen-based entertainment such as TV, video games or surfing the web, ups their risk of heart attack and stroke by 113 percent and the risk of death by any cause by nearly 50 percent compared to those who spend less than two hours daily in screen play -- and this is regardless of whether or not they also work out.
(Liz Neporent. Too Much Screen Time Means Health Decline. CNN. January 11, 2011.)


The researchers surveyed more than 4,500 Scottish adults to find out how much time they spent parked in front of a TV, computer or gaming screen when not at work.

"parked"という単語が出てくるのですが、これは自動車などを駐車するというような意味で用いられる動詞"park"の過去分詞形です。ここでは、駐車ではなく、ある場所に腰を据える、陣取るという意味で用いられています。"in front of TV"ということですから、テレビの前のソファにどかっと腰を下ろす様が思い浮かびます。


"Assuming that leisure-time screen time is a representative indicator of overall sitting, our results lend support to the idea that prolonged sitting is linked to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and premature mortality," notes the report's lead author, Emmanuel Stamatakis of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College in London.


"Doing some exercise every day may not compensate for the damage done during very long periods of screen time."


This study is the latest to build on a growing body of research that shows that we humans are not designed to park ourselves in front of a screen for extended periods of time without deleterious effects.



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