Online search giant Google has launched a new social networking website in its latest attempt to take on Facebook, which now claims more than 500m users.
Google+ allows individuals to share photos, messages and comments but also integrates the company's maps and images into the service.
It also aims to help users easily organise contacts within groups.
But some analysts say Google has simply reproduced features of Facebook while adding a video chat function.
(Google+ challenges Facebook in social network battle. BBC News. June 29, 2011.)
Google, which handles roughly two out of every three internet searches in the US, has taken several stabs at Facebook in recent years.
But its previous efforts ended in failure, with both Google Wave and Google Buzz proving unpopular with users.
上記引用で、”(Google) has taken stabs at Facebook...”という表現ですが、英和辞書を引くと、”stab”という名詞のエントリで、
勿論、仕掛けた、というような訳語が英和辞書に載っているわけではありませんので、これは個人的な意見です。”take a stab at...”という表現は、”...をちょっと試してみる”、とか、”...に挑戦する”という意味があくまでスタンダードです。
WHAT IS IT? Google is taking yet another stab at social networking with Google+. The service unveiled Tuesday aims to make online sharing more like real life. For example, it lets users share things with small groups of people, such as college buddies or coworkers.
(Summary Box: Google takes another stab at social networking with Google+. Associated Press. June 29, 2011.)
この用例では、”stab at”に続く目的語は”social networking”となっていますので、(これまでのSNSサービスの失敗例にも関わらず)”新たにSNSサービスを試みようとしている”という意味合いがしっくりきます。
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