

体は騙せません ― sweet tooth


They are the calorie-free way of having a sweet treat, but diet drinks could still make you fat, scientists have warned.

A ten-year study of almost 500 men and women linked low-calorie soft drinks with bulging waistlines – even when taken in small quantities.
(Fiona Macrae. Why guzzling diet drinks could make you FATTER - they can trigger the appetite. The Daily Mail. June 29, 2011.)



Professor Helen Hazuda, of the University of Texas’s health science centre, said diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may foster a sweet tooth, distort appetite and even damage key brain cells. As a result, treating them as healthy alternatives may be ‘ill advised’


The researchers said they think that artificial sweeteners may distort appetite, leaving us craving extra-sweet and unhealthy treats.

They may also damage brain cells involved in feelings of fullness, while the lack of real sugar could also stop us from feeling full.

ダイエットドリンクや人口甘味料はかえって、”foster sweet tooth”、だということですが、”sweet tooth”って何でしょう?


American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"A fondness or craving for sweets"とあり、"fondness"はいわゆる好み、嗜好ですが、"craving"はもっと強い意味で、”渇望”ということになり、上記の引用にもありますように、"leaving us craving extra sweet"ということになります。


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