

スタグフレーション ― stagflation



Economists use the term “stagflation” to describe an economy that experiences high inflation while its growth falters ― a paradoxical term, as inflation and economic growth are usually positively correlated. When it comes to China, the term is even more paradoxical as the country has been growing by leaps and bounds.

Statistics coming out of China recently confirm that the country may be heading to some sort of stagflation. Economic growth is slowing down, while inflation remains high. Last Saturday, The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) announced that nonmanufacturing sector slowed down sharply, with the non-service Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) dropped from 57.7 in October to 49.7 in November.
(Panos Mouroudoukoutas. China is heading for Stagflation. Forbes. December 4, 2011.)

中国経済はここ数年で飛躍的な成長("growing by leaps and bounds")を遂げてきました。日本はGDP(Gross Domestic Product; 国内総生産)で中国に抜かれてしまいましたが、中国経済も先行きが怪しいようです。

やはりこれからの時代は、GNH(Gross National Happiness; 国民総幸福量)重視ではないでしょうか!?

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