

あなたは楽観的? ― half-full glass



We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures. We watch our backs, weigh the odds, pack an umbrella. But both neuroscience and social science suggest that we are more optimistic than realistic. On average, we expect things to turn out better than they wind up being. People hugely underestimate their chances of getting divorced, losing their job or being diagnosed with cancer; expect their children to be extraordinarily gifted; envision themselves achieving more than their peers; and overestimate their likely life span (sometimes by 20 years or more).

The belief that the future will be much better than the past and present is known as the optimism bias. It abides in every race, region and socioeconomic bracket. Schoolchildren playing when-I-grow-up are rampant optimists, but so are grownups: a 2005 study found that adults over 60 are just as likely to see the glass half full as young adults.
(Tali Sharot. The Optimism Bias. Time. May 28, 2011.)



a 2005 study found that adults over 60 are just as likely to see the glass half full as young adults

とある部分ですが、若者も、60を超えたオトナ(いまどき60を超えたくらいで老人とも言わないと思いますので・・・)もそう思うという、"the glass half full"とは何を意味しているのでしょうか?

文字通りの解釈で、コップが半分満たされている状態、ということは分かります。これは逆の発想をすると、”コップの残りが半分しかない、半分は空である”(the glass half empty)ということになります。


The glass is half full.


full [empty]







KING: Do you miss...

RADZIWILL: Not being married?

KING: Yeah.

RADZIWILL Well, they each have their upsides.

KING: So you -- are you -- the glass is always half-full to you, right? You're a half-full glass person? I mean, you've known -- everything happens to you, you try to look for the better side of things. This is just a read.

RADZIWILL: Well, I just think that that's the best way to do it.
(CNN. 2001.)

ちょっと分かりにくいかもしれませんが、何となく話の展開はお分かりいただけると思います。興味深いのは、"half-full glass person"という部分です。後続の表現で、"try to look for the better side of things"とあります。要は物事の良い側面を常に見ようとする傾向、つまり楽観的なことを指している訳ですね。

コップにまだ半分残っている(the glass half-full)と考えるのは楽観、半分空だ(the glass half-empty)と考えるのは悲観、という訳です。


"My view of the City Opera is very positive," said Mr. Volpe. "If you look at opera companies in the United States, you see that the more companies there are, the better aware the public is, and that helps all companies. We know that many of our patrons go to the City Opera, and some of theirs come here. We don't see it as a problem." Miss Sills takes Mr. Volpe's observation a step further, offering the cheerful view that the half-empty glass is actually half full.
(Alan Kozinn. CLASSICAL MUSIC;City Opera Turns 50, But Who's Counting? The New York Times. 1993.)



The market is up 9% this year. Or is it?

For investors, there isn't an easy way of knowing for sure.

After Friday's drop, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index are 11% and 14% below their respective highs of Oct. 9, 2007.

Yet these numbers tell only part of the story. For most individual investors, getting a clear picture of where your portfolio stands isn't easy. The performance numbers cited above don't count dividends, which can influence returns significantly.
(Why We Can't Tell if the Market Is Half Empty or Half Full. The Wall Street Journal. July 9, 2011.)


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