

iPhoneを使った不遜な・・・ ー flash


There’s a new iPhone craze on the subway, and it’s not the latest Candy Crush update.

New York women have discovered that creepy men are using the iPhone AirDrop app to send them photos of their privates while on the same train.

Since more straphangers using the MTA are carrying advanced iPhones and awareness of the AirDrop app has increased, local straphangers have started noticing a troubling trend first reported in London in 2015.

Britta Carlson, 28, was riding the uptown 6 train to a concert on July 27 when a mysterious message popped up on her smartphone.

“iPhone 1 would like to share a note with you,” read the note sent at 6:51 p.m. She hit “Accept” and was horrified by what she saw. “It was just a huge close-up picture of a disgusting penis,” said Carlson, of Bushwick, Brooklyn. The message was titled “Straw” and was sent by an anonymous stranger.

“It really felt like someone had actually just flashed me.”
(Melkorka Licea. AirDropping penis pics is the latest horrifying subway trend. New York Post. August 12, 2017.)

引用したのはNew York Post紙の記事からですが、スマホの機能の悪用はアメリカでも同じらしく、地下鉄に乗り合わせた女性の乗客にいきなりイチモツの画像を送りつけるいたずらが横行しているそうです。


to expose one's breasts or genitals usually suddenly and briefly to
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)


日本で性器等の露出行為は公然わいせつの罪に問われますが、iPhoneのAir Dropを悪用した露出行為も同様の罪に問われるのでしょうか。迷惑防止条例違反でしょうか。

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