USB connections are prone to leaking data, according to a group of researchers from the University of Adelaide.
The researchers are presenting their finding at the USENIX Security Symposium in Canada.
“We have tested over 50 different computers and external hubs and found that over 90% of them suffer from a crosstalk leakage effect that allows malicious peripheral devices located off the communication path to capture and observe sensitive USB traffic,” states the abstract of their paper, USB Snooping Made Easy: Crosstalk Leakage Attacks on USB Hubs.
The researchers used a USB-connected novelty lamp to read key strokes from a USB keyboard plugged into an adjacent port using the voltage fluctuations of the port’s data lines. Data was sent to another computer via Bluetooth.
(Rohan Pearce. Researchers reveal crosstalk USB security threat. Computer World. August 10, 2017.)
その仕組みというのは"crosstalk leakage"というものを悪用したものだそうですが、"crosstalk"という単語を知りませんでしたので辞書を引くことに。
記事をお読みいただければ分かりますが、"crosstalk leakage"とは、USBキーボードなどを使った場合に漏れてくる微妙な電圧変化や電波のことで、USBキーボードとは別に取り付けられたUSBデバイスでこれらを捉えてキーストロークの情報を盗み取ったりすることができることが実験の結果確認されたそうです。
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