

couch potato


要は怠け者、という含意のある、侮蔑的な表現です。複数形は、couch potatoes です。


つまり、ある人を"couch potato"と形容することは、その人が”デブである”といっている、ということになります。


下記の実例では、同表現が2度現れますが、差異が微妙に思われます。最初に出てくるcouch potatoesは”いわゆるカウチポテト族”、あるいは”カウチポテト族的志向性を持つ人達”(太っているか否かに関わらず)を指しているかと思われますが、2番目に出てくるcouch potatoesは”カウチポテト族的志向性の結果何らかの健康上の問題を抱える人”(つまりはデブ?)のことを指してはいないでしょうか?

Even 44% of the fitness-savvy visitors to our Web site imagine exercise as longer, tougher, or more frequent than it needs to be, according to a recent poll. "These misconceptions keep people inactive," says Ross Andersen, PhD, associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, whose research focuses on developing new strategies to help sedentary adults adopt more active lifestyles. "If more couch potatoes knew how easy it is to start exercising, we'd have fewer couch potatoes. "Here are the surprising facts. No sweat necessary. You can lose fat, lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure, reduce back pain, alleviate constipation, and boost your energy without breaking a sweat. Accumulating 30 minutes a day of activities such as taking the stairs and walking around the field during your daughter's soccer practice can yield the same results as taking aerobics classes 3 days a week (and may be easier to stick with).
(Selene Yeager. Look Great, Feel Great--No Sweat. Prevention. 2001.)

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