

酒宴で酔いつぶれたおかげで命拾い!? ― booze


さて、weird newsの部類に入ると思いますが、つぶれるほど呑んだおかげで命拾いしたという、笑えるような、笑えないようなニュースです。

It’s a dog-bites-man story with a twist. Rockford, Mich. man Jerry Douthett’s dog, Kiko, likely saved his life when the dog bit off his owner’s toe.

Douthett had refused to go see a doctor about the toe which was infected for some time. Then, a few weekends ago, Douthett and his wife went out for a heavy night of drinking to celebrate his wife gaining her American citizenship.

The booze knocked him out enough that later that night his dog, Kiko, bit off the infected toe.

The incident did get Douthett to finally go to a doctor, where he later found out that he was a diabetic.


今日の単語"booze"は、酒のこと、またアルコール度数の強い酒(hard liquor)を指すようですが、呑めや歌えの酒宴を指す意味でよく使われるようです。


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