

コードネーム”ジェロニモ”に非難続出 ― cry foul



問題となったコードネームについては邦紙でも詳しく報じられていますが、極秘で進められた暗殺作戦では、コードネーム”ジェロニモ”が使われていたといいいます。軍事作戦が展開される様子はホワイトハウスのシチュエーションルーム(the Situation Room)に逐一報告され、目的完遂時、つまりターゲットであるビンラディンを射殺した時点で、

"Geronimo EKIA."


"We got him."


触れましたように、”Geronimo”はビンラディン氏を指し、”EKIA”は”Enemy killed in action”の略称(つまり戦闘中に殺害した)であるとされています。


Indian leaders cry foul over bin Laden 'Geronimo' nickname

WASHINGTON — The great-grandson of Geronimo is joining a growing chorus of American Indians outraged that the U.S. military used the name of the legendary Apache leader in connection with the recent operation to kill Osama bin Laden.

"Obviously, to equate Geronimo with Osama bin Laden is an unpardonable slander of Native America and its most famous leader in history," Harlyn Geronimo said in a statement to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

The panel met Thursday in a session scheduled weeks ago to discuss how racial stereotypes — mainly in the form of team mascots' nicknames — were offensive to Indians. But the issue quickly pivoted to the code name the military had given to the sponsor of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"This victory has otherwise united our country," Indian Affairs Chairman Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, said of bin Laden's killing. "It is unfortunate that this code name was chosen."
(Ledyard King. Indian leaders cry foul over bin Laden 'Geronimo' nickname. USA Today. May 5, 2011.)

今日の表現、"cry foul"は”非難する”という意味で使われています。"foul"は野球で言うファウルと同じですが、名詞で”反則”、”違反”という意味でも用いられます。


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